The Next President?

Hard to believe that a large number of Clintonian feminists would be moved to vote for her, but stranger things have happened.

Is it? I'd like to not stereotype the Hilary fan club - and for sure plenty wouldn't vote Republican - but the glass ceiling issue had become such an overwhelming matter for some, that I wonder whether it still retains an undeserving prominence over other factors and there will be some crossover.

Some of the vitriol that has been targeted at Obama from the fan club has been surprising and plenty have said that they won't vote for him. Could this be enough to tip the protest into a vote for McCain.
Just makes this fascinating race even more fascinating! The debate between the two vice president candidates should be worth watching!
Interesting furniture:


I can only assume McCain's very confident of winning Florida. Charlie Crist might have got him 27 votes, instead he's gone for the 3 that Alaska brings (votes Republican anyway). I've seen a few campaign posters of them now, and they don't half look and odd couple.
It probably is BM, but it could easily back-fire, given her pro-life stance..........which is odd in itself, given her pro-gun stance (irony is clearly a redundant concept in the frozen wastelands).

I think this is a calamitous decision by McCain, and opens up a flank on the only real area where he had a clear lead - that of experience.

Tired old Guardian reader can they be pro life blah blah blah

He chances were strongly highlighted in the Observer a couple of weeks ago, so perhaps not a suprise

Dont like her views....i find it a bit odd that hes gone for a socially hard right veep when that constituency is surely on board anyway. agree with warbler about the debates...too orchestrated for much likelihood of a thrashing
I was curious to know what your thoughts might have been on someone whose clearly light on experience and foreign policy in particular having chastised Obama thus?

It strikes me that both candidates have broadly taken on board their perceived weaknesses and sort to plug them. Obama goes for experience and a foreign policy expert, where as McCain goes for someone with potential X factor appeal clearly mindful of the fact that he isn't going to match Obama for charisma and televisual profile.

Of the two I'd suspect the Obama ticket looks like the more dependable now, although I'd expect to see a McCain surge. Either way, we're going to get our first black president or first female VP (all things being equal).

Do they really say prayers before a college basketball match:eek:
Not sure it matters warbler frankly. Mccains experience is the crucial factor. If he was younger, then it would barely register but there is the grim reaper scenario i suppose

I think the whole veep issue is a bit overdone myself. Very few are ever going to be as powerful as Cheney. Cant see Mccain standing for or needing that and the voters will be aware

Quayle was an idiot. Truely thick. Didnt stop Bush though. Lloyd Bentsen was a high class convincing candidiate. Didnt make enough difference though
Reference to her wikipedia profile. She earned the name barracuda because of her assertive style of play (basketball), and led the team in prayers prior to a match
Lol - I was already watching that Gareth as you must have been posting it. Roll on next weekend.
Almost too crazy. Theories abound. Is it true? Possibly, possibly not. Is it true, a cover-up and an expose the day after her nomination with a known pro-life stance? hmm. True and a plant? Possibly.

I'm guessing that we might be hearing a bit more about this over the next few days.
Has the 'October surprise' been delivered prematurely?

Watching brief I suspect.

It's certainly not unheard of for women to give birth without necessarily even knowing they were pregnant, but that's usually the case with women of size. I can't think why they'd have pitched 'Bristol' (what sort of a name is that for a young gal) into a few photo shoots though, lest of all stood her towards the front with a sideways on shot?

Remember John Kerry had his image drafted onto an anti Vietnam war photo in the last campaign.

I'll keep an open mind, but then I'm not sure whether I've got a vote this time round :D
With quite amazing timing, Hurricane Gustav looks set to hit New Orleans tomorrow, the day the Republican convention begins.