The election 2015

I suspect that the election will be won equally on personality and that political philosophy won't matter. You saw that hilarious clip the other day when they got some silly southern woman who was quized on policies and agreed with 5 of Corbyns 6 positions (things like scrapping HS2, fracking, Europe etc) she was horrified when they revealed the face behind the policies

There must be a betting angle here on the Liberals, or the turnout, (lowest ever etc)
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How they come across is as important as anything else. Ed paid the price for that. Corbyn will surely go the same way. Then again if still hanging around and up against Boris, ruddy ell it could be carnage.
Immigration, terror and Europe are issues the right will prey on, but these are not the most important issues to a lot of the electorate.
Specifically on immigration, the horse has already bolted, there's nothing the Tories can even do about it.

People want to know whether their kids are going to have a decent chance in life, whether they'll have a chance of a job for them after they pay top whack for a university education, whether they'll ever do better than a bar job on a Friday and Saturday night.
Whether they'll have an NHS to rely on, whether they'll even be a welfare state left to support them if they fall ill.

These are the areas were I expect Corbyn to exploit.
As the wheels of rigid austerity start to choke off proper growth in the next few years a lot of events will start to suit Corbin's ideological arguments. E.G A crisis abroad like in Syria now, with a UK Government not prepared to put its hand in its pocket?

He should bring in centre left people though, and not left his own internal think tank or shadow cabinet get taken over by the extreme left.
If he's got any sense he will play politics for five years and not give everything away for the wolves to feast on.
Cameron sounded like a leftie before elected in 2010 but that was because he was trying to reel in as many votes as possible. Corbyn could learn a bit from that, although I know he's principled.
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Given that net migration has increased massively under Cameron I'd say they're all a busted flush on immigration (other than Falange)

I'm not sure that Cameron ever postured too much as a leftie though, but did of course describe himself as the "heir to Blair" and did do some dreadful choreographe environmental stunt zipping across the ice sheet for a 100yds in Spitzbergen. Come to think of it, has anyone checked on the welfare of those huskies and what ever became of them? We need to know, it gets pretty lonely up at those latitudes, and we are talking Cameron here
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Here's the rub.

When Corbyn's anti-austerity propopals are placed under the financial microscope, only hard-left socialists will be prepared to vote for him - and that won't be anywhere near enough to mount even a puny challenge to the encumbent Government. I refer you to my earlier "people don't like change for its own sake" statement - the vast majority of voters simply wont take chances on ideology, imo.
Well Cameron came clean that there was such a thing as a 'society' Warbler, and he wanted a very big one...that central government would never have to pay for! :)
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I totally get what Grass says...but I'll always put down my thoughts based on what I think is right, as opposed to what the electorate probably will do in five years. Grass is right though, Corbyns got mountains to climb to ever convince the public to vote him in.
This is why I suggest he box smart, and be prepared to shape shift on issues when he can. :)
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I suspect that the election will be won equally on personality and that political philosophy won't matter. You saw that hilarious clip the other day when they got some silly southern woman who was quized on policies and agreed with 5 of Corbyns 6 positions (things like scrapping HS2, fracking, Europe etc) she was horrified when they revealed the face behind the policies

There must be a betting angle here on the Liberals, or the turnout, (lowest ever etc)

clealy the bbc picked 6 fringe issues to prove a pint didn't they? Issues which are cross party as the three you mentioned are. They missed out the questions on support for Islamic and ira terrorism as well as massively higher taxes and increased inflation??.

Personality ? totally wrong


also thatcher is a clear example of someone not particularly liked by many who voted for her

grass is right. He has no chance of convincing on the economy. None whatsoever.

The he stratgey is not to win the election . He knows he won't and the appointment of a Brit hating nutter as clear proof. The real project is to take over the mechanics of the party and ensure that it remains hard left. They clearly have already taken steps to do so and the battle to deselect MPs who don't swear allegiance to the dim leader will soon be on the way. This is the end of labour
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Immigration, terror and Europe are issues the right will prey on, but these are not the most important issues to a lot of the electorate.
Specifically on immigration, the horse has already bolted, there's nothing the Tories can even do about it.

People want to know whether their kids are going to have a decent chance in life, whether they'll have a chance of a job for them after they pay top whack for a university education, whether they'll ever do better than a bar job on a Friday and Saturday night.
Whether they'll have an NHS to rely on, whether they'll even be a welfare state left to support them if they fall ill.

These are the areas were I expect Corbyn to exploit.
As the wheels of rigid austerity start to choke off proper growth in the next few years a lot of events will start to suit Corbin's ideological arguments. E.G A crisis abroad like in Syria now, with a UK Government not prepared to put its hand in its pocket?

He should bring in centre left people though, and not left his own internal think tank or shadow cabinet get taken over by the extreme left.
If he's got any sense he will play politics for five years and not give everything away for the wolves to feast on.
Cameron sounded like a leftie before elected in 2010 but that was because he was trying to reel in as many votes as possible. Corbyn could learn a bit from that, although I know he's principled.

they will feel more confident about the first objectives than under the new Hugo Chavez and the worlds worst managed economy won't they? In truth, the evidence has stacked up over decades that the hard left don't have the capability or intellect to run economies.

there is no evidence whatsoever that 'austerity, as its tiresomely labelled will stop growth. Look at the uks figures over last three or so years compared with g7

it has become a bit of a mantra in truth. The cuts, such as they are, are really not going to affect many voters at all. The other side of the coin is that even the majority of labour voters believe the government should be cutting to bring down debt

corbyn comes along and wants unlimited benefits for all claimants.

out of touch or what?
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46 pages of ****. It's supposed to be a racing forum.

We have a cracking card at Newmarket tomorrow and hardly anyone has posted anything about it.
Euro, you surely don't think it's a coincidence that the thread started in April and has reached its zenith as we encroach on October, do you?

By all means furrow you brow about the Newmarket card, but for the discerning amongst us, we'd rather discuss how many Rice-Krispies are stuck in Corbyn's beard - the latter subject holding the upper-hand in terms of both interest and intrigue.

Tally-ho. :)
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Chit chat isn't supposed to be a racing forum [emoji12]

I'm not entering into the "how many Rice Krispies are stuck in Jeremy Corbyn's beard" game in case I win him.....

I was only interested in the general election and surprised it hasn't got a thread already - I can't compete with the volume of words that follow - I barely understand half of it !!
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Has any party ever been so divided so publicly? It's almost beyond paraody

trident got the headlines and must be close to a resigning issue for Eagles if this continues but under the radar were the entirely different messages about immigration form burham and corbyn. It was about as workable as hitler speaking in the likud

or Obama sharing a platform with the kkk? I mean who could imagine a leftist politician sharing a platform with avowed racists and conspiracy theorists?

nithing wrong with disagreements in cabinet but when they are polar opposites it's nonsensical

this will get worse before it gets better. its should be a honeymoon period of sorts but the sort of honeymoon where the two parties know immediately that they need seperate rooms. About as compatible as Jimmy saville and Esther rantzen
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Has any party ever been so divided so publicly? It's almost beyond paraody

trident got the headlines and must be close to a resigning issue for Eagles if this continues

Would someone be kind enough to explain why Trident has to be 'renewed'?

Do the existing missles have a 'use by' date stamped on them, after which they won't work?

Naiively perhaps, I'm of the understanding that a nuclear warhead is a nuclear warhead and whether it be detonated when brand new or after a period of years simmering it is still capable of exploding with the same kilo-tonnage of hellfire and damnation

If I'm correct then why not just keep the current 'deterrent' - about which I'm ambivalent - and use the xx billions earmarked for its renewal on something more worthwhile instead

Like HS2, Trident renewal smacks of another 'grand phallic scheme' that governments love so much; when in fact what's needed on the railways is investment in something wholly unattractive like sorting out the overcrowding on the 7.54 service from somewhere in sarf London to Charing Cross; and what the Trident brass should be used for is the filling in of potholed highways
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as much as i detest the tories..the speech writers are just so much wittier than anything labour has..Osbourne just now..

"I don't want to disagree with Jeremy Corbyn completely though or i'm likely to be invited into his shadow cabinet"

got to be one of the best lines i've heard for a week or two
He's living on his wits isn't he! :)
I'm surprised he doesn't emigrate to Monte Carlo where he could run the u.k government entirely tax free.
He would not have to pay four coppers with Mac 10's to man outside number 10 and 11 Downing Street either...

As well initiating an efficiency saving to pay off the deficit godly George and Dave could actually open up their windows without fear of being heard having their arses stretched by wild pigs....tight barstards :)
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He's living on his wits isn't he! :)

I'm surprised he doesn't emigrate to Monte Carlo where he could run the u.k government entirely tax free.

He would not have to pay for four coppers with Mac 10's to man outside number 10 and 11 Downing Street either...

As well initiating a humongous efficiency saving to pay off the deficit godly George and dave could actually open their windows without fear of being heard getting their arses stretched by wild pigs....the tight barstewards :)

call me dave has been very lucky there hasn't been a PM's question time since pig head reared its head.

so..the next time pm questions does appear labour have had loads of time to work that on in somewhere..surely at least beast of bolsover will have a quip for him

all this stuff about Corbin in the media..and yet Dave has had a relatively easy time re pighead shaggate...the beeb in particular keeping away from it

there is no media bias though
Cameron bang on the money about corbyn yesterday. Great message for voters and the drive to send labour and their new stinking student egg throwing supporters down to fourth largest party is on.

brittains family should have that fat ******* Tom Watson dealt with.
call me dave has been very lucky there hasn't been a PM's question time since pig head reared its head.

so..the next time pm questions does appear labour have had loads of time to work that on in somewhere..surely at least beast of bolsover will have a quip for him

all this stuff about Corbin in the media..and yet Dave has had a relatively easy time re pighead shaggate...the beeb in particular keeping away from it

there is no media bias though

Well done the Beeb for ignoring this inconsequential episode in Dave's journey through life. I for one have no interest in what individuals get up to with other consenting individuals nor do I derive puerile, voyeuristic pleasure from discovering where a gent sticks his todger. Providing no hurt is caused to the other or third parties let's get it on and bang a gong. The pig was dead wasn't it?**

Anyway, as initiation rites go bestial necrophilia - which isn't illegal as far as I'm aware - strikes me as one of the more harmless and may even result in a mild release of endorphins for those forced to undergo it

Jeremy Corbyn's political hinterland is newsworthy as if he were ever to wield power it may affect other non-consenting individuals: bizarre public school/non-smelly student high-jinks don't

Incidentally, during my lengthy researches on this fascinating subject I came across this:

I believe this is what's known as Death Metal. It's a long way from Nat King Cole but hey I've tasted a lot of catholics

Cesspool Of Vermin must be the best name for a band ever, ever and the links to their other toons look well worth a listen: 'Throatfucked By The Incestuous' and 'Puncturing Paraplegic Pussy' in particular, though 'Sodomizing The Elderly' is a bit old hat


**Edit: Come on Drone, less of the pomposity, more honesty. Okay, fair enough - I'm a puerile ageing juvenile
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Cameron bang on the money about corbyn yesterday. Great message for voters and the drive to send labour and their new stinking student egg throwing supporters down to fourth largest party is on.

brittains family should have that fat ******* Tom Watson dealt with.

yes..being overweight automatically makes you useless doesn't it Clive?:rolleyes:

for someone as so ineffective as most tories paint makes you wonder why tories keep screaming about him..if he is such a weak oppo..then why the constant attacks and mentions of him? when someone doesn't fear an opponent..they tend to ignore them

if the tories can't win the next election by the largest majority in history then you would have to question how popular they really are..lets look at the form going into another election...labour with ineffective leader..who most tories think will get very few votes as he is so unpopular..pointless even. On top of that..they will have 80% of the press feeding the public with every fart Corbyn does..if he ever gets accused of shagging a pigs head for will be talked about for 6 months solid i'd imagine...not just one day

The next election is basically..from a tory perspective..G1 hoss versus a selling plater. Can you imagine a discussion of a match up like that where the connections of the G1 horse have to keep saying the selling plater will have no chance..will get hammered too slow..won't keep up...if that happened..most people would view the G1 connections as being total arseholes.

The more i see the boring repeated jibes about Corbyn..such as what you write on here in a typical tory ..say it often enough and people will believe it ..manner....the more i know the tories are scared of him...jibes = fear. Why keep attacking someone who is no threat..that isn't how someone behaves when they don't fear someone.

At the last was deemed pretty close ..tories started with SNP will own Labour mantra..which was a fair enough tactic..they needed an edge..that helped swing them a small majority. So why..when they are facing such a weak their opinion..are they constantly worried about him to the degree that are.

Just look at your own repeated..boring after the 50th time...comments about Corbyn on are more concerned with him than Labour supporters are..or are pointless hate comments just a tory trait?

the more you repeat negatives about Corbyn..the more i know you are a bit scared he might actually take power....are you really actually fearing that Clive?...surely why the need to keep the Corbyn hate comments going?..we all get the message..well the message i get is that the media has complete control over your brain..but thats another discussion:)

i can't believe you feel the need to keep kicking a selling plater all the time..i've got more chance of being PM than he has...whats the point?

You and your mates have got power for 20 years to come..what are you worried about?
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Well done the Beeb for ignoring this inconsequential episode in Dave's journey through life.

The point i was making if it had been would have run for at least a took them a week to get over the national anthem non story. Dave gets a pretty easy ride from the media.
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Try googling watson and brittain before commenting. its not difficult. And perhaps you would understand why leons family might well want to see watson crippled for life. i would

Also, you should notice that cameron barely said a word about corbyn before yesterday. he can hang himself

personal comments? Aside from the awful thought of him with flabbot, its been about his laughable and somewhat sinister worldview and nothing else

But who was it complaining that the bbc wouldnt bang on about a supposed nothing story about cameron from 30 years ago ?

I despise corbyn and all he stands for but as i said before, good governance needs effective opposition. That is what has been lost. There is no opposition now that labour is not even trying to win an election

Put it bluntly. Camerons speech cleverly reached way past the delegates. Right out to the voters. Corbyns awful speech did not have one line that reached beyond a Guardian reader.