Scoop 6 - 22nd November

I'm not sure what you're getting at here Rory, but Peter Naughton was very humble about his winning share. He was quick to point-out that he had only put £50 into a syndicate (for a 60th share) and that one of his mates made the selections. He didn't make a big deal of it.

Derek "Thommo" Thompson, on the other hand, was the one dancing around like a lunatic and announcing to the World that Naughton had won the jackpot.

it turns out that Naughton was part of our syndicate, and had only joined it on Saturday without Mounty's knowledge (he knew there were one or two people looking to join through friends already in it). I didn't see him interviewed but it was suggested that he had rather overplayed his involvement (fruit and veg quotes aside). His share of the total is rather less than he thinks as the stakes syndicate members put in are by no means equal so the hoo-ha over him winning a couple of grand is quite amusing.

Essentially, since Peter Naughton had essentially sneaked himself into the syndicate, he would have been better keeping his mouth shut on the day. They could have interviewed Shadow Leader instead!
Does money paid in during all the losing weeks get taken into account as well?

Not sure what you mean Grey. Mounty collects the money owed each week after the bet is completed and if there's a partial dividend that's taken off the bill. We picked up a small amount of place money last week and put that in the kitty, but that's probably not the norm.
What I mean is that people who have been paying in over the last eleven weeks as the pool built up might think they are entitled to a bigger share than someone who chips in on the last day. Not that I want to start a row or anything...
Not at all; everyone knows that they are entitled to their share according to what they can afford to invest each week, but they also have an emotional investment and when the new boy trumpets* his involvement, it makes him look like the fulcrum of the group and is liable to piss the regulars off somewhat.

* however softly spoken he may be about it.
Not to mention that not once have I heard any reference of thanks to Andrew Mount, nor any reference to him whatsoever, seeing as not only is he the brains behind it all who works damned hard at it, he is also not one of Naughton's 'mates' as has been claimed; Mounty says he has never met the guy.

Yet still Naughton is star feature on the Morning Line!
Letter to the Racing Post.
Channel 4 are aware of his fairly spurious involvement I'm told, but feel it would still make good TV. If I were Peter Naughton, I would politely decline the invitation.

Edit: don't get me wrong ~ I don't begrudge him his £2,150* at all, but it seems slightly banal to feature it so prominently.

* I made that up. I wonder if it's nearly right?
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So even though Mounty is the brains behind it and everyone knows he is the brains behind it, Peter is going to go onto C4. I hope they try to milk the interview!

Car crash TV!
You've pretty much got it, Gearoid. I wonder will the phrases "Andrew Mount" or "Trend Horses" be used in conjunction with expression of gratitude?! This is one edition of the Morning Line I'll actually watch!

Interestingly enough Rory the story, I am reliably informed, of Channel 4's notification of the situation is that someone rang Tanya to fill her in!
I just hope Peter can afford to take the morning off. I presume his friends in the syndicate have chipped in for his expenses.....
Without wishing to fan the flames of this (yeah right!) has anyone seen the sportinglife's website? The racing homepage includes a link to ''View From The Tracks' - Scoop 6 Hero Peter Naughton with all his latest eyecatchers'
What I mean is that people who have been paying in over the last eleven weeks as the pool built up might think they are entitled to a bigger share than someone who chips in on the last day. Not that I want to start a row or anything...

I tend to throw £4000-£6000 at it when there's a big rollover, though will sometimes decrease the stake if it looks too hard and just treat it as a Placepot. Increased the stake to £10k last week - had a larger than normal involvement myself and got one or two newbies in, in order to include 4th choice selection in leg 4 (just as well - it won!). Naughton's £50 was part of £200 a mutual friend has (he usually has £100 but increased it to £200 about three weeks ago).
When I saw Mounty was online I thought he was going to post an admission that Peter Naughton was the brains behind it all....
I didn't realise he was in your syndicate,he is getting a bit of a panning on Betfair as well and rightly so.

It continues to bug me that clueless idiots like him are seen on our screens with little knowledge of their subject when they are far better qualified people on the various forums.
In fairness, Shadow Leader is doing most of the panning on Betfair.

She has probably forgotten that I know her username (although it hardly takes a genius to work it out).