Diamond Geezer
Gone But Not Forgotten
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- May 2, 2003
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I do wonder though if this might be the start of the demise of Cheltenham. The prize money is **** and the BHA could be accused of being anti-Irish. There are much better pots in Ireland and the DRF is turning into a real quality festival. The BHA best be careful what it wishes for.
You'd like to think that there is behind the scenes contact between the IHRB and the BHA (and Gordon) to decide on what will work as a short/medium term solution that can be announced on Friday.
Personally, I'd be looking at:
- immediate suspension of licence to train with the facility to reapply on October 1st. That application to be properly reviewed and not automatically granted.
- horses transferred to the licence of an agreed person with the facility for an authorised person to oversee training at Cullentra.
- Elliott to be barred from racecourses but still allowed to work with horses preferably after some kind of course on horse welfare.
- a proportionate fine that goes to horse welfare charities.
I do wonder though if this might be the start of the demise of Cheltenham. The prize money is **** and the BHA could be accused of being anti-Irish. There are much better pots in Ireland and the DRF is turning into a real quality festival. The BHA best be careful what it wishes for.
Hopefully the start of a backtrack. They should have waited till Friday anyway.
I think it would take Dad's Army and then some to stop the Irish coming across or for the Brits not to attend.....the crowds don't much care about prize money and its been thee meeting for over 250 years.......unstopable i reckon
Somebody just woke up in their club in Mayfair and remembered: "Oh Fcuk. There goes our five day festival."
If BHA alter the uniformity of discipline handshakes, IHRB and France Galop can easily follow suit. Mayble in Paris or Kildare they'll decide in fact that a 36 month ban would be more appropriate for a sexually transmitted cocaine habit at their tracks. How would that look? I know the BHA are probably enjoying their new found sense of national sovereighty these days but not not quite back to ruiing (all) the waves for a few years yet, old chaps. Need to be patient with that one.
Let's not call a spade a shovel.
I began the week believing that they should throw the book at (to quote me) the 'thick gobshite.' But then I sit back and and listen to the dog whistling on social media, RTE, print, general commentary and maybe even on this hallowed place - and a theme emerges. The theme is 'type.' Gordon is not the same 'type' as Nicky, or Henry, or Jessica, or Willie or Cheveley Park. They are not the 'type' who might make it to the Pontin's banned list "but we all know that Gordon is a little more 'socially agricultural' so let's have a pile on."
I'm ending the week mortified that an offence that merited severe remprimand and solid punishment for negatively impacting a sport I love turned into a 'type-hunt' of shameful proportions.
Let's not call a spade a shovel.
I began the week believing that they should throw the book at (to quote me) the 'thick gobshite.' But then I sit back and and listen to the dog whistling on social media, RTE, print, general commentary and maybe even on this hallowed place - and a theme emerges. The theme is 'type.' Gordon is not the same 'type' as Nicky, or Henry, or Jessica, or Willie or Cheveley Park. They are not the 'type' who might make it to the Pontin's banned list "but we all know that Gordon is a little more 'socially agricultural' so let's have a pile on."
I'm ending the week mortified that an offence that merited severe remprimand and solid punishment for negatively impacting a sport I love turned into a 'type-hunt' of shameful proportions. He's a tough nut and I believe he'll survive somehow, personally and professionally. I hope God spares me for Cheltenham 2031 to be there when he leads in his next Gold Cup winner.
Another owner continuing to support GE
Let's not call a spade a shovel.
I began the week believing that they should throw the book at (to quote me) the 'thick gobshite.' But then I sit back and and listen to the dog whistling on social media, RTE, print, general commentary and maybe even on this hallowed place - and a theme emerges. The theme is 'type.' Gordon is not the same 'type' as Nicky, or Henry, or Jessica, or Willie or Cheveley Park. They are not the 'type' who might make it to the Pontin's banned list "but we all know that Gordon is a little more 'socially agricultural' so let's have a pile on."
I'm ending the week mortified that an offence that merited severe remprimand and solid punishment for negatively impacting a sport I love turned into a 'type-hunt' of shameful proportions. He's a tough nut and I believe he'll survive somehow, personally and professionally. I hope God spares me for Cheltenham 2031 to be there when he leads in his next Gold Cup winner.
Let's not call a spade a shovel.
I began the week believing that they should throw the book at (to quote me) the 'thick gobshite.' But then I sit back and and listen to the dog whistling on social media, RTE, print, general commentary and maybe even on this hallowed place - and a theme emerges. The theme is 'type.' Gordon is not the same 'type' as Nicky, or Henry, or Jessica, or Willie or Cheveley Park. They are not the 'type' who might make it to the Pontin's banned list "but we all know that Gordon is a little more 'socially agricultural' so let's have a pile on."
I'm ending the week mortified that an offence that merited severe remprimand and solid punishment for negatively impacting a sport I love turned into a 'type-hunt' of shameful proportions. He's a tough nut and I believe he'll survive somehow, personally and professionally. I hope God spares me for Cheltenham 2031 to be there when he leads in his next Gold Cup winner.
A good PR person can tun this around for GE
A part of me thinks this is the fire that will relight Michael O'learys passion and he buys horses at the sales en masse again
A good PR person can turn this around for GE
Problem you got there is that there is potentially other stories that may come out
The emergence of that photo came out for a reason, there are obviously people out there who want to get him
There has already been one accusation on Social Media from an ex employee accusing him of inappropriate behaviour
There's some more **** thats gonna hit the fan for him, this story as a while to run yet
I wonder if MOL is tempted to consolidate his scattered masses into GEs stable to fill the vacant boxes. That would be a thing.
There has already been one accusation on Social Media from an ex employee accusing him of inappropriate behaviour