Scoop 6 - 22nd November

I'm delighted for those that won a few quid - well done.

Mostly though, I am relieved that the pot has finally been won because I am sick of all the hype and publicity that has surrounded the Scoop6 for 3 or 4 weeks now.

Members of the racing media seem determined to make us believe that the Scoop-f*cking-6 is more important than the racing itself and happily let it dominate coverage of what was a fascinating day's racing in its own right. I don't give a sh*t how many tickets are still running - can't we see the horses in the parade ring instead?

I have already posted on here my distaste for the way Scoop6 PR department swarms all over the winners like flies on a turd (present company excepted) and uses tacky publicity stunts to masquerade as human interest stories. Rory, Dom and Mounty, you are the new Agnes Haddocks. Congratulations.

Absolutely completely agree....I thought the same when the RP front page was all about it and not Kauto Star himself.

I realise that was probably tongue-in-cheek, but I am not at all bitter. I am genuinely pleased for those that won.

I am just sick to death of Scoop6 fever.
Purely tongue in cheek. I understand what you mean. Racing Post full of "informative" information on it all week. I'm glad to see the back of it myself.
I won't disagree. Creating some sort of Klondike Gold Rush isn't necessarily to the benefit of the sport, especially when the stars of that sport are obscured. Another gripe I have is that, despite winning I feel royally shafted by the Tote who have earned millions out of this by charging enormous take outs and reapplying those week on week to money which has already been so "taxed". Bring on the day when a genuinely fair pool operator can take over this shambles so all punters can benefit as a result.
I feel royally shafted by the Tote who have earned millions out of this by charging enormous take outs and reapplying those week on week to money which has already been so "taxed".

So you mean that Totepool take their cut out of money that has been carried-forward? Are you sure that this is the case? What a scam! No wonder they didn't want anyone to win it.
So you mean that Totepool take their cut out of money that has been carried-forward? Are you sure that this is the case? What a scam! No wonder they didn't want anyone to win it.

30% was taken from the total pool (a monkey short of five million, making the tote's cut of the win pool alone a massive 1.5 million on the day) before the dividend was declared, although I'm now thinking that the deduction isn't actually taken from unwon pots. I really should know this having worked for a Tote Direct operator, but my head's rather in a spin today.
The deduction only happens once ie there aren`t compound deductions if there are roll overs. If this were the case you could have a situation where the win fund could end up at zero despite it not being won if people decided not to play in rollowver weeks. Highly unlikley I agree but technically possible!

Rory how are things? I gather from reading this that you hit the target yesterday. What percentage of the winning ticket did you have? Have you explained your winning tactics to Pat yet? I`m sure he would be interested to listen. It could finally be your chance to prove that you do know best!

Best of luck for Newbury. Are you getting together with Harry and the other winners? You should be able to cover pretty much everything under 20s (assuming it`s the Hennessy) to guarantee the pot between you. Approx 50% on top of the win dividend virtually guaranteed if you back the outsiders as cover if everyone colludes.
According to my reading of the Tote website, the Win fund total was £4,999,416, although it's possible that first 9 was actually a 4 which would change the sums somewhat (I didn't claim to be sober). The Bonus fund was showing as £2.3 million yesterday but is reported today as being a carryover of less than £1.6 million. That certainly looks like being a deduction of 30% of the entire pot but I suppose one of those figures is misreported (hopefully the smaller one). You can see where I was coming from!!

Hi Fantus, nice to see you on here; I can assure you that Pat knows nothing as yet, although you'll agree that's nothing new! Thanks for clearing up that deduction query in your official capacity, but do keep an eye on the cheeky gits in Wigan. Regarding my cut of the winnings, let's just say that my share is a lot more than Shadow Leader's share! Collusion between at least 7 of the eight winners looks very likely indeed.
Well done winners. Obviously you couldn't have done it without me starting this thread though.
Rory not sure how the figures were reported yesterday with the bonus fund but they do have a tendency to advertise pre deduction amounts as they look more attractive.
They take the deduction off the win pool at rollover ie yesterday there was £2,037,507 carried over for the win pool. £4,167,091 was bet yesterday of which half goes to the win fund. This means that £2,083,545 was added to the £2m carry over. The 30% deduction only applies to the monies bet yesterday as the carry over has already had its deductions. 30% off the £2,083,545 is £625,500 therefore the total win fund was £2,037,507 plus £1,458,005 = £3,495,512. 8 winners at £437,011 = £3,496,088.

Not sure where the £500 error in my figures is but I doubt you will lose too much sleep over that!

As far as the bonus fund is concerned the carry over was £904,426. Of the £4.1m bet i believe that 3/17 go into the bonus fund which equates to approx £900k. The carry over has already had its deductions so the total bonus fund is £904k plus £630k (£900k minus 30%) which equals £1.53m which is what is up for grabs next week.

I assume that the figure you quote was the whole bonus fund figure pre deductions. This is a bit misleading as they show the carry over post deduction then from what you say they show the current figure pre deduction. A bit of creating advertising I woudl say!

Good luck to you and the other members next week. I am at Towcester next Sat but please text me your selection/selections if colluding and I will shout them home for you. (mobile ending 955)
Regarding my cut of the winnings, let's just say that my share is a lot more than Shadow Leader's share! Collusion between at least 7 of the eight winners looks very likely indeed.

Rory, that's strange - my spreadsheet says Shadow Leader had 500 quid's worth and you were in for a quid.
Cheers Rory. I look forward to the call. Hope you get most of the field covered. BTW there is a slight error in my posting yesterday in that the bonus fund fraction should be 3/14 not 3/17. 1/2 goes to the win fund, 3/14 to the bonus fund and 2/7 to the place fund.
Anyway enough of the maths. i`m sure you get my drift.
Peter Naughton said he had a 60th share, netting him about £7,800. For £50.

Having heard what I just have, roffle!! BTW, did anyone hear Peter Naughton interviewed about "his syndicate" on Saturday? Did he give an indication that he chose the selections?
Having heard what I just have, roffle!! BTW, did anyone hear Peter Naughton interviewed about "his syndicate" on Saturday? Did he give an indication that he chose the selections?

I'm not sure what you're getting at here Rory, but Peter Naughton was very humble about his winning share. He was quick to point-out that he had only put £50 into a syndicate (for a 60th share) and that one of his mates made the selections. He didn't make a big deal of it.

Derek "Thommo" Thompson, on the other hand, was the one dancing around like a lunatic and announcing to the World that Naughton had won the jackpot.