The Next President?

Its drifting away from obama isnt it?

Polls are surpisingly negative

Still believe that the triumphant looking tour around europe was a blunder. And no yank is going to take endorsements of Germans in sandals and the cheese eating surrender monkeys
I think it's pretty simple - McCain's negative attacks are working. And they'll continue to work, unless Obama throws the kitchen sink back at him.
I think if he starts mud flinging at a war hero it will backfire. I think he needs to start (if he's not already) talking about what a great american McCain was. He needs to ride that age ticket.
The age factor is overrated. Its all very nice and Hello magazine for those who arent going to be goverened for the candidate to be young and good looking, but the cheese eating surrender monkeys are not going to be at the polls

Given that economically and militarily these are uncertain times, voters are possibly more likely to go with perecived experience

I also think that McCains strong stance on Russia is reaping benefits
• John McCain is unsure how many homes he and his wife own.
• McCain suggested that only people making more $5 million or more a year should be considered “rich.” (Does that make someone earning a mere $3 million middle-class by his standards?) In fact in 2006, less than two percent of the households in the US earned more than $250,000. Oh, and when a multi-millionaire like McCain starts offering homilies to the rest of us about how unhappy rich people aren’t truly rich, I get on my guard.
• McCain suggested that foreign workers are needed to pick lettuce in Arizona because enough Americans would be unwilling to do it even for $50 an hour. I have no doubt that picking lettuce in the hot Arizona sun is miserable, backbreaking work. But I can guarantee McCain that if growers offered $50 an hour for the work (compared to the $8.50 base they currently pay), there would be no shortage of Americans willing to do it.
And Obama is the elitist?

Even more suprising hes doing well
Well we kind of said it would happen at some point, and it appears that it has, although this time the 3 were caught. Rifles, walkie-talkies, bullet proof jackets and drugs. The first three I can see might be useful tools of the trade, not entirely clear about the value of the fourth item listed though? Sounds more like local loons rather than organised crime, but they can still be dangerous and I'm not entirely sure the FBI were on to them to quite extent that they're trying to make out. Just make sure that all three haven't got the same cover story and claim to be working for Hilary Clinton
I know we shouldn't find humour in these things, but I couldn't help but smile after reading that Police had arrested a man named Adolph who was wearing a Swastika and suspected him of having ties to White Supremacists.

Geez, what gave it away?
I think you can be forgiven for that one BM I think it would tickle most people. Lets hope he hasn't got a short moustache
It's getting away from Obama. The increased emphasis on foreign policy (the new Cold War apparently is upon us) certainly won't help Obama either.
If he wants to risk it, he could try invoking the fact that an inexperienced state Senator steered America through their most frightening cold war moment shortly after taking office. Mind you, he'd be fighting on Republican territory when he needs to try and shift the debate to domestic issues
I have some memory of Dan Quayle trying to do it once, and he got shot down in flames big time. Mind you he really shouldn't, have tried it.
If he wants to risk it, he could try invoking the fact that an inexperienced state Senator steered America through their most frightening cold war moment shortly after taking office.

That wont work

Its almost tantamount to admitting lack of qualification. Apologetic even

I agree with Trackside. He should be strongly focusing on domestic concerns
What he should be doing is focussing on linking GWB and John McCain inextricably and focussing on the absolute hash the GOP has made of the last four years. In fact I don't think he should even mention himself or his plans once in his speech. It's the only option now.
You'd have thought so, but McCain aint young, there's bound to be question marks over her own sutability for office and comparative lack of experience in the event of something going wrong with him
It probably is BM, but it could easily back-fire, given her pro-life stance..........which is odd in itself, given her pro-gun stance (irony is clearly a redundant concept in the frozen wastelands).

I think this is a calamitous decision by McCain, and opens up a flank on the only real area where he had a clear lead - that of experience.

I think the maverick has blown it with this selection, and I will be hugely surprised if the Democratcs don't make swift, consistent and easy capital out of this - certainly, Palin will get eaten alive by Joe Biden in the VP debates.

Obama can only throw it away now, I reckon.
It probably is BM, but it could easily back-fire, given her pro-life stance..........which is odd in itself, given her pro-gun stance (irony is clearly a redundant concept in the frozen wastelands).

Not to mention her pro-death penalty views. Always amuses me, that one. Hard to believe that a large number of Clintonian feminists would be moved to vote for her, but stranger things have happened.

BTW, as explained by

like many Alaska politicians these days, Palin is involved in an ethics scandal. Her sister was married to a state trooper named Mike Wooten. The two of them got divorced and were involved in a bitter child custody battle. Sarah wanted to help her sister so she asked the state commissioner of public safety, Walt Monegan, to fire Wooten. He refused, so she fired him. He protested so loudly that the Republican-controlled state legislature appointed a retired prosecutor, Steve Branchflower, to investigate whether she abused her power as governor.

Nice lady.
It's an interesting one, and it appears that wikipedia along with everyone else has been caught out. At the moment they seem to know more about her basketball career than her politics. I imagine she'll be in thick with Exxon if she's Alaskan so the energy lobby will be satisfied.

Whether she gets a pasting in the VP debate isn't clear to me given that the format is so stage managed, the questions submitted in advance and the moderator and rules so strict that it isn't actually easy to gain an advantage. It's pretty rare these days to land a knock out blow. Quayle came out of it badly (the "I knew Jack Kennedy, I served with Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was my friend. Believe me Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy") but still got in. Edwards and Kerry both gained a slight edge over Cheney and Bush, but not a decisive one. George H Bush was the last one I can think of who seriously struggled in a televised debate, though in no small part that was down to Ross Perot who was able to depart from the script a bit, and Clinton just sat back, smiled and let him do his bidding for him. Perot successfully attacked Bush over Kuwait and his duplicity etc which was thought to be safe territory for the Republicans. Reagan struggled on his second debate when he looked senile, but was able to recover it on the third when they'd clearly prepared the line about him not wanting the voters to hold his opponents "compartive youth and inexperience against him". Mondale was always well behind in any event. I seem to think Geraldine Ferraro enjoyed a brief honeymoon, and Palin might do the same, but once the novelty factor was over the poll ratings quickly returned to where they had been.. In truth I don't think the '84 election is like for like, even though it's probably going to be trotted out. It was held very much at the high water mark for neo conservative Reaganism and the result could have been called from months out. This one is clearly much closer.