The Next President?

would rather have an independent woman like Michelle Obama who isn't afraid to speak her mind

Maybe, but i get visions of Cheri Blair when you say that :suspect:

Its not a nice vision...especially wearing that "contraption" she had to tell us about

Ultimately, spouses who "speak their mind" are using an unelected platform to do so. Bit harsh maybe...but you get the drift

Anyone see the excellent Road to Finchley last night?

The portrayal of Denis Thatcher was superb...
It must be a fresh wind to persuade upwards of 100,000 people to come and stand in it. It is a truly extraordinary achievement.

I was amazed at the negativity of the BBC coverage last night. Suggestions that Obama was getting uppity (the word 'hubris' was used several times) and interviews with good ole boys back in Berlin Pennsylvania who think McCain is more 'American'. Bleak and, frankly, racist stuff.

Kirsty Wark was almost foaming as she said on Newsnight many Americans 'couldn't give a stuff' how well Obama gets on in Europe.
Yes colin ...walked into that one maybe:eek:

There were some criticisms that (yet again) his message was vague as ever

All that "yes we can!" stuff

I couldnt help thinking of those speeches in Life Of Brian with the crowd shouting back "oh no we cant!"

(or wot about woderick?)
'couldn't give a stuff' how well Obama gets on in Europe.

Which is 100% correct

In fact, too much swooning from europeans could be a negative

You're not wrong, but the emphatic way Kirsty Wark spoke this sentence was unusual.
Latest opinion polls seem to be making it neck and neck. I'm reminded of that conversation I had with the visiting professor from the States in the winter "Never under-estimate the Democrats ability to find the most unelectable candidate". I think they've been swept along on some romantic sentiment to date, but as November nears a few instinctive things will start to surface. You've got to think that McCain could pull this off yet:eek:
"Never under-estimate the Democrats ability to find the most unelectable candidate"

Mondale, Kerry etc etc

I believe that Obama will need to be well ahead in the polls to pull this off. I suspect that there might be an element (as we had with Kinnock) of voters telling pollsters one thing and then resorting back to the "safe" option in the booths. Sadly i think this could be for somewhat racist reasons
I'd be inclined to add McGovern and Dukakis to the list as well.

I think I read that McCain had nudged ahead in 9 of the 14 swing states. I suspect you're right Clive however sad it is. To date only Obama has really raised the issue, but then Republican attack ads don't need. A simple picture of Obama will be enough to eat away at some people.

There's a long way to go of course, and we've got conventions, VP choices, and televised debates yet, as well as the so called October surprise (should it materialise). Mind you it doesn't need to be true, it only needs to take on the appearence of being possible and creating enough doubt in swing voters mind. I heard today that there is a crack team of Republican party workers trying to hunt down a rumoured love child fathered by Obama. It's kind of typical really. All you need to do is find a way of drip feeding thsi into the news, allow your own candidate to distance himself from it with dignity, and then let it fester. It's all about planting seeds of doubt regardless of the evidence.
John Q Public?

Plenty of theories kicking around that he was a plant. Probably just a nutter.
John Edwards has now admitted to having an affair btw. He denies he's the father of the supposed lovechild.

What an absolute tool.