
:( Oh, no. I'm sure there's a story there - it was apparently as sunny at Newcastle as it was soaking at 'sunny' Brighton, so maybe she really found the going too firm. Hope all's well.
Ground was too soft and she apparently tweaked a muscle coming out of the stalls,but nothing to worry about and lives to fight another day.
So back to the AWT or somewhere on turf with better ground.
Poor Tajpot seemed to have twisted her back as she left the stalls. Initially I thought she had jsut run badly due to the ground but on rewatching it this morning you can see she is never comfortable and is carrying her head awkwardly the moment she leaves the stalls. She was fine immediately after the race but after about 15 mins showed considerable signs of discomfort and I had to get a vet to her to examine her. Fortunately she was sound on being trotted up and he pinpointed some very tense muscles behind her saddle area which are quite sore this morning. She should be fine after a few days rest and spoiling! :)
Oooh, ow! Poor baby. Well done for spotting and getting it sorted out so quickly, Kirsty, before it could spasm too much. A lot of people wouldn't have had the nous to see the signs and she would've been made a lot worse before she got better.
A couple of piccies from last Tuesday:-

Michael Stainton

Taj (with Paul Howling looking on)

Taj waiting patiently in the paddock

After the race
Slightly anxious eye on the return trip - "I'm sorry, but I didn't like that!" I'll say it again - she is a VERY pretty girl. BARRANTES would kill for looks like that! :D She looks the picture of health, Kirsty - she's going in next time, for sure!
She is very pretty, Jon - however I bought her as I just liked the way she stood - like a solid tank. She is very powerful now around the neck and shoulders as a proper sprinter should be. Her back is now fine - a few days of rest in her stable together with some massage and she is now back on the walker before being ridden tomorrow most likely.

The bloke in the photo, Paul Howling, kindly let me share his horsebox to Newcastle. He rents a yard from Henry Cecil and we had a great natter on the journey there & back - he gets on brilliantly with Henry and is delighted to see him back in the limelight as we all are.
Paul was assistant to David Oughton at the time David decided to move to Hong Kong (1987?). We had a horse with David at the time and nearly moved him to Paul as he was setting up on his own in Surrey but, in the end, the majority view was that we should move to an established trainer rather than the new starter.

I always found Paul easy to deal with and I was pleased to see him making progress over the years.
Originally posted by krizon@May 20 2007, 09:25 AM
Slightly anxious eye on the return trip - "I'm sorry, but I didn't like that!"

.... Would say there is a slightly "anxious" eye in the two-legged partner as well - she surely did not like it either ....

Fingers crossed that any trip will be more worth it next time !

Thanks for sharing the photos, Arkers.
Jinny, yes, she's lovely and strong, isn't she? And Paul Howling is a lovely, lovely chap. Always interested in talking about horses and has a wealth of knowledge. Now that he's moved, he's doing SO much better!
Good luck to all those involved lets hope she has recovered and makes a fine show @ Wolves tomorrow........

I looked up the jockey and find he was apprenticed to Lady Herries in 1998 and then moved to N Bycrofts stable and I found this(below) dated 2001........

Another interesting winner at the Cleveland course was Efidium, bred by Tom Umpleby out of his useful mare Efipetite and trained by Neville Bycroft.

For young apprentice Gihan Arnolda, born in Sri Lanka and now with Bycroft, this 20-1 success clearly meant a great deal as he punched the air.

But not sure(what I heard was correct?) that he has been ploying his trade in Sweden and supposedely as a stack of winners over there????? he looks a born trier to me watching him today and @ Goodwood the other week ............
Good luck.......
Item on RP website news board may have something to do with it.
V hard luck Arkers and chums
Just to let you all know I withdrew Taj as she arrived at the races in a distressed state when she got off the horsebox. I had the vet check her over and her heart rate was very high as was her respiration and she was sweating profusely. We monitered her the whole time and half an hour before the race as neither the vet or I were happy we took the mutual decision to withdraw her. SO she was officially withdrawn under a vets certificate. Any reason for the distressed state I cannot explain as she has never arrived like that before but my horses welfare ALWAYS comes first.