The Next President?

Been a lucky candidate Obama

Palin might not do press conferences but Obama has hardly been an open book has he?

In fairness he hasnt blundered though....

But nothing ive seen or anything that we know about his background dispels the suspicion that he could be seriously lightweight. Even "hands off" Reagan had run a state FFS

Fortunately for him, financial events have worked in his favour and Mccains clown like response was perfect

Two best candidates (Romney and that would have been a great contest) must be wondering where it went wrong

There again, who would want to run the US over the next four years?
An open book? Hmm... you know what would have been really good? If only he had written a candid autobiography before he got into politics. One that detailed his early life and particularly how he struggled to come to terms with his racial identity and his (lack of) relationship with his absent father. That would be a fascinating read.
It would be a somewhat naive voter who put any value on a glossed up mary poppins bio as an alternative for hard administrative experience let alone an ability to take unrehearsed questions
No ive not read it and as so often you completely miss the point.

clivex, if you haven't read it, how can you simply dismiss it as a "glossed-up Mary Poppins bio"?

Your point - unless I have hugely mis-interpreted it - was that Obama has "hardly been an open book".

When it's pointed out to you that he has written a biography and three other books, all of which openly deal with his upbringing, his political hue, and his hopes for the future, you suggest that your point has been missed.

I confess, I probably need you to explain exactly what your point was, because from where I'm standing, it looks like Gareth addressed it perfectly adequately.
McCain appears to have taken to campaigning for Obama now amid speculation that he's completely at odds with his campaign managers who want to go on a hard hitting mud slinging exercise, where as we wants a dignified non-personalised approach. Doesn't seem to be playing well with his town hall meetings. Meanwhile the manic moose shooter has adopted the negative tactics esposued by the campaign team and thus appears off message with her candidate. On top of that the troopergate enquiry has found her guilty of abusing her power for personal gain in Alaska. It's starting to look like game set and match

"McCain advisers say they're saving their best material for the last ten days of the race, when, the campaign hopes, three quarters of the remaining undecided voters will make up their minds, and their minds will be concentrating on Barack Obama. When the urgency of the presidential election impresses itself, the hope is that these voters will swing back to the familiar, rather than the unknown. The last ten days, according to a McCain aide, are when the "imponderables" come into play."
I confess, I probably need you to explain exactly what your point was, because from where I'm standing

I will explain again slowly

A campaigners autobio, however articulate, is hardly going be anything other than a orchestrated PR job. I am sure he has an interesting life and holds some vague beliefs, but this is NEVER going to be a substitute for hard experience, where he is woefully lacking. We simply do not know how he will manage (as Hilary alluded to more than once) Its the management consultant asked to run the corporation

A good example of this ws his commitment to a daft time scale for withdrawl from Iraq. Whatever anyone thinks fo the original action, we are where we are and with an ounce of experience, he would surely have known that the 16 months timeframe is ridiculous
That was your other point, clivex, and to a certain extent I would agree with it.

However, I don't still see that running a State is particularly comporable with running the States, for reasons I've outlined before, so it's a moot point.

Personally, I think the fact that a great many World leader's - from right across the political spectrum - apparently can't wait to embrace a "President Obama", is vastly and undeniably more significant, than who signed the cheques for garbage collection in Phoenix (or Juneau, for that matter).

Anyway, I digress.

I was talking about your other other point............the one where you said Obama hasn't been "an open book" - the suggestion "He's hiding something" being implicit in the statement.

I don't think you've made that case yet.
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Personally, I think the fact that a great many World leader's - from right across the political spectrum - apparently can't wait to embrace a "President Obama

Like pea brain chavez ? Mugabe? cnt in Iran?

If i was a yank i would be a little bit suspicious of a leader who was a little popular abroad

I dont think hes hiding anything, but (and maybe open book is wrong phrase) there are lots of unknowns. Too many for my liking. In addition, i feel he has been rather too full of vague platitudes
Like pea brain chavez ? Mugabe? cnt in Iran?

If i was a yank i would be a little bit suspicious of a leader who was a little popular abroad

I dont think hes hiding anything, but (and maybe open book is wrong phrase) there are lots of unknowns. Too many for my liking. In addition, i feel he has been rather too full of vague platitudes

C'mon clivex - try a little harder. That one is too easy to bat back to you. How about Merkel, or Sarkozy, or Broon, and pretty much every other European leader too...............Western and Eastern.

As for too many unknowns about Obama, exactly how much do you know about McCain?

Here's what I know.

He is the septagenarian Govenor of a sand-pit State in the middle of knowhere, who was shot-down and tortured by the Viet-Cong, has a legendarily bad-temper, actively promoted an illegal war, refers to himself as a 'Maverick", and use the term "My friends" a lot, probably because he hasn't got too many real ones himself.

Call me crazy, but he's not exactly the kind of guy I want with his finger hovering over the button.
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In fairness to Cervix, he's never suggested that McCain is any good either, and has consistantly said he'd have voted for Hillary
Would much rather he hand is hand on the button than someone who hasnt even run a pub crawl and whos laughable foreign policy includes a set timetable for withdrawl from Iraq, regardless of circumstances, Bombing Pakistan and sitting down with racist presidents who spout genocide

I am not certain about Mccain's policies in total but he has handled extreme pressure in his life to an extent that we can only envisage and has demostrated his own mind politically

Im fine with him having supported the war in Iraq.
In fairness to Cervix, he's never suggested that McCain is any good either, and has consistantly said he'd have voted for Hillary

Pardon Warbler? !

Yes. If thats me, probably would have.
Only listened to the first half hour so far, but McCain has definately got the upper hand here. Worst I've heard Obama, and best I've heard Mccain. Things can change, but Barrack is flannelling
Havent seen it yet but even the very very partial BBC reported much the same, before quickly reminding us that it oprobably wouldnt make any difference (have they got a poll already???)
Havent seen it yet but even the very very partial BBC reported much the same, before quickly reminding us that it oprobably wouldnt make any difference (have they got a poll already???)

Most of the polls that came out said Obama won the debate.