Dormant account
Was wondering what you made of it EC. Given the fact it was a handicap, and they've not really finished that well strung out, and that the field were 5 from 24 in handicaps coming into the race, how much do you want to stick your neck on the block and suggest the first 6 are all well ahead of their marks.
Looking at the first few - some did have higher OHR's at one point - a couple could be wouldn't initially strike me as a race to follow..but it makes the other races very slow if its the only true run race on the card.
its a very fast time comparitively - even compared to the other 7f race.
I'm struggling to use Pru's formula to see which were true run- i can't see the furlong markers in the straight..if I use the path that crosses the track its might be too far out..3.5f ish. I might have a go at it to see if it does give some more info re the times