The Leger

Get the fuck in !!!!

What does Ryan Moore know, anyone who watches gallops is laughing there bollox off now !!!!
Look Here nearly went down on the bend..done well to finish 3rd

not sure where you got place lay from Luke

well done to stoutey.

First time racing against colts at Group1 level and the distance which is a killer.Luckily for me I am off to Dubrovnik on Thursday so I am not doing any heroics today.
The events of the last half hour are a big boost for Hasanka in the Irish Leger.Looks a bet to nothing ew and likely to be shorter then current price.
Got I love Frankie, had a nice ew a week ago, went in smaller today, but just shows it doesn't matter what jockeys know. Ryan has proven they are bad judges.

Hope a few were on :)
True Galileo but if you saw how that worked last Saturday you wouldn't get off it on any accounts.

I have a feeling, Stoutey made Ryan get off it so they could get a better price, you never know, he weren't half smiling after the race suggesting I knew.
True Galileo but if you saw how that worked last Saturday you wouldn't get off it on any accounts.

I have a feeling, Stoutey made Ryan get off it so they could get a better price, you never know, he weren't half smiling after the race suggesting I knew.

Two weeks ago you were singing the praises of Pakti's gallop with decent horses? Jockeys have tough decisions to make, and the idea that they do not have a clue does not sit with me. They make as many mistakes as gallop watchers, tv pundits, journalists etc
Two weeks ago you were singing the praises of Pakti's gallop with decent horses? Jockeys have tough decisions to make, and the idea that they do not have a clue does not sit with me. They make as many mistakes as gallop watchers, tv pundits, journalists etc

But the fact is Gal, Doctor Fremantle has been working poor for weeks and I just can't work out why Ryan got off Conduit when DF had shown nothing at home to suggest he was worth riding.

I also gave everyone the heads up Patkai wouldn't be running when he was an 9/1 chance and advised Conduit ante post after a sublime workout with Patkai whilst around 10s, you seem to not pick up on that Gal.
Look Here travelled like the best horse in the race.

The winner nice stayer.

Stoute deserved it,

Frozen Fire hung in the race, in and out horse, not his race.
But the fact is Gal, Doctor Fremantle has been working poor for weeks and I just can't work out why Ryan got off Conduit when DF had shown nothing at home to suggest he was worth riding.

I also gave everyone the heads up Patkai wouldn't be running when he was an 9/1 chance and advised Conduit ante post after a sublime workout with Patkai whilst around 10s, you seem to not pick up on that Gal.

You also advised us to back Pakti after he won at Ascot, you advised us to back Pakti after he clearly disappointed at Goodwood and when you had no idea what plans were considering how disappointing the horse was. You gave the impression connections should have been somehow happy with that run given everything was supposidly against him.

Chris you add an awful lot to the forum, in fact your posts are probably some of the first I look at and respect. But I am just pointing out, we all make mistakes (me as much if not more so than anyone) as much as anyone, jockeys, trainers, journalists included. But well done today Chris, good tip.
I agree on that Gal, about making mistakes, but once I knew Patkai wasn't gonna run I did flag him up, also i didn't lay him when I knew he wasn't gonna run, as I think that is bad punting practice.

My point is not about how horses are working or what should win, I was just suggesting a reason why Ryan may have got on Doctor Fremantle, when to what I and many had seen, he shouldn't have. If anything he misled the public by riding him.
I have other reason's for laying Doctor Fremantle.

He worked on the watered gallop 2 months ago and was tailed off in a piece of work, Kieren rode him and said he hated the slow ground. He also has been very lazy in his work, and the only reason Ryan has got on him, is he doesn't know if Conduit will handle testing ground. To be honest if the ground was fast I would have been lumping on Conduit, but had small ew because now you just don't know if he will handle it. I wouldn't be surprised to see both well beat to be honest.

You also stated that you wouldn't be surprised to see both horses well beaten - which kinda begs the question why you'd bother backing the animal in the first place!
Never in doubt that Conduit would get the trip, but I thought he wouldn’t have wanted that going. Ryan Moore deserted him for that reason, not because he thought anything was wrong with him. Although he made heavy weather of beating a fairly ordinary gelding last time out.

Unsung Heroine ran a blinder and Look Here managed to beat the colts (…except one:(). Like suny I thought Look Here was home and hosed two out. Frozen Fire was the big disappointment.

...Not so Septimus… you have to love him... would be great to see him line up in the Arc rather than slog it out down under.
Look Here was certainly pulling double for a long time. Mind you around 2 out Doctor Fremantle was also travelling very well, before finding zero.