St Leger

This seems very harsh. Between the two men 148 horses were laid for total winnings of approx €6,500 and losses of €5,900. Spread over three years, that level of betting is merely recreational. €2,000 fines plus costs seem way over the top.

The story says the Turf Club independently discovered what was going on. I wonder how? Surely the bets involved were too minor to be picked up by any betting seismograph at Turf Club HQ? I suspect the investigation was originally looking for a much bigger operator(s), and these two lads were unfortunate enough to be by-catch in the net.
My point exactly really Gareth, surely a visit to the yard and a firm slap of the wrist and explaining the rules with a translator would have sufficed.

A full enquiry and hefty fines seem a bit OTT in this case given the bets.
A straightforward case of going after those that the authorities can prove have broken the rules, rather than those it's too difficult to prove are corrupt.