The King George

I'm running out of superlatives. What a wonderful, wonderful, brilliant horse. For now I don't care what may or may not happen at Cheltenham, today is a day to savour.

I hope Master Minded is okay.
To be there today was something very special indeed. As great a days racing as i have experienced. Possibly the very best

There are no excuses for the runner up or any other horse. The fitness assumptions about LR at Haydock were well over the top by too many and the bounce factor was never an issue

This horse is quite magnificent. i reckon the GC is very seriously on the radar now.
Sublime. I did think age would catch him out today but somehow I'm still not surprised he has proven me wrong.

I think the most amazing thing about Kauto is how he has just kept coming back for more in these Grade 1s. He's a superb chaser, the very best I've seen.
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The trainer doesnt get the "genius" tag hung on him largely i suspect because of his straightforward manner. The mark of a great trainer is surely how they bring a horse back from setbacks and how long they prolong their career. With both Denman and Kauto we have seen something special from Nichols. Best trainer of jumps horses in my time. Without any doubt at all
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Thoughts with Master Minded - possibly the end of his racing career after being struck into. The highs and lows of horse race ownership in one race.

What a race though - he just destroys them mentally!
The trainer doesnt get the "genius" tag hung on him largely i suspect because of his straightforward manner. The mark of a great trainer is surely how they bring a horse back from setbacks and how long they prolong their career. With both Denman and Kauto we have seen something special from Nichols. Best trainer of jumps horses in my time. Without any doubt at all

Nowhere near my biggest bet of all time but cetainly right at the top of the pleasure tree seeing Kauto win the way he did.

One might think my first reaction would be to say he'll win the Gold Cup but I've studied Kauto inside out, I said he'd win the Betfair and was adament he'd win the King George but I am a realist or at least try to be.

The problem is Kauto hasn't ever really won a Gold Cup when stamina came into play He won it with sheer speed and the ability to quicken on a sixpence puting lengths between himself and others to such an extent unless he stopped completely they would never catch him.

Kauto simply doesn't have the legs/speed he once had. He'd have won that race by 20 lengths today if he had which means the only way he'll beat the likes of Long Run at Cheltenham is by outstaying him from the 3rd last all the way down the hill and up the stiff climb to the line.

I maintain as I said before the Betfair he was all wrong in last years King George but ran a blinder in the Gold Cup up until they had covered 3 miles then when stamina was required he fell to pieces and the legs went to jelly. An awful sight to watch and I for one don't want to see that again.

Today was fantastic it had me out of my chair cheering like a lunatic but IMVHO he simply will not win the Gold Cup. Those days are gone and will never return.
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I didn't have a bet in the race, but have got to say I was cheering Kauto on.

What has surprised me is the time being 2.8 seconds slower than the novice event (rec 3lb). The early pace seemed faster in the KG, so was it a case of going too fast early or are the novices an exceptional bunch ?
pace collapse when they went past the crowd 1st time, slowest ever fractions for that part of the race in last 20 years, something like 45seconds outside standard.
pace collapse when they went past the crowd 1st time, slowest ever fractions for that part of the race in last 20 years, something like 45seconds outside standard.

That seems a bit extreme given the finishing time. I thought it was a combination of KS slowing in the last furlong and LR staying on, but they must of been quickening.
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It has made me laugh reading this thread, and to think I felt out of place because of the Racing knowledge that this forum was known for.

Can't add to the praise and superlatives on here. Watched on a special big screen at Fontwell, where everyone was spellbound, and envy Clivex being there in person. I really squealed at one jump - might've been fifth out - a full stride's worth added on take-off, which was just stag-like.
I have to admit to shedding a tear - I may of called it wrong but do I care - not a bit - what a priviledge to witness a true legend :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:
Not only that Krizon but the members stand at Kempton gives the perfect view, not least from the balcony when they come back in. There were some scenes

Worth the annual membership alone
Has been a privilege to see this horse in his races. Full credit to connections for all the battles he has been allowed to take on and massive cheer to the horse for the way he has fought them. Come what may, I am just so pleased to see him win today. I just wanted him to come home safe, anything other than that was a bonus. Horse of several lifetimes. Wow.

Kri - I think I let out a squeak at the same fence as you!!!

Watched this from the balcony above the Kempton paddock and startled a cleaning man when I started jumping around after he'd cleared the last! Even my Dad, a man who goes racing every couple of years, loves this horse and was cheering him back in.
The reception for Kauto Star in 2009 was much better than today's, I'm not sure about the crowd today - they weren't too enthusiastic, you could tell by Rubys face coming into the parade ring that he was a little disapointed by the reception.

Nothing like Cheltenham as they say, true Racing fans not day trippers.