Tattersalls Gold Cup

I can't see Famous Name getting close to So You Think, for all that Famous Name is an admirable and consistent horse. I think that So You Think will prove to be something special.
The ground is key to Famous Name - this is his big big target for the year - SYT has bigger fish to fry later in the season so he just maybe not be at concert pitch on Sunday. He beat statues the last day. FN did not operate on the ground behind CC who relished it. In fairness, to him he beat what was behind him whether they be Lush Lashes or whoever so I don't really get your point there.

To me he's a bet at 7/2.

My point is it was a very weak race and he was backed into favourite. I thought he liked softer ground, albeit perhaps not heavy. I certainly wouldn't be backing him on Sunday at 7-2, albeit from a betting angle it's more of a race to watch.
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Not sure a 4.5 length beating of Campanologist should get anyone too excited. I mean, Godolphin themselves would hope to have horses who could do that. He would, and probably will, need to improve quite a bit to win a Prince of Wales.
he won in a canter,
I dont think Ascot will be the ideal course and looks like 12f will suit,
he looks a horse able tohit 135.
Okay, lets at least use terminology correctly - he did not win in a 'canter'. He won realtively comfortably, but Moore was riding him full on for most of the way home.
Not sure a 4.5 length beating of Campanologist should get anyone too excited. I mean, Godolphin themselves would hope to have horses who could do that. He would, and probably will, need to improve quite a bit to win a Prince of Wales.

Think about the other good horses that APOB got from Australia -they took a run or maybe two to peak.Today was a poor Group 1 but there is no way he was at peak fitness.We could see something special at Royal Ascot.
Think about the other good horses that APOB got from Australia -they took a run or maybe two to peak.Today was a poor Group 1 but there is no way he was at peak fitness.We could see something special at Royal Ascot.

Couldn't agree more - he probably will improve and will have a great chance of winning but I just don't think he deserves to be labelled as he was for what he did today.
Thank god for the Queen Anne. I'm not that excited about the likely walkovers in the St James Palace and POW.

The mute button is gonna have to go on as well. I can see Carson exploding.
Campanoligist is no Planteur - lets not get carried away here - I think the Ascot race may yet fully expose another brilliant older middle distance horse!!!
you don't like horses from too far a field do you?

Don't reply to my posts again if you feel my choice of horses I like/rate is based on their nationality. Be careful about insinuating certain things, even on a board.
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No point getting personal guys.

Just thinking forward to Ascot, does Stoute have anything for the Prince of Wales's? Presuming Workforce doesn't turn up of course.
No point getting personal guys.

Just thinking forward to Ascot, does Stoute have anything for the Prince of Wales's? Presuming Workforce doesn't turn up of course.

I offer an opinion on a horse, giving form and style reasons, and he suggests I am racist? There is no making allowances for some of this guff..
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When the World Thoroughbred Rankings were last released at the end of March, So You Think was rated the 5th best horse in the world. He will lineup at Ascot as a worthy favourite.

However, I think Planteur has improved bundles as a 4 year old and will be a formidable opponent.

Who I favour over the two will depend on the prices. At present, So You Think is odds on on Betfair and Planteur is over 3s, the French colt has to be a bet at those prices but it depends who else should line up.
I offer an opinion on a horse, giving form and style reasons, and this clown suggests I am racist? There is no making allowances for some of this guff..

To be fair, EC made no worse a point than I did on the Guineas thread, I just made it in a much more jovial manner. I don't think for one second he was accusing you of being an equine racist!

You've always thought British, French and Irish form is superior to other countries and you're right on most counts but there are exceptions (Australian sprinters, precocious American two year olds are obvious examples) and it's about being savvy to those exceptions. Backing So You Think at odds on against Planteur would definitely not qualify as one of those exceptions despite him being a top class horse.
Where did I say anything about Aussie sprinters?

The only horse I have been against is Overdose. The German guineas horse was a joke (DJ can explain). I of course know Aussie sprinters seem to be well ahead ('seem', as I don't know enough). My mistrust of German and Italian is based on the fact there races are substantially weaker, and horses running there often struggle in top races in GB, Ire and Fra. Campanologist a fine example.
To be fair, EC made no worse a point than I did on the Guineas thread, I just made it in a much more jovial manner. I don't think for one second he was accusing you of being an equine racist!

If you walk up to someone in the street and say that they don't like people from far afield, what are you saying?
Where did I say anything about Aussie sprinters?

I didn't say you did! I was making the point that I agree with you about non UK, French and Irish form but just making an obvious example in Aussie sprinters of an exception to the rule.
I didn't say you did! I was making the point that I agree with you about non UK, French and Irish form but just making an obvious example in Aussie sprinters of an exception to the rule.

Indeed they are.

Falbrav and that poor horse who collapsed show Italian form (sprint aside, of course) can sometimes translate quite well.