The Next President?

Obama steers well clear:

I have heard some of the news on this and so let me be as clear as possible. I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics, it has no relevance to governor Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18. And how family deals with issues and teenage children that shouldn't be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that is off limits.
You know my mother had me when she was 18. And how family deals with issues and teenage children that shouldn't be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that is off limits.

Thats a beautiful one from Obama. Strictly off-limits, but let me remind you that unlike the Palins, my family did it correctly! this all not a plot line from Desperate Housewives?
AC, I'm not sure what your definition of 'correctly' is, or what you think Obama's definition of 'correctly' is (if he has one), but I'd be surprised if his childhood matched it.
She's also under investigation apparently for allegedly sacking a state commisioner for his/her refusal to sack a state trooper who was involved in a bitter divroce dispute with her sister.

Her nomination (both the nominee and the timing) smacks of political desperation (perhaps unwarranted). The notion that she will appeal to Hillary supporters for the simple fact that she is a woman is almost insulting. As a passionately anti-abortion, card-carrying member of the NRA, she represents virtually everything Hillary's core hates!
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GF: That was a lazy use of the word 'correctly.'

What I was trying to convey was that in his case there was no attempt to hide something that Sarah Palin* seems to have thought might be worth concealing.

(ps* Isn't she the image of Dr. Melfi in the first series?)
"I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."

Yes, I too remember Senator Obama condeming John Edwards for attacking Dick Cheney's daughter for being a lesbian in the last campaign
I'll try, but it was in the TV debate. The context was that Cheney's daughter disagreed with her fathers policy on gay marriage, and Edwards sought to make capital out of it by reminding America that his daughter was a lesbian
From Wikipedia:

During the Cheney-Edwards Vice-Presidential Debate, moderator Gwen Ifill asked a question to the Vice President in which his daughter was indirectly mentioned:

"I want to read something you said four years ago at this very setting: 'Freedom means freedom for everybody.' You said it again recently when you were asked about legalizing same-sex unions. And you used your family's experience as a context for your remarks. Can you describe then your administration's support for a constitutional ban on same-sex unions?"

Vice President Cheney reiterated his position of four years ago, stating the issue should be left to the states but that he supports the Bush administration. He did not mention his family nor his daughter in his immediate response to the question. During Edwards's response, he said:

"I think the vice president and his wife love their daughter. I think they love her very much. And you can't have anything but respect for the fact that they're willing to talk about the fact that they have a gay daughter, the fact that they embrace her. It's a wonderful thing. And there are millions of parents like that who love their children, who want their children to be happy."
By Marc Kaufman and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, August 25, 2004; Page A01

DAVENPORT, Iowa, Aug. 24 -- Vice President Cheney spelled out his differences with President Bush on the volatile issue of gay marriage Tuesday while making his most revealing public comments so far about the sexual orientation of his gay daughter.
Asked his position on the subject at a town hall meeting here, Cheney replied: "Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family is very familiar with. . . . With respect to the question of relationships, my general view is that freedom means freedom for everyone. People . . . ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."

This has been an interesting one in then context of the conservative element of the republicans but is entirely consistent with Cheneys views on freedoms (within the US anyway)

Hes fiercely protective and devoted to his daughter
Pales in comparison to doing a phone poll asking "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?" in the run up to a vital primary. I'm sure I don't need to remind you who it was asking the question that time.
"I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."

Yes, I too remember Senator Obama condeming John Edwards for attacking Dick Cheney's daughter for being a lesbian in the last campaign

What did the last campaign have to do with Obama anyway? Why would he have been commenting on it? He surely wasn't at all relevant; he was fighting his own campaign, was he not?
From The Times:

A stream of fresh revelations about Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential choice, continued to unnerve her party and delight Democrats today, including allegations that she once belonged to a fringe Alaskan political party that want independence from America.
As a dozen Republican operatives and lawyers flew to the state to limit the fallout of what US voters are learning about John McCain’s new running mate — the day after her teenage daughter’s pregnancy was revealed — it also emerged that in January the Alaskan governor repeatedly laughed on air as a talk radio host described one of her political opponents as a “cancer” and a “bitch”.
The opponent in question, the Alaskan state senate president Lyda Green, is a cancer survivor. An audio recording of the interview with the Alaskan “shock jock” Bob Lester had received over a quarter of a million hits on YouTube by this morning.
Meanwhile officials of the Alaskan Independence Party — a fringe group that has been pushing for a referendum on whether Alaskans can secede from the US — said Mrs Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, and even attended the 1994 convention.
The party’s motto is “Alaska First — Alaska Always.”
The McCain campaign denied that Mrs Palin was a member, but Lynette Clark, the AIP chairman, insists the Palins were members until 1996, when Mrs Plain joined the Republican party. “When she joined the [independence] party, our platform was right under her nose,” Mrs Clark said.
Both Republicans and Democrats said it was clear that Mrs Palin, 44, had not been properly vetted before being chosen last week by Mr McCain, who had only met her once before he picked her. Yet the Republican nominee said: “The vetting process was completely thorough and I’m grateful for the results.”
Arthur Culvahouse, a veteran Washington lawyer who headed the vetting process, said when she was interviewed Mrs Palin volunteered information about her 17-year-old daughter Bristol’s pregnancy, and her husband’s 1986 drink-driving charge.
Details emerged about the father of Bristol Palin’s child. He is Levi Johnston, 18, the high school ice-hockey hunk. He describes himself on his MySpace page as a “f****** redneck.” He says he has a girlfriend, but “I don’t want kids”.
More potential problems arose for Mr McCain’s running mate. A central plank of his campaign is his fight against federal, “pork barrel” spending, when politicians seek millions of dollars for local pet projects. Mrs Palin, when she was unveiled as the Republican running mate on Friday, said she too was an anti-pork crusader. Yet in Wasilla, an Alaskan town of 6,700 where she was mayor less than two years ago, she employed a lobbying firm that secured almost $27 million in federal earmarks, for such items as a youth shelter and new rail line.
Her daughter’s five-month pregnancy brought an unexpected spotlight on her views — and those of Mr McCain — over teenage pregnancy. Both oppose sex education, and believe in teaching an abstinence only approach in schools. In November 2006 Mrs Palin, who is pro-life, said she would oppose an abortion for her daughter even if she had been raped. She also opposes contraception for married couples.
Democrat operatives — and teams of investigative reporters now in Alaska — said they were also turning their attention to her husband Todd, a champion snowmobiler, to see what they could find.
Julian Epstein, a Democratic strategist, said: “We will see this story go on for weeks. Reporters are competing with each other to see what shoe will drop next.”
You've got to love this from the McCain camp. They pulled an appearance on CNN because they feel that

“after a relentless refusal by certain on-air reporters to come to terms with John McCain’s selection of Alaska’s sitting governor as our party’s nominee for vice president, we decided John McCain’s time would be better served elsewhere.”

Watch the clip here:

Yes, how dare the media ask questions? How dare they not simply bow down and acquiesce to the infallible judgement of McCain?

Add this to his recent interview with Time Magazine,8599,1836909,00.html

and you've got to wonder what's going on in the spin department of the "Straight Talk Express TM".
no doubt. Jesus he comes out bad there. In Time too

I think Mccain is making a pigs ear of his campaign

If you sell yourself on one particular quality then you have to stick by it. You cannot backtrack

obama is starting to look statesmanlike in comparison