The Next President?

Originally posted by clivex@Jun 5 2008, 11:01 PM

if there is any format that will play to his strengths and Obama's weaknesses, it is a town hall format.

intersting point. Obama would prefer a Sheffield type windbag victory rally :suspect:
Obama would prefer a more formal setting. McCain's strong point is that he can appear sympathetic (has a deceiving aura of humility really) towards votes and Obama seems, at times, awkward when interacting with voters. Very shrewd move on McCain's part.

The truth is though, McCain is not a great debator. His temper (which is the stuff of legend- he has come to fisticuffs twice on the Senate floor FFS!) really does hinder him at times and he also seems to find it very hard to think on his feet (maybe it's his age :nuts: ).
The majority of so-called "independents" couldn't give a rats ass about the primaries and are only starting to tune in to the election now.

Maybe - no, definitely! in a normal primary season, but in this of all years I'd wager that any independent who doesn't know who Jeremiah Wright is is unlikely to vote come November anyway.

What is your fixation with car parks, are you suggesting McCain would attempt to wipe out the Iranian people or invade, a la iraq and get more of their soldiers killed and give another generation of middle eastern kids a cause.

Take off the cowboy hat John Wayne, and grow-up.
Originally posted by eric c@Jun 5 2008, 03:21 PM
Obama will not want her as his VP---she would want to keep her blue pants on and upstage him !!!!

Hillary is determined to get some power by some means - and who can blame her after a fight like that. I wonder why she waited so long between the inevitable being obvious, and actually conceding defeat? Was she waiting for Maverick McCain to offer her the Veep role? This in fact would have been a winning ticket, no doubt about it :P

Meanwhile she's put Obama in yet another difficult double bind - he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He has campaigned so far on a platform of CHANGE and of a break with the past establishment mindset. Difficult to carry that forward with Hillary calling a lot of shots - and ex-Pres Clinton in the not-so-background, acting the loose cannon.

There was a good piece on the incredibly effective groundwork in terms of organisation put in by Obama in the ST today, which won the nomination - and will still be in place only more so during the election

Obama's machine

He's had a tough time keeping the fight clean in the face of provocation imo; and it's going to be difficult for Hillaryof all people to help him counter anything McCain throws, given it's likely she will have planted the seeds of their forecast criticisms in the minds of the Republicans in the first place
I have a gut feeling that he may not see November!! And its just that a gut feeling with all these extremist in the U.S.A. KLU KLUX KLAN comes to mind or are these all republicans????

I watched 24 hr news today and one H-C voter a white female said I won't vote for him!! I'll vote for D-M instead.....................

So she is abandoning the DEMOCRATS and voting for the REPUBLICANS as she wanted H-C to be the Democrats choice to stand against D-M............ :rolleyes:
Originally posted by trackside528@Jun 5 2008, 01:22 PM
In many ways I feel the Democrats would have been best served by a more "electable" (as bullshit as the phrase may be). Perhaps the likes of John Edwards (*cue Warbler crying hysterically in a corner*) :P )
I'm reminded of what that visiting professor told me way back in the Winter "never under-estimate the Democrats capacity to find the most unelectable candidate they can".

As regards Edwards as VP, it's possible, but he didn't carry the Carolina's for Kerry, even though he has some southern currency. He does have the capacity to reach the blue collar vote though, which would be one of the key things Hillary would bring to the ticket. But he's been defeated once and America doesn't normally warm well to losers. Quite apart from anything though, his VP candidacy represents my best chance of winning a bet I'd long torn up mentally. All I need is an air crash, or a devastating October surprise. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what would happen constitutionally if something happened to Obama after he'd nominated his running mate? Hillary would doubtless claim she's the candidate, but the running mate probably has an equally legitiamte claim, especially if it occurs between the election and taking office.

As regards Hillary's future, it's difficult to see where she goes immediately, but after having given it a lot of thought I've hatched on a zany idea :brows: She has options

A) Stay in the Senate
B) Join the administration in some capacity
C) Seek out a new platform

Now if we assume she has her eyes on another run in 2012 A and B look difficult.

If she stays in the Senate she'll probably find herself tied up into a voting record and support for an Obama Presidency that will make it difficult for her to sustain a challenge that hasn't got holes all the way through it. In this case she'd be relying on Obama to lose this year, so won't do anything too soon anyway. If he fails then she's cleared to run. If he wins, she's got to position herself without upsetting the party.

The second option is intriguing, but equally difficult to launch off I'd have thought for some of the same reasons. In 2012 Obama won't necessarily be able to play this wishy washy 'change' card. By then he'll be considered as part of the establishment and is going to require a new USP. Where as skin colour might be a small factor to the change/ slight novelty agenda he's been able to plug into, he's long gone past that stage now. It might have helped him secure early profile as he came to the media attention, but no more than this. I feel that far more crucial has been the fact that he's not a Clinton or a Bush, and compared to the usual suspects, he's young and energetic, and it's more likely this sense of optimism that he's been able to propogate, that has carried him along. To some extent 'change' and 'optimism' spawns 'hope' and it is this wave that he has plugged into and ridden so well (particularly amongst voters). However, it carries a health warning and a sell by date. If hope isn't managed in context, it can quickly become the self-inflicted wound of 'expectation' :eek: Now unless he's going to be able to reinvent a whole new way of managing a western democracy, then I'd thoroughly expect this expectation to go unmet and flounder on the rocks of pragmatism (everything else always has done). Now at one level this might cause some of those optimists who registered in Democrat primaries this year for the first time, to drift away in disillusion, which would enhance Hillary's prospects? In reality some of her vote will have died off by then too, so they might cancel each other out. Either way, he'll need to march to a different tune in 2012, but that's along way off

Where am I going with this?

Yes... back on track. :D It all depends on how popular an Obama administration transpires to be, which is why she can't risk joining it if she harbours ambitions of the top job. If he turns out to be a popular President, then she won't be able to beat him anyway. I'm sure it must have happened? but right now, I can't think of an example where a high profile member of an administration, successfully challenged, and won a nomination from a sitting President. So joining the administration looks like an admission that she'll never achieve her goal.

If it turns out to be an unpopular administration come 2012, and President Obama finds himself echoing the words of LBJ "I Shall not seek, nor shall I accept....etc" then she'll be tarnished by its failure too, and there's every chance that the Democrats record in government has been so poor, that the only way she could win is to get some distance between herself the administration and congress.

Which brings me to the third option, an alternative platform.

It might be that Obama tries to offer her one? Ambassador to the UN would allow her to stay in New York, but the media and public take a pretty dim view of the UN, and it's hardly going to keep her in the spotlight. As mentioned earlier, any of the major offices of state risk her eclipsing Obama, (so he doesn't have the incentive) especially as she'll have access to the networks and experience built up between 1992 - 2000 and could hit the ground running. The major offices of state would also make it very difficult for her to launch a run off regardless of his popularity, and this is backed up with precedent (so she doesn't have an incentive).

Now skulking back to the senate is an obvious thing to do, but..... what if she sought to demonstrate her ability to govern rather than simply vote or sit on committees trying to score points of political rivals?

Now there's two possibilities that come to mind.

1: A run for New York Mayor
2: A run for a State Governorship

Now New York mayors have a bad record of seeking the highest office, and although she would be rolling the dice in the knowledge of this, it would be too high a risk I reckon. New York state governor? well almost uniquely (but not quite) the position of mayor is actually higher profile, which means she'll have to go out of state I'd have thought if she wanted to showcase her achievements. Now Vermont or Rhode Island might be close :laughing: but they hardly register on the richter scale of profile building.

There is of course one very high profile state, that has a history of returning Democrats above Republicans, (unless one of their own stands for President) that currently has the house speaker representing it in Congress (Democrat and another quasi feminist, and influential, who I confess to voting for LTO) the state also voted for Hillary in the primaries, and also carried 57 electoral seats in the college last time I looked. It's present Governor would also guarantee her a high profile shoot out!!! although he must be due to finish his term soon (I think California is 8 years?)

Hillary Clinton versus The Terminator (you couldn't write it) :laughing:

If I were her I'd be inclined to offer Obama (and the party by proxy) my unconditional support and offer the services of the Clinton machine to go and secure California for him, whilst seruptitiously promoting myself norty

I should perhaps say I don't know how she gets on with Nancy Pelosi but wouldn't too surprised to learn they don't.

I'd be more scarred of the CIA Merlin :laughing:
In brief answer to my hypothetical question, I think it depends on timing?

If Obama were killed tomorrow, then the Democrat party constituition would have primacy and Hillary would assume the nomination.

If he were killed after having nominated his running mate (depending how close they are to polling day) I still think Hillary would assume the candidacy, but this would be a much greyer area. His running mates legitimacy was only as a part of ticket, which is no longer the offer and wouldn't therefore entitle them to assume the mantle. It depends how quickly the Dem's could ratify it, but I'd expect Hillary to be endorsed (probably witht he same VP to save time) although Vice President Chelsey remains a possibility :D

If he were killed during the period 3rd Nov to Jan 1st as 'President elect' however, I don't think the constitution would allow the passing of the Presidency to the Vice President as it normally would, as neither would have taken their respective oaths of office and therefore the constituion wouldn't apply as he wasn't technically a President. I think that under the constitution, the third in line to the throne is 'the speaker' which means the cynical money on a successful Obama not making it to the swearing in ceremoney would be on Nancy Pelosi at likely odds of 999/1 if anyone cares to ask for it.

Personally I'd be inclined to ask 9,999/1 on Jim Bolger with New Approach as VP
I'm not sure the Wright story has legs, so to speak, but it will remain below the surface and still has the potential to affect how voters see Obama.

The story may well go into hibernation but as you correctly alluded to, picking a president is a completely different matter to picking a candidate (and he was barely endorsed anyway)

His (part) race is one thing (which may bring in as many as it alienates anyway) but its the links to lack of patriotism and even straight forward anti-americanism, which is really going to get under the skin of voters. Im not sure that that is fully understood over here

for my money, it is his decision (and he must have thought it through at some stage surely? Wrights views cannot have been a secret) to stay so close to a this venal preacher for so long which is the issue, It betrays strange judgement

It could also illustrate a past senate based criticism of him...which is that be backs off tough decisions... Maybe this was a case in point?

Coming back to the race issue, would it had hindered colin Powell (always wished he had run)? Probably not...because he was not linked to seperatist movements (as far as i am aware) . I still think that is the real issue here
That is an issue; but even more so will be Obama's wife in my opinion.

She is a really chippy motor-mouth lawyer with a lot of opinions - inc criticisms of white society - which will alienate mainstream voters... And the spotlight is going to be on her a lot more during the coming campaign than it was during the primaries.
I read somewhere over the weekend that Hillary's best option is to stay in the Senate where she will very likely become Speaker or Leader - which would put her in a very powerful position indeed to make or break an Obama [or McCain] presidency, and to push through her own priority issues eg better healthcare programmes, as a condition of supporting the President on other issues. It would also put her in a good position for challenging again next time esp if Obama proves a failure.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Jun 8 2008, 09:46 PM
I have a gut feeling that he may not see November!! And its just that a gut feeling with all these extremist in the U.S.A. KLU KLUX KLAN comes to mind or are these all republicans????

I watched 24 hr news today and one H-C voter a white female said I won't vote for him!! I'll vote for D-M instead.....................

So she is abandoning the DEMOCRATS and voting for the REPUBLICANS as she wanted H-C to be the Democrats choice to stand against D-M............ :rolleyes:
I'm going to assume that by "D-M" you mean "J-M", and not the son of the multiple Grand National winning trainer...
Hilary would be unlikely to assume the nomination if the Clinton Machine were suspected of arranging Obama's assasination---they are not finished yet---she said she was suspending her campaign, who knows what may happen in the next 4 months??
Not delusional--- Just disillusioned.

Does anyone believe that the Clintons have not lied and cheated before and after they got to Washington ??

They are not finished yet--- November 4 is when the race ends.
Originally posted by eric c@Jun 10 2008, 01:19 PM
Does anyone believe that the Clintons have not lied and cheated before and after they got to Washington ??
I wouldn't say anyone would disagree with that statement when it comes to Bill! :D

I think the more serious event you seem to be alluding to is a bit of a right-wing conspiracy that was even dsiproved by Ken Starr of all people.
There's a very great deal more to distrust of the Clintons than Hillary's dead Attorney - inc the bizarre 'disappearances' of so very many people involved in exposing scandals surrounding the pair of them in their earlier careers [as noted by Warbler some months ago]

Those of us who make a habit of delving into such political arcana have never been happy with the idea of the Clintons back in power. They have a long back story of dishonesty, intimidation of 'dissidents', destruction of evidence, and much else. It's all out there, but would take a tediously long time to go into chapter and verse

it was at the start of the Clinton Presidency with Gore as Veep btw that the 'Global Warming' scientific dissidents lost their jobs and grants - a disgraceful episode now coming back to haunt the perpetrators
[see eg:]
Some of the so called 'Clinton body count' is tenuous and coincidence, some of it however, is strange and lets not forget that it would only require 1 incident of the 100's documented to be proven. The only thing you can say, is that they seem to have known a lot of people who met untimely demises, and the laws of probability wouldn't seem to cover the number of people who've suicided or been shot who came into contact with them.