The Next President?

Things get stranger and stranger.

So Palin takes the stage last night and the partisan crowd go crazy for her as you'd expect. I'm sure everyone has seen it and has their own impression so I won't get into to it - suffice to say I loved the line about her being a pitbull with lipstick; I guess pitbulls have a better reputation in the US than here, where they're generally thought of as unpredictable savages just moments away from insanity...

Anyway, between that and the McCain campaign's attempts to create a siege mentality versus the evil media (TM) and their treatment of Palin (seems a long time since Jeremiah Wright videos were being played 24/7), along comes the National Enquirer with their claims that Palin was shagging a business partner of her husband.

Now most people think "Ha! National Enquirer! I bet they're claiming she's an alien too!", but not the McCain campaign. No, they make the massive errors of a) giving the story legs by moving to issue an immediate denial (you ignore shit like this!) and b) going even further by threatening to sue the National Enquirer. Which is utterly stupid, because in a world obsessed by celebrity gossip everyone assumes that when someone threatens to sue and doesn't the story is probably true!

And to top it off, the National Enquirer come back with this zinger, which beats anything that Palin had written for her:

Following our John Edwards' exclusives, our political reporting has obviously proven to be more detail-oriented than the McCain campaign's vetting process.

Looks like it's gonna get dirty now. But then we knew that. Shame it wasn't Hillary and Rudi, that would have been front row theatre. Just a shame the stakes are so high. Fasten your seatbelts. Haven't decided which way I'm going to vote yet ;) But I'm leaning towards abstension
By chance I caught nearly all of Palin's speech on BBC Parliament

Whatever anyone thinks of her views (not much myself) she has something about her. You couldnt really take your eyes off her. The looks are one thing, but she does have a natural delivery and a disarming manner

She is definately going to appeal to a lot of voters

I think the experience issue is relevant too. Of course shes no lloyd Bentson but Obama's experience is what exactly?

This line can still be played. Firstly Palin has undoubtably taken on some tough interests (although this may be played up a little) whereas there has been much talk of Obama being very slippery when "difficult" voting issues have been faced.

Secondly Palin has Governed. Not fo a long time sure, but succesfully. Obama has not. Has he run anything really? Hes the McKinsey management consultant to Palins small business woman

I know which i prefer... and thats from my experience too :rolleyes:

Could argue Obama may well say "yes we can!" Palin, let alone Mccain will say " we have"

As for the rest of the convention...its quite something to watch. Pretty gross to our restrained eyes.

Didnt see all the speechs (couldnt stomach them) but Mitt romney was very impressive.
She'd be quite likeable if she wasn't such a religious fundamentalist.

Edit: Actually, thinking about it... na, she wouldn't.
Jury's still out for me.

It could be an inspired selection, it could also be that she comes to easily overshadow him, and even cost him the election if he starts to appear poor in comparison.

Did the Americans not take to the Sarkohzy women big time? They certainly took to Jacqui Kennedy as some kind of quasi princess. The woman clearly has skills, and possess a degree of determination and ruthlessness. She appears to be hard working and well organised, and intodays world 80+% approval ratings after 4 yerars ain't to be sneezed at.

I wonder what her maiden name was. It must be somethign that sounds like barracuda otherwise it's one of the worst pieces of syntax scanning I've ever heard. If it were something like Barroclough I could understand it.
Did the Americans not take to the Sarkohzy women big time? They certainly took to Jacqui Kennedy as some kind of quasi princess

Presidents wife is a very different kettle of fish though isnt it? Amercians (despite what you think of them warbler:) ) would still need to be sure of her competency rather than ability to wear a dress (or shoot a moose...).

But at the same time, i doubt if she would outstrip Mccain. Romney might had and Huckabees wit could have overshadowed even Mccains. I would sense that her charisma will easily override sneers about her personal life (and so it should) but she has miles to go to match his gravitas (if thats right word..)

The interesting element might be the constant parrallels between her experience and Obama's. Sympathetic media could flog the line that..well she might be from the north pole running a bunch of eskimos...But at least shes done SOMETHING
I dont think McCain is anything special, but can not understand how people can vote someone like Obama.

A politician saying he wants a change , change what
we can, we can what?

Empty person, a dangerous for the world.

I think common sense will prevail and people will vote the old man.
Looks like the polls are tightening back up as McCain get his bounce. Gallup have it at Obama 47% McCain 45% with a margin of error of 2%.

In other words, too close to call...
I dont think McCain is anything special, but can not understand how people can vote someone like Obama.

A politician saying he wants a change , change what
we can, we can what?

Empty person, a dangerous for the world.

I think common sense will prevail and people will vote the old man.

Yes SUNY I'm with you mate on that.................
Gallup has McCain ahead by 3% (+/- 2%). Rasmussen has them tied.

Looking at the electoral college, looks like Ohio will once again be the major battleground.
I have Florida firmly ensconced in the McCain column and Obama still just needs Ohio to make it.

Actually, my current list brings the possibility of a 269/269 draw scarily close.
I dont think McCain is anything special, but can not understand how people can vote someone like Obama

My concern with Obama would be that he would freeze when faced with big decisions. The jibes that he hasnt "run anything" are not far from the mark. Ok, he wouldnt be the first (Kennedy same boat) but its a big question mark. Slick city lawyers are not every ones cup of tea of course and as many of us have seen in real life, highly educated "professionals" can be woefully indecisive managers

I also think the Palin effect will wear thin if she continues to avoid media exposure other than scripted (but well delivered) speechs

I would have florida strongly Mccain too. Large jewish population and links between Farrakhan, although tenuous, and Obama would not have gone unnoticed