The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Problem you got there is that there is potentially other stories that may come out

The emergence of that photo came out for a reason, there are obviously people out there who want to get him

There has already been one accusation on Social Media from an ex employee accusing him of inappropriate behaviour

There's some more **** thats gonna hit the fan for him, this story as a while to run yet

I think the scorned other party has had her pound of flesh

The judgment is Friday, so it would be out by now

If someone makes an accusation (to which you refer) on Social Media in that manner rather than to the authorities at the time, it should tell you all you need to know about their true intentions
Problem you got there is that there is potentially other stories that may come out

The emergence of that photo came out for a reason, there are obviously people out there who want to get him

There has already been one accusation on Social Media from an ex employee accusing him of inappropriate behaviour

There's some more **** thats gonna hit the fan for him, this story as a while to run yet

The accusation on social media is far worse than sitting on a dead horse, if there was anything in it, would The Guarda not have acted by now.
I suspect the scorned party, has either realised she needs to (or has been advised to) cop the fu*ck on, given the damage this has caused.

I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised, if the perpetrator is now worried about blow-back.
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The accusation on social media is far worse than sitting on a dead horse, if there was anything in it, would The Guarda not have acted by now.

As we've seen with the Alex Salmond case, there is much greyness about when "inappropriate" behaviour becomes criminal behaviour.
When did putting sexual accusations on social media become a thing? Go to the guards or **** off.
Whatever the BHA decide will be the quickest they've ever decided anything, so that the horses will be 'allowed' to run at Cheltenham as the damage to the sport in a wider sphere than one trainer, would do more damage than if they don't allow them to run. I can see a very hefty fine. I can't see how they could justify a ban as there was no detriment to the horses' well being, he wasn't cruel to him, or ill treating him. I think they may think he has been punished enough.
She didn't look the smartest. Libel laws in Ireland are strong and will hopefully come back to see accuser reprimanded.

I'm thinking he gets 6 months on Friday and then his PR machine better kick into overdrive.
Credit to Gordon for fessing up as quickly as he did; honesty is the best and only policy.
We should start a campaign for An Capall to become GE's PR guru, campaign manager to "Make Cullentra Racing Great Again"
Racing has had it's Nijinsky and It's Nureyev, now we need Rasputin to take the stage.
Whatever the BHA decide will be the quickest they've ever decided anything, so that the horses will be 'allowed' to run at Cheltenham as the damage to the sport in a wider sphere than one trainer, would do more damage than if they don't allow them to run. I can see a very hefty fine. I can't see how they could justify a ban as there was no detriment to the horses' well being, he wasn't cruel to him, or ill treating him. I think they may think he has been punished enough.

I agree.
Was there and sort of rift between Gordon and Chevely Park before this came out? Seem they decided they were judge jury and executioners before the ink had dried
No, I have a friend that is one of the sponsors at Elliotts yard. When the news broke Chevely park twice stated their intention privately to him that they were staying put. However due to the worldwide attention it got and the BHA’s decision by Monday afternoon they said they had no other option.

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I still find it hard to believe that anyone’s first reaction wasn’t just “dickhead”

It’s taken me five days to post on here becuase I’ve been subject to some fairly impressive trolling on social media for pointing out that not only was he not in control of the photo being taken, he certainly wasn’t guilty of anything other than being crass and stupid and I really couldn’t at any stage get butthurt about it. The public decimation of him and his staff has been appalling to watch - and largely from people who shouldn’t spent the rest of their days posting about mental health.
Now it might be that the 22 years spent in
Vet work surrounded by working in racing yards had hardened me to things that go on, but seriously - there was no cruelty involved here, it was just a stupid moment that someone else thought was funny to photograph and caption. If the general public knew what went on in vet surgeries and hospitals up and down the country they’d implode - there’s a very strange sense of humour that develops over time and it’s largely because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to work in the kind of pressure environments they are.

Far far worse to my mind is the sharing of the photo for personal gain and the subsequent hatchet job attempted by people ( who appear to be related ) when they MUST have known it would blow up to some extent. It was a deliberate, calculated thing to destroy him - and that, to my mind has done more to damage the integrity of racing than a photo of GE sitting on a dead horse.

Let’s not go into the fact that I’m not 100% convinced that horse hes sat on is Mason looking at the photos of him online and comparing them.

It’s a mess. But he’s done nothing other than sit on a cadaver. I’ve done it - the only difference being that it was my horse, I didn’t even remotely consider it being disrespectful to her ( though I’m very much of the opinion that once dead, the animal or person isn’t there any more anyway, it’s just their physical form left) - and I wasn’t photographed and im not aware I have a disgruntled person set out to bury me after.

The whole thing is a bloody storm in a teacup - whipped up into a frenzy by people wanting to be self righteous and competing to be the most vocal about being offended. They are the ones who have damaged racing, led by the people behind the photo becoming public, not GE.

It’s been nice to see all the yards who have been sharing photos of their staff and horses on social media, but I do think they are in danger of making people thing we protest too much...

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Well, trudij, I don’t agree with you at all that it’s just a storm in a teacup, but I’ll defend your right to say so to the death (as they say:)) and I am sorry that you should have been trolled so vehemently for saying so. They are all pillocks.
Well said Trudij, and a more balanced view than the many who've made a meal of GE's unfortunate predicament.