
Arkwright, I think there was a thread on here about what being backward meant ... well, I apologise for being a little behind on this thread too. Did not know the tragic circumstances of your syndicate - and wish to congratulate everyone involved for the win. She is a cutie with her ear muffs on and looks very fit. Hope she gets a chance soon to follow up.

Best of luck for the future.

Isinglass and Brown Jack
She got a special mention in dispatches on her winning day from the commentators on ATR, as owned by a syndicate off The Racing Forum, which they described as a leading racing site.
What a day yesterday was! It wasn't too bad when we go there and I went down onto the track with the rest of the trainers and jcokeys 45 mins before the race to inspect. I have to say it wasn't too bad and the jocks were all up for it. However when we let them go to canter down we couldn't stand up and Adrian said Taj was blown sideways into the rails. I have to say I was very relieved to see them come back in one piece. The gusts were just so strong and appeared pretty quickly.

The journey home was pretty eventful too - one confused horse! THe M6 was closed as was the M1 and the start of the A14. I jumped out of the horsebox on the M6 as I spotted a jockeys car next to us so came back with Jamie Mackay, Salem Golam & Adie McCarthy. It still took 5 hours as J Mackay has neither SatNav nor a map and was convinced that Milton Keynes was the way to go! We ended up going home via Northampton as it was but still got home an hour before Taj. Have to say the journey was very entertaining - some very interesting conversation - would have made a great question and answer session on here. I gave them plenty of stick about all those dodgy rides (allegedly!) on the all-weather! Could have done with Honest Toms mobile number!
Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and allow her to take her chance on Friday back at our second home Wolves.
If she hasn't she probably ought to Martin but you could probably say that about quite a few horses there.
Very interesting to see how she gets on,it will be her first h'cap and for the grade it's not a bad little race.
I'd be chuffed to bits if she finished in the frame.
Usual crap on the RP spotlight pages,the 20/1 betting forecast is an insult.
How they can have her twice the price of Fastrac Boy (meet on the same terms as when they were 1st and 2nd in October) is beyond me.
On speed alone, she's not without a squeek but Almaty Express and the Dunnett horse look the strongest pair in the race.

We'll find out how fair her handicap mark is later but best of luck to everyone again today.
A bit to do on the figures imo, but stall 1 will help ~ as will the fact that the favourite is out in stall 10 - certainly wouldn't put anyone off each way. Best of luck anyway....
Good luck Arkers - found a flat to rent in luverly Wolves yet?!

I think she should run a big race and same as TDK, I wouldn't put anyone off backing her each way.
I am not sure if many know but Polar Force was also once trained by Kirsty.

I hope Tajjree runs a cracker for you today! :)
Originally posted by Kathy@Jan 26 2007, 01:44 PM
I am not sure if many know but Polar Force was also once trained by Kirsty.
Thanks for pointing that out! and so was Balmacara who she had had since a yearling but them horrible owners also took her away.
Why did you take exception to my comment, Fudge? I was purely pointing out a "fact" about Polar Force. Horses change trainers all the time.

By the way, Balmacara was offered back to Kirsty by the horrible owners for "about" £1500.00 when I removed her from Brendan's yard after we had paid £5000 for her. That also is a fact.
Kathy - is it true that Brendan had his lorry nicked from Lingfoeld on Wednesday? Im suprised not to see it on here if its true - but then I was told by Philip yesterday,so I may have missed it?? Daft thing to do really - its got his name all over it ( or did have!!)
It was in the racing post yesterday, I heard that this is the third time a lorry has gone from lingfield. About time the guy on the gate checked to see if exiting lorries have horses on the back??!!