"Swine Flu"

i saw one guy on the tv the other night demonstrating how to prevent spreading it. rather than sneeze into our hands, do it into the cusp of your elbow. i was in stitched, this is beyond a joke. however i just saw a young girl on the news, in tears, because another pupil at her school has symptoms & is being tested. seeing the fear on the girls & mothers face is not nice at all.

I saw that. What an irresponsible mother, allowing her child to see her fears and therefore develop them herself. The girl should be taken into care.

I'd also add that they interviewed the aleged source of the outbreak, a little Mexican boy, who, it just so happens, "was sick for a week or so but I'm now better" was filmed kicking his ball about outside his house.

Can we get this straight?

People catch 'flu and the vast, vast majority survive. Swine flu isn't Spanish 'flu - which is very serious - it's just another 'flu that originates in pigs but can be passed to humans and is highly contagious. Being highly contagious isn't the same as being highly dangerous.

I hope they close all schools for a couple of weeks.
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Gorden says no, spending is getting out of control take care out there this is a good way of redusing the number of people it will help fill the black hole in the pensions,
Listening to the BBC this evening, I recalled a few stories my Grandad told in the Eighties. I lived with him for a few years when I got my first job.

During the 'spanish flu' epidemic he told me how he had woken up next to his Father (my Great-Grandad) one morning and that his Father had died in the night having been ill the previouis day.

But, on a more interesting note, my Grandad was not a good attender and he said that him and his mates who absconded from lessons for days on end tended not to be affected by the flu but that the children who regularly attended were!

My nan just sent me this - soon to be seen in pharmacies near you?!
I agree with the earlier posters. I've nearly died twice through man flu and have never made the front pages. I don't understand the fuss.
You poor men you must be panicking whereas us women forum members just get on with it sorry bit of a sexist comment my partner just walked ot on me after 11 years so a bit of a man hater at the mo! Watch out :<3:
Five FOUR three looks good to me,:<3:

Thanks I have changed my choice for the tipping competition, (but haven't had a bet due to price) I did have Tatenen to win but it's not running. I don't know where I got him from as not listed in runners or non-runners?
I'm fed up to the back teeth of all this dramatisation. If the media weren't bad enough, now we have the government running adverts on TV and radio telling us that we can catch swine flu from lift buttons and telephones, and that we should wash our hands for ten minutes at least 24 times an hour. God give me strength!
A former colleague, based in Bahrain, emailed today to ask how we were all coping, and that they had been told they were in no danger as they didn't eat pigs.
I was on a tram in Geneva today, and a girl in front of me had something draped across her mouth purposefully to not contract any germs :rolleyes:

Lost for words!
Speaking to the receptionist at local GP surgery earlier. They're having patient's requesting house visits as they don't want to come to the surgery in case they catch swine flu! Utter madness!
This thread started as "swine flu" and seems to have drifted to "swines" :<3:
I hope that you were not talking about me, I'm more of a loverble rouge:<3: and you should have backed Fiveforthree, there are some good men out there there just hard to find.:whistle:
I hope that you were not talking about me, I'm more of a loverble rouge:<3: and you should have backed Fiveforthree, there are some good men out there there just hard to find.:whistle:

No not talking about you and I should have listened to you, that was my first thought when I checked the results when I got home from work. I hope you had a good bet on him :D I unfortunatly didn't :(

I have been tipped Ebaziyan for tomorrow but I always back Punjabi every time he runs, so he did me a good turn at Cheltenham but might have a couple of quid e/w as ATR give Ebaziyan @ 100/1 and after the National I shan't let the price put me off!