Simon Holt

I did explain it to Thommo last year and he was most grateful, but not sure it sank in.

If you were standing in front of me explaining something I might look attentive but my concentaration would be elsewhere....

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But he did always tell you it meant blue eiderdown, and pronounced that correctly!

Okay, Irishpersons: BAN UISCE! Owners with Irish accents came in today at Plumpton (pronounced Plumpton), asked for badges on BAN OOSHKA, and I obliged. Mike Cattermole was race caller, and to him it's BORN OOSHKA...

I say Born Ooshka, you say Ban Ooshka,
Ban Ooshka, Born Ooshka, Ban Ooshka, Born Ooshka -
Let's call the whole thing off!
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I don't know any Gaelic, but I do believe that Bàn - dark ages English, possibly Celtic? - was pronounced "bon" and means white. It may have no ties whatsoever to the Gaelic though!
So would I. If it was Uisce ban, the name would translate as 'Whitewater' but I don't know what 'Ban uisce' means
I can't decide whether this thread is skebs or whether it's mossy - can any of the assembled jungla's and jungwan's confirm which it is?

Cattermole couldn't even pronounce Aegean or Architrave correctly last weekend !
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We were much vexed at Fakers today with ROC DE GUYE, FONGOLI and ROBO - depending on who was talking. ROC DE GEE with a hard G, ROC DE GUY as in 'guy'; FONGOLI - fon-goh-lee (It.: fongo-li); ROBO - you wouldn't imagine it would be anything but roh-boh, but Chaparse managed Robbo.

Unless the animal's called Bert, Pete, or Bob, there doesn't seem to be much hope for any concensus of pronunciation.
One of my favourite horses was Lean Ar Aghaidh. My Irish friend, Mary told me it meant 'run like the wind'. [did you know that Mike Cattermole does an amazing impression of Lester Piggott?]
One of my favourite horses was Lean Ar Aghaidh. My Irish friend, Mary told me it meant 'run like the wind'. [did you know that Mike Cattermole does an amazing impression of Lester Piggott?]

I doubt it is on a horse !
I dunno - you look at some of those re-runs of Lester's victories, and he don't 'alf look untidy! Kieren much tidier, and one of the best, if not the best, looking in the saddle, and much stronger at using his body, rather than his whip, to galvanise the animals. (And before anyone charges in like a bull in a china shop about wins, looking the best in the saddle has nothing to do with that.)
"Water White?

That's only a guess, though. "

Ho-ho. I must be the only person in the world embarrassed by the misspelled Gaelic names.
One of my favourite horses was Lean Ar Aghaidh. My Irish friend, Mary told me it meant 'run like the wind'. [did you know that Mike Cattermole does an amazing impression of Lester Piggott?]

Mary must have been spoofing, I'm afraid. It means 'continue', as in 'keep going' or 'carry on'.
I dunno - you look at some of those re-runs of Lester's victories, and he don't 'alf look untidy! Kieren much tidier, and one of the best, if not the best, looking in the saddle, and much stronger at using his body, rather than his whip, to galvanise the animals. QUOTE]

This post must be a wind up :rolleyes: