Cameron bang on the money about corbyn yesterday. Great message for voters and the drive to send labour and their new stinking student egg throwing supporters down to fourth largest party is on.
brittains family should have that fat ******* Tom Watson dealt with.
yes..being overweight automatically makes you useless doesn't it Clive?
for someone as so ineffective as most tories paint makes you wonder why tories keep screaming about him..if he is such a weak oppo..then why the constant attacks and mentions of him? when someone doesn't fear an opponent..they tend to ignore them
if the tories can't win the next election by the largest majority in history then you would have to question how popular they really are..lets look at the form going into another election...labour with ineffective leader..who most tories think will get very few votes as he is so unpopular..pointless even. On top of that..they will have 80% of the press feeding the public with every fart Corbyn does..if he ever gets accused of shagging a pigs head for will be talked about for 6 months solid i'd imagine...not just one day
The next election is basically..from a tory perspective..G1 hoss versus a selling plater. Can you imagine a discussion of a match up like that where the connections of the G1 horse have to keep saying the selling plater will have no chance..will get hammered too slow..won't keep up...if that happened..most people would view the G1 connections as being total arseholes.
The more i see the boring repeated jibes about Corbyn..such as what you write on here in a typical tory ..say it often enough and people will believe it ..manner....the more i know the tories are scared of him...jibes = fear. Why keep attacking someone who is no threat..that isn't how someone behaves when they don't fear someone.
At the last was deemed pretty close ..tories started with SNP will own Labour mantra..which was a fair enough tactic..they needed an edge..that helped swing them a small majority. So why..when they are facing such a weak their opinion..are they constantly worried about him to the degree that are.
Just look at your own repeated..boring after the 50th time...comments about Corbyn on are more concerned with him than Labour supporters are..or are pointless hate comments just a tory trait?
the more you repeat negatives about Corbyn..the more i know you are a bit scared he might actually take power....are you really actually fearing that Clive?...surely why the need to keep the Corbyn hate comments going?..we all get the message..well the message i get is that the media has complete control over your brain..but thats another discussion
i can't believe you feel the need to keep kicking a selling plater all the time..i've got more chance of being PM than he has...whats the point?
You and your mates have got power for 20 years to come..what are you worried about?