The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Elliot needs to learn from the greatest PR disaster recovery ever seen in Ireland. In 1992, Ben Dunne,(Brits: Multi-millionaire retail magnate, think Philip Green or Mike Ashely) was arrested standing on a 10th floor balcony at a Florida hotel, ready to jump, half the Columbian GDP up his nose and some professional ladies, not his wife, in various degrees of relaxation in his suite. This was WAY bigger news than GE sitting on a dead horse. Eventually he gets bail, released flies home, calls a press conference immediately, and goes through in minute detail what happened, how he lives his life, how long he's been an addict, how much he's hurt his family, an apology and pledge to change. Two days later there was nothing left to write about, Ben got help, got fcked out of the family business (£100M handshake) and went on to rebuild another fortune in various sectors.

The most amazing thing is the once very spiky, recluse became a prominenet voice of reason and public commenator on business, trade, economics and general social policy. I would nearly go as far to say a once hated man (IRA kidnapped him in 80s. Few cared.) became respected, almost liked.

Gordon should do the Late Late, or better still Tommy Tiernan show and admit he's been a bit of a cnut and promise to change and dial down the cnutery. Then get off the field for six months, get photographed going into his psychotherapy sessions, give back to horse welfare charites and start again. Only way.
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Some of the Gigginstown horses won't be coming over irrespective of what O'Leary says unless the BHA lift the ban on Elliot horses not permitted to run in England. Could turn into a Taking the knee type fiasco here...think the BHA were too hasty. Who backs down if there's a stalemate...
Social media has destroyed the second best stable in Ireland and Britain. What a **** show.
The trainers behaviour and stupid statements in response to it being exposed have destroyed the second best stable in Ireland and Britain.

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Gordon should do the Late Late, or better still Tommy Tiernan show and admit he's been a bit of a cnut and promise to change and dial down the cnutery. Then get off the field for six months, get photographed going into his psychotherapy sessions, give back to horse welfare charites and start again. Only way.


There are a lot of stories about me out there, some of them true, some of them non-so-true. I was arrogant and stupidly carried on in a way that didn't reflect the trust people had placed in me. It has come back to hurt me and has destroyed much that I have worked off. Despite the image thats out there, I love horses, its all I know and I woudnt have been as successful if I didnt care about horse welfare. I will work hard to rebuild my career and reputation. I understand that I deserve whatever punishment comes to me. I'd like to say that its not who I am, and that it has been a miscarraige of justice, but its not the case. I need to make sure that I am better in the future..... etc
The trainers behaviour and stupid statements in response to it being exposed have destroyed the second best stable in Ireland and Britain.

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That’s true but, as in most things where high emotions are involved, the reaction is disproportionate to the actual event. Mind you he should have known that.
Elliot needs to learn from the greatest PR disaster recovery ever seen in Ireland. In 1992, Ben Dunne,(Brits: Multi-millionaire retail magnate, think Philip Green or Mike Ashely) was arrested standing on a 10th floor balcony at a Florida hotel, ready to jump, half the Columbian GDP up his nose and some professional ladies, not his wife, in various degrees of relaxation in his suite. This was WAY bigger news than GE sitting on a dead horse. Eventually he gets bail, released flies home, calls a press conference immediately, and goes through in minute detail what happened, how he lives his life, how long he's been an addict, how much he's hurt his family, an apology and pledge to change. Two days later there was nothing left to write about, Ben got help, got fcked out of the family business (£100M handshake) and went on to rebuild another fortune in various sectors.

The most amazing thing is the once very spiky, recluse became a prominenet voice of reason and public commenator on business, trade, economics and general social policy. I would nearly go as far to say a once hated man (IRA kidnapped him in 80s. Few cared.) became respected, almost liked.

Gordon should do the Late Late, or better still Tommy Tiernan show and admit he's been a bit of a cnut and promise to change and dial down the cnutery. Then get off the field for six months, get photographed going into his psychotherapy sessions, give back to horse welfare charites and start again. Only way.

I've said this to a friend of his that he needs to do the circuit.
Cheveley Park Stud started the exodus and it was not due to the BHA stance (nor did they make reference to it’) - it was to protect their own reputation.

“ Thompson feels Cheveley Park ultimately had little option but to move the horses to other yards to ensure their reputation remained intact”.

If they are so concerned about reputation, perhaps they should no longer do business with Darley, given the owner is responsible for twice kidnapping and imprisoning his own children?


Or will they hold their nose and do it anyway because of ££££££.
Regardless of Cheverley Park, it is the hpocrisy of the BHA that gets me. They couldn't wait for the Irish authorities to deal with this issue and yet continue to fawn over the Sheikh like a lust filled teenager.
Elliot needs to learn from the greatest PR disaster recovery ever seen in Ireland. In 1992, Ben Dunne,(Brits: Multi-millionaire retail magnate, think Philip Green or Mike Ashely) was arrested standing on a 10th floor balcony at a Florida hotel, ready to jump, half the Columbian GDP up his nose and some professional ladies, not his wife, in various degrees of relaxation in his suite. This was WAY bigger news than GE sitting on a dead horse. Eventually he gets bail, released flies home, calls a press conference immediately, and goes through in minute detail what happened, how he lives his life, how long he's been an addict, how much he's hurt his family, an apology and pledge to change. Two days later there was nothing left to write about, Ben got help, got fcked out of the family business (£100M handshake) and went on to rebuild another fortune in various sectors.

The most amazing thing is the once very spiky, recluse became a prominenet voice of reason and public commenator on business, trade, economics and general social policy. I would nearly go as far to say a once hated man (IRA kidnapped him in 80s. Few cared.) became respected, almost liked.

Gordon should do the Late Late, or better still Tommy Tiernan show and admit he's been a bit of a cnut and promise to change and dial down the cnutery. Then get off the field for six months, get photographed going into his psychotherapy sessions, give back to horse welfare charites and start again. Only way.

Is this piece in The Examiner today...
Regardless of Cheverley Park, it is the hpocrisy of the BHA that gets me. They couldn't wait for the Irish authorities to deal with this issue and yet continue to fawn over the Sheikh like a lust filled teenager.

BHA could have waited till the weekend. They’ve genuinely potentially ruined the festival, and gave owners literally 0 options going forward should they want their horses at Cheltenham.

I genuinely thought it’d be easy Gordon signing his stable over for the time being. Doesnt seem that’s happening though.
If the IHRB convene on Friday and decide that Elliott will be fined and, therefore in their eyes the matter is now dealt with, would then the BHA have no leg to stand on by banning Elliott from the festival, Aintree etc? The BHA said they’d ban Elliott from running horses in Britain until the IHRB made their decision. Gigginstown are sticking by their man. The Moran’s are likely to do the same in terms of who they want training their horses. Maybe they know that Elliott won’t be banned from training in Ireland so are willing to stick by him hoping that the BHA bow down after the IHRB have made their decision?
the BHA said in their statement the ban stands while the investigation is ongoing. so assuming it's closed on Friday, if the IHRB consider a fine is sufficient punishment and no ban in forthcoming then id expect the BHA to lift their ban

not sure he's going to get just a fine though....
If the IHRB convene on Friday and decide that Elliott will be fined and, therefore in their eyes the matter is now dealt with, would then the BHA have no leg to stand on by banning Elliott from the festival, Aintree etc? The BHA said they’d ban Elliott from running horses in Britain until the IHRB made their decision. Gigginstown are sticking by their man. The Moran’s are likely to do the same in terms of who they want training their horses. Maybe they know that Elliott won’t be banned from training in Ireland so are willing to stick by him hoping that the BHA bow down after the IHRB have made their decision?

BHA have backed themselves into a corner. If as you say above happens, no way can the BHA then change their minds.

FWIW, there is absolutely no way Elliot only gets a fine.
Just looking through my ante-post log...

Only one Giggi horse there - Notebook at long odds in the Champion Chse and it was looking fvcked anyway.

Happy for the meeting to be O'Learyless.

It's an ill wind...
BHA have backed themselves into a corner. If as you say above happens, no way can the BHA then change their minds.

FWIW, there is absolutely no way Elliot only gets a fine.

Yeah agree with you that they’ve backed themselves into a corner. It just seems to me that the BHA have distanced themselves from the whole situation as much as they can and left it up to the IHRB to sort out as soon as possible. Why haven’t the BHA and IHRB worked together to dish out suitable deserved punishment that doesn’t end Elliott’s career long term and doesn’t hurt owners, punters, stable staff and the fans who like to see the best take on the best. Ban him for a year, let him transfer the horses in someone else’s name and let Elliott do the grovelling to the public and horse racing authorities to try to make up for his huge error.
The BHA and Irish will be in contact and there will be pressure being applied for the punishment to be as harsh as possible.

As I said earlier in the thread the BHA are insulating themselves and the rest of the industry because they know how once the snowball starts it's hard to stop. There's already talk of worse pictures / other trainers / not to mention if the Sheik kidnapping gets dragged up again.

Slim is right though they are making a rod for their own back with this for the future but at this point in time they will just want this off the front page of the media.
IF....and it is a big IF the Irish authorities dish out say a massive fine as his punishment and no ban then the BHA won't have a choice other than to go with the Irish ruling.
Their suspension on Elliot is pending the investigation and if that's what the Irish find then they will need to go with it as there is a reciprocal arrangement I believe.
They'd be setting a very dangerous precedent if they went and did their own thing post the Irish Ruling.

I find the hypocrisy in some of the people who have dropped him appalling, Cheveley Park as already alluded to above on this thread, more than happy to continue dealing with the Sheikh.
The Racing Post, hardly a word said against the Sheikh but story after story about Elliot.
Betfair, no issues with people laying an injured or dead horse, but take the moral ground if someone sits on one?
Ruby Walsh, saying about duty of care yet he remounted countless horses, Kauto Star being the highest profile one, who subsequently then missed the rest of the season injured.

We know Gordon Elliot has done wrong, he's admitted it, let him take his punishment and then let him get on with doing what he's best at.
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Regardless of Cheverley Park, it is the hpocrisy of the BHA that gets me. They couldn't wait for the Irish authorities to deal with this issue and yet continue to fawn over the Sheikh like a lust filled teenager.

Couldn't agree more. Looks better when there's more British than Irish winners at Cheltenham too
It is within the BHA's purview to deal with GE separately and independently of the Irish authorities.

They can say Elliott can never have a runner in this country again if they wish. As far as UK racing is concerned it's their ba'.

It won't matter to them if GE does his best impression of Lazarus and takes Irish racing by storm in the years to come.

The rest of the post about hypocrisy is bang on but how many of us, let's be honest, have never been guilty of hypocrisy at some point or other in our lives.

I stand by a conclusion I came to decades ago: show me someone who claims to be fighting for a cause and I'll show you a hypocrite.
Well, the BHA can maintain their ban on Elliott runners if they want to whatever IR do. And I can’t see them altering their stance in the unlikely event that IR just slap him on the wrist with a fine.

Ps: oops, posted just after desert has said the same thing.
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It is within the BHA's purview to deal with GE separately and independently of the Irish authorities.

They can say Elliott can never have a runner in this country again if they wish. As far as UK racing is concerned it's their ba'.

It won't matter to them if GE does his best impression of Lazarus and takes Irish racing by storm in the years to come.

The rest of the post about hypocrisy is bang on but how many of us, let's be honest, have never been guilty of hypocrisy at some point or other in our lives.

I stand by a conclusion I came to decades ago: show me someone who claims to be fighting for a cause and I'll show you a hypocrite.

I do wonder though if this might be the start of the demise of Cheltenham. The prize money is **** and the BHA could be accused of being anti-Irish. There are much better pots in Ireland and the DRF is turning into a real quality festival. The BHA best be careful what it wishes for.
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