"Swine Flu"

I didn't go into college today because of Swine flu and im not going in untill government give the country an honest answer.
Or worse. Only about 15% of the country appear to have working brains.

Based on nothing but common sense the chances are you are if you go to your local hospital that you are more likely to contract and die from MRSA than any flu like symptoms you may think you have when you decided to visit.

From everything that has been published without agenda, I think this strain is no more deadly than a common winter flu, though you are more likely to contract it if you come into contact with it.
Personally I'm not worrying about it until I need to. No point worrying about it unless it actually happens. 'Normal' flu kills people every year and there's no point putting life on hold 'just in case' - God forbid but you might get run over by a bus tomorrow but most of us don't stay indoors alday just in case that happens.
its all bollocks in my opinion, wish 8 out of 10 cats was on tv, they would have a field day! will settle for have i got news for you though.

Charlie Brooker will have an absolute field day with it on Newswipe on BBC4 tonight at 10.30pm I suspect. It's been a fantastic series thus far.
I had a Mexican boyfriend about 16 years ago when I lived in the US and we went to Mexico quite a bit - I've had a cold for over a week now - do you think the incubation period is that long????!!!!
No that sounds like bird Flu:<3:
You realise Twitter is just random people posting bollocks. Right?

Edit: Yes, I realise the irony of that comment on a forum :D
Just in case anyone is worried, here is the latest from our local fount of wisdom:

Gloucestershire’s Director of Public Health, Dr Shona Arora has today reinforced important health advice to the public following confirmation of cases of swine flu in the UK.
NHS Gloucestershire is working closely with NHS South West and the Health Protection Agency to ensure it acts on the latest information and with local partner organisations to ensure effective co-ordination. Local people will be kept informed as much as possible.
Dr Arora is advising people to adopt good hygiene practice as normal:
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue whenever possible
  • Dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully – bag and bin them
  • Maintain good hygiene – washing hands frequently with soap and water
  • Clean hard surfaces (e.g. kitchen worktops, door handles) frequently, using a normal cleaning product
  • Stay at home when you are sick – if you have a cough and a fever, it is best to rest at home, take medicines to relieve the symptoms and drink plenty of fluids. This will speed your recovery and help prevent the spread of infection. If you need medical advice or assistance, phone NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or your GP surgery.
The advice to people who have recently visited an affected area (e.g. Mexico or the USA) remains the same.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and they have developed within 7 days of visiting an affected area, you should stay at home (to limit contact with others), and seek medical advice by contacting NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or by telephoning your GP surgery. Further advice is available on the NHS Direct website: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
As a precautionary measure some people who are symptomatic may be referred for testing for a range of respiratory and other illnesses, in line with UK health guidance.
Director of Public Health, Dr Shona Arora, said:
“Please be assured that NHS Gloucestershire, together with it’s partners, are working hard to build on the plans that have been developed to date and take the necessary actions to best protect our staff, patients and the public.”
“We are encouraging people to download the hygiene poster information form our website at www.nhsglos.nhs.uk and display this material in workplaces, schools, community centres, shops and other places.”
Everybody was poor and frail in 1918. We'd just been through the most crippling and cruel war in the history of mankind.
i saw one guy on the tv the other night demonstrating how to prevent spreading it. rather than sneeze into our hands, do it into the cusp of your elbow. i was in stitched, this is beyond a joke. however i just saw a young girl on the news, in tears, because another pupil at her school has symptoms & is being tested. seeing the fear on the girls & mothers face is not nice at all.
Just in case anyone is worried, here is the latest from our local fount of wisdom:

Gloucestershire’s Director of Public Health, Dr Shona Arora has today reinforced important health advice to the public following confirmation of cases of swine flu in the UK.
NHS Gloucestershire is working closely with NHS South West and the Health Protection Agency to ensure it acts on the latest information and with local partner organisations to ensure effective co-ordination. Local people will be kept informed as much as possible.

Dr Arora is advising people to adopt good hygiene practice as normal:
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue whenever possible
  • Dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully – bag and bin them
  • Maintain good hygiene – washing hands frequently with soap and water
  • Clean hard surfaces (e.g. kitchen worktops, door handles) frequently, using a normal cleaning product
  • Stay at home when you are sick – if you have a cough and a fever, it is best to rest at home, take medicines to relieve the symptoms and drink plenty of fluids. This will speed your recovery and help prevent the spread of infection. If you need medical advice or assistance, phone NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or your GP surgery.
The advice to people who have recently visited an affected area (e.g. Mexico or the USA) remains the same.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and they have developed within 7 days of visiting an affected area, you should stay at home (to limit contact with others), and seek medical advice by contacting NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or by telephoning your GP surgery. Further advice is available on the NHS Direct website: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
As a precautionary measure some people who are symptomatic may be referred for testing for a range of respiratory and other illnesses, in line with UK health guidance.
Director of Public Health, Dr Shona Arora, said:
“Please be assured that NHS Gloucestershire, together with it’s partners, are working hard to build on the plans that have been developed to date and take the necessary actions to best protect our staff, patients and the public.”
“We are encouraging people to download the hygiene poster information form our website at www.nhsglos.nhs.uk and display this material in workplaces, schools, community centres, shops and other places.”
So it seem's you have uncovered a secret plot, to wipe out the Seagulls in Bristol when the infected paper is eaten by the Gulls,:(
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