The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Well, trudij, I don’t agree with you at all that it’s just a storm in a teacup, but I’ll defend your right to say so to the death (as they say:)) and I am sorry that you should have been trolled so vehemently for saying so. They are all pillocks.

The storm in a teacup basically just means that I think he should have had a massive fine for bringing racing into disrepute and some kind of “holiday”. Dragging someone publicly over the coals like this ( for something that is really not awful - he was sat on a dead horse for gods sake, he didn’t skin it alive and start having sex with it!) is far far out of proportion to the “crime” ( in my humble opinion)

I just think there are times to get upset over stuff and there are times you don’t. What’s gone on over this smacks of witch hunt and we may as well have given them pitchforks and torches to go up to the yard. It’s totally out of order that it’s ended up how it has.

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The storm in a teacup basically just means that I think he should have had a massive fine for bringing racing into disrepute and some kind of “holiday”. Dragging someone publicly over the coals like this ( for something that is really not awful - he was sat on a dead horse for gods sake, he didn’t skin it alive and start having sex with it!) is far far out of proportion to the “crime” ( in my humble opinion)

I just think there are times to get upset over stuff and there are times you don’t. What’s gone on over this smacks of witch hunt and we may as well have given them pitchforks and torches to go up to the yard. It’s totally out of order that it’s ended up how it has.

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I do agree with you. I think that the BHA and the majority of the racing media have behaved with no sense of perspective whatsoever.
Ufortunately the BHA havs no backbone and crumble to public opinion at every turn......They could have simply said this is Irelands problem and they will decide his all means give a statemnt saying how disgracefull it was but banning his runners and being part of ruining his life to keep social media at bay is just weak and wrong.

Only one person did a silly thing but becuase of the way it;s been handled many others will suffer ie losing jobs

I have to agree a large fine and a holiday would have been enough and it should have been done by the Irish within days.......instead the BHA stick their noses in and make the whole thing worse
Yes I agree with that and what trudie was a sad picture but no sadder than watching horses,especially tired horses, being excessively whipped.and for me,I hate seeing jockeys persist on finishing a race when the horse is struggling.this is more of a welfare issue to me.the horses we are told,are well looked after and I do believe that is true and I'm sure that includes the Elliot stable.
This horse had unfortunately died and the picture is unfortunate but it's a bit over the top to say he doesnt care about welfare.
I'm sure things happen in stables up and down the country that they wouldnt want us to know about.
It worries me that they will want to make an example of Elliot and ban him for a long time and I think that is wrong.
I hope it's just a big fine.
A non racing friend of mine messaged me today and said the Elliott picture reminded her of a trophy hunter. She’s one of several friends that understand my love of racing because I’ve explained to them why I love it so much, so we agree to disagree. I apologised to her and said that racing people were horrified by it too. But I seem to have got that wrong.
The photo, upon first viewing, goes way beyond “he’s a dick head”. Yes, he does look like a trophy hunter, and I said on Monday all that was missing from the photo was a rifle slung over Elliott’s shoulder; it’s the fact that he is posing just like a game hunter that frames the horror and the idiocy for me. Sometimes people do not deserve a second chance, but he doesn’t fall into that category. A ban and a fine, allied with genuine contrition, should help us all move on.
Thinking about it the way I feel at the moment is that, to non racing friends I feel the need to apologise. Having said that GE never intended to cause distress to people seeing that picture as they weren’t meant to see it. Whoever released that picture did so knowing that it would upset many others: racing and non racing people. And break him. And they are as guilty of putting racing into disrepute as he is. Angry as I am with GE I don’t wish to see anyone broken in that way as long as other instances don’t come to light.
The photo, upon first viewing, goes way beyond “he’s a dick head”. Yes, he does look like a trophy hunter, and I said on Monday all that was missing from the photo was a rifle slung over Elliott’s shoulder; it’s the fact that he is posing just like a game hunter that frames the horror and the idiocy for me. Sometimes people do not deserve a second chance, but he doesn’t fall into that category. A ban and a fine, allied with genuine contrition, should help us all move on.

I’m not a big animal fan, dogs, cats etc. But I love horses and that’s more than likely due to spending years watching them, not just racing but parading, at yards etc but when you see a horse do what they do - especially NH horses - it’s another level.

Many have thought me strange for answering “favourite ever sports person ?” With Desert Orchid but I digress and my point is, anybody who thinks Elliott doesn’t love horses (having spent his whole life around them) couldn’t be more wrong.

By the sound of it he loves a good time too but that should not result in the way this has panned out.
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A non racing friend of mine messaged me today and said the Elliott picture reminded her of a trophy hunter. She’s one of several friends that understand my love of racing because I’ve explained to them why I love it so much, so we agree to disagree. I apologised to her and said that racing people were horrified by it too. But I seem to have got that wrong.

I don't think you got that wrong at all.

The debate has now moved on to what to do about it.
Thankfully nothing has been mentioned on my laidees forums [gransnet/mumsnet]so it seems to be yesterdays news. Still shocked at The Times for printing it, though.
Brining racing into disrepute? Did it even cross his mind to do so he sat down and some idiot shouted smile and he reacted like everyone does an ugle photo it was don't get me wrong.......The person who gave the photo to the media is who really brought racing into disrepute and could cost dozens of people their livelyhood.......has it ever surfaced who did? or is he/she being protected by the media........
Brining racing into disrepute? Did it even cross his mind to do so he sat down and some idiot shouted smile and he reacted like everyone does an ugle photo it was don't get me wrong.......The person who gave the photo to the media is who really brought racing into disrepute and could cost dozens of people their livelyhood.......has it ever surfaced who did? or is he/she being protected by the media........

So what GE did is ok, then, as long as it’s kept secret and out of the public view? I don’t hold much brief for what seems to be vindictive whistleblowing, but I’m afraid GE did hold the gun to his own head. Even if the IHRB don’t crucify him - which I hope they don’t - it’ll take an awful long time for him to live it down.
GE should offer to self-exclude for a period (maybe rest of calendar year?), pay a fine, and take a ‘course’ or two in animal husbandry ethics.

A suitably contrite statement after the hearing should also be issued.

He can hopefully get his career back on track afterwards.
Interesting development

The Justice presiding over the hearing is Phillip Reynold's sister.

Hearing starts at 9.30am
Interesting development

The Justice presiding over the hearing is Phillip Reynold's sister.

Hearing starts at 9.30am

I think that has the potential to balance out the fact that one of the picture release surnames matches the author of an incredibly damaging tweet, so the logical conclusion ( certainly in my head, while obviously accepting the potential for 2+2= 5 ) is that they are related and all combining forces....

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