Snow snow and snow

Is that you in the photo Goober?

I'm with the swan too, I'm laying the dog in the cammie gear. :)

The swan has a big gun under one wing.

It's weird Dims that you have not got snow, this weather stuff is not very well organised! Mother had it in Torquay, and we had it. Mind you, now with Songy, as all we have left is grit, slush and grey and brown suspicious looking stuff. In the cafe today one bloke was saying how he reckoned the brown stuff in the lanes is more horse and cow pooh than grit and he had it all over his wellies so the cafe owner made him leave them oustride!
That's not what I'd heard!:blink:

I'm afraid the dog's camouflaged jacket does work as no one noticed him in photo number 1!:whistle:

A few more photos of Mr. Swan! I wondered if he was stuck in the ice as he didn't move when the camouflage dog went and had a quick chat with him. Perhaps the camouflage caught him by surprise.

Below another dog who had a jacket on with a hood on. He was easy to spot!


I had a few snow ball fights lunchtime with a ten yer old lad and a 7 year old girl both kneighbours kids....:D everyone going by in cars and walking, was smiling, a huge guy like me taking on the kids [my arm is not that flexible now I used to be able throw long and fast] but seems time as caught up with me... I still can throw a punch mind and still retain the power too.............:D:lol:
Blimey, woken up to a fair snowfall and it's still snowing ! Yard work this morning will be interesting, to say the least! Will need to move stock around, as the colts and barren mares will need a break to come in and dry off. Had a cross bred heifer calve yesterday which is crap timing, as she's taking up a pen I could use for the colts. It's like a jigsaw puzzle at this time of year...

Oh well, maybe later this morning we'll get some proper sledging in!
Criketfan, could you let me know the name of the resort. A friend of mine has recently brought a house out near Granada (currently being done up) and we were jokingly saying we were going to go ski-ing there soon. I went to the house in October and we could see the snow on the distant mountains even then.
Third day this week I've been snowed in - feels like I'm on holiday! ANother two inches fell last night.

Cheers CF - she's loving it, isn't she?! She was soaked when we got in yesterday, didn't dry off for hours!
Played football on an all weather pitch last night in a blizzard. Changing direction was oil tankeresque, Getting home was .........was...challenging :blink:. Clear Sky's this morning but all is frozen and the roads are treacherous.
Just the six, Shadz ? :cool:

It's taken hours this morning - it's still snowing hard and coming from the North.

Couple of our employees couldn't get home last night, got stuck in Taunton - have gone on again this morning but one won't make it home and is going to have to stay with his brother-in-law at Ilminster, as he lives in the Blackdowns and the A303 is completely closed.

Just waiting for some help here to get the colts in and then everything will at least be in the yards, so I won't have to lug grub out to the fields for a day or so!

Turned the broodmares out for an hour - they thought it was great fun to have a roll in and a bit of a hoolie then they decided it wasn't fun at all and came in as soon as I went to get them after mucking their boxes out..
Well there's something I haven't seen in years - a snow plough just come through the village! Trouble is, being West Berkshire Council (not the brightest lot) it hasn't made any difference since he drove through going at least 30mph and with the plough lifted a few inches off the floor so it only skimmed the top off....:whistle:
Sorry to bore you with more pictures, but Renegade calf and his two partners in crime (the chocolate and white one is a new recruit, usually just the pair of them) had me in stitches again today. They wander aimlessly around the farm as they're always escaping, then scuttle off as if to say "I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything"



......and then there's Random Sheep - poor little fella just wanders around his field with two of the horses, he doesn't really serve any purpose! He's a skinny little thing who looks like a lamb, hence why he's still beetling about, as per usual.....


(I know, I know - I f*cked up by not making sure the flash was turned off when taking pictures of the calves!)
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Ah, escapee calves - a familiar sight at Poleshill during the summer!

Feeding round and bedding up today seemed endless - no time for sledging, sadly - too much actual work to get through! Love it when the sheds all get fresh straw and so do the cattle - they all go mental kicking about, charging one another and just generally having fun - can get a bit lairy though if you're still in there trying to spread the straw with a pick! Always looks great when they all settle down in nice clean straw!
What funny calves, they look like juvenile delinquents! Just hanging round the street corners waiting for an adult who will agree to go into the Offy and buy them some alcohol. :p

Husband nearly got stuck trying to get home from London last night, was slipping round the lanes and almost had to stop and stay somewhere. Then when he got home we lost electricity, were out all night and just fixed now.

We are lucky, us and few other cottages still have the old wood burners and rayburns so we could cook but some younger families with small kids who need the warmth, water and food the most have torn them out and gone all modern electric. We looked set to be cooking for half the village when the electrics came back on. Phew!
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Schoolboy error ~ Lesson Number One : in case of power cut, do not let the rest of the village know you've got a Rayeburn! :P