The Next President?

Thats largely because he's ahead in the polls and people only hear what they want to hear in support of their candidate etc I accept the perception is more important than the reality, but from the first 45 mins (before I nodded off) McCain was beating him pretty comprehensively
Thats largely because he's ahead in the polls and people only hear what they want to hear in support of their candidate etc I accept the perception is more important than the reality, but from the first 45 mins (before I nodded off) McCain was beating him pretty comprehensively

Define beating him? Simply blowing hot air and coming off more aggressive does not mean he was beating him...far from it.
I still wonder why they are backing off the wright associations and concentrating on the far less relevant Ayers business.

The ever excellent melanie phlips puts it perfectly. Simple fact is that anyw white/jewish/latino or whatever candidate with such strong connections to racist organisations would have been crucified long ago

He should use Obama's own words against him. He should ask him whether he still thinks white Americans should make reparations to African-Americans. He should ask him why, in his March 18 speech on race, he tried to blame Pastor Wright’s racism on white America. He should ask him how he could have belonged for 20 years to a church which was founded on a philosophy of hatred of white people. He should ask him what he saw in Louis Farrakhan that led him to join the Nation of Islam’s Million Man March in 1995. He should ask him whether he now repudiates the black power revolutionary Marxism of his great mentor Frank Marshall Davies. He should ask him why he joined the Chicago New Party whose strategy is to move the Democratic party to the far left by burrowing from within.
He should ask him why America should elect as its President someone who believes he has to apologise for America, even to its enemies. And he should ask him whether, in view of his record, far from being a unifier Obama would actually be one of the most divisive presidents in American history.
In other words, McCain has to present a coherent case for not voting for this man. He has to show why what Obama stands for is so dangerous and divisive. It can be done – must be done – on the level of principles and ideas, not personalities. He has to show that he himself truly understands why Obama should not be elected. To date, this is what he has conspicuously failed to do. Even now, it is not too late to do so.
Would have thought after your stupid comments about Thatcher and her illness you would have "moved on" by now...or even grown up

The points raised are valid. Argue against them... if you can
The points raised are valid. Argue against them... if you can

Why should he or anyone else on here when you can't be arsed to read Obama himself explain his worldview and political beliefs?
Yeah. We should all swallow a PR company's puffed up bio rather than analyse his actual actions and associations over the past twenty years


I can well imagine the dim Guardian readers on here having been equally apologetic for Le Pen and Jorge Haider's past links in the event of either of them having suddenly become "mainstream"

Nazi salutes and uniforms...but lets "move on"

Very uncomfortable for some that saint obama has a past best...bad worst... close links to the black equivalent of any white supremicist orgainsation

But lets "move on"

And you think that describing a journalist as a "retard" is what its all about?

Yes...i suppose you would
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Ad hominem bullshit Clive - it appears you can't even keep straight who it is you're arguing with. You're talking from a position of admitted ignorance and you're actually revelling in it. Amazing.
Really struggling now arent you?

Argue the points raised or simply drop it. Your usual tiresome habit of trying to get in the final "funny" remark is of no interest

Or do something different, like raise a valid point yourself ....for once
Struggling is using the term "Guardian-reader" and invoking Nazis at every opportunity.

Raise a valid point myself? The points you want to argue have been raised by Melanie Phillips, not you, so stop acting like you're doing anything more than parroting her talking points, her cock-eyed loaded questions and her guilt by association claptrap that desperately wants to believe that Obama is a radical black-supremacist. Give me a break.
The points raised have been raised by me (in less detail) many times before.

guilt by association claptrap

So answer this,... if you can

Would YOU make the same apologies for a politicain who had been with a white seperatist church for 20 years? And whos leader believes that blacks deliberately spread aids amongst whites, say?

Is Obama a radcial black supremicist? I dont think so, but hes certainly been very comfortable in that enviroment for a very long time.

As ever, you have said nothing of value
Clivex, here you go:

"He should use Obama's own words against him. He should ask him whether he still thinks white Americans should make reparations to African-Americans. He should ask him why, in his March 18 speech on race, he tried to blame Pastor Wright’s racism on white America."

Absolute supposition on the part of the Idiot Philips. It is her interpretation that Obama "tried to blame Wright's racism on white America". Please point me in the direction of the Obama quote which states "White America is responsible for Pastor Wright's racism", and I will cede both you and Philips the point.

"He should ask him how he could have belonged for 20 years to a church which was founded on a philosophy of hatred of white people."

More supposition and racism from Philips.

"He should ask him what he saw in Louis Farrakhan that led him to join the Nation of Islam’s Million Man March in 1995."

The march was an expression of African-American identify for hundreds of thousands of black men - it was not an expression of support for the Nation of Islam. The fact Philips chooses to suggest that attendance equates to support for Farrakhan on Obama's part, is grossly and undoubtedly intentionally misleading

"He should ask him whether he now repudiates the black power revolutionary Marxism of his great mentor Frank Marshall Davies."

This is so utterly pointless a point, that it doesn't warrant an answer.

"He should ask him why he joined the Chicago New Party whose strategy is to move the Democratic party to the far left by burrowing from within."

It equates to being a member of Compass and New Labour - in other words, so what? Use of the phrase "burrowing" is very telling.

"He should ask him why America should elect as its President someone who believes he has to apologise for America, even to its enemies. And he should ask him whether, in view of his record, far from being a unifier Obama would actually be one of the most divisive presidents in American history."

Obama acknowledges imperfections in US policy, that Philips - a journalist - cannot see for herself? Use of the term "divisive" is, imo, a coded reference to Obama's colour - which isn't surprising given it's Philips who uses it.

"In other words, McCain has to present a coherent case for not voting for this man. He has to show why what Obama stands for is so dangerous and divisive."

I note the real lack of detail as to why it would be so "dangerous" and so "divisive" to elect Obama, other than the bat-shit crazy conspiracy theoires, and racially motiviated cobblers that passes for reason in Philips tiny brain.

"It can be done – must be done – on the level of principles and ideas, not personalities. He has to show that he himself truly understands why Obama should not be elected. To date, this is what he has conspicuously failed to do. Even now, it is not too late to do so."

An unabashed crie de coeur from Philips which amounts to nothing more than an empty request to the US never to elect a black man. Any black man.

The real reason Philips finds Obama "dangerous", is because she is vehemently pro-Israeli and anti-Islam in equal measure. She finds the prospect of "talks", more dangerous than the prospect of "war". That sums her up.

Philips is just about as racist as it is possible to get away with in the mainstream media, and anything she says should be given the same level of cognisance as would anything uttered by a drunk outside Kings Cross (I'll let you fill in the detail about how the drunk is probably Scottish - very Philipseque it would be too)

She's an idiot. An arsehole. A waste of organs. An oxygen thief. A pituary retard. And she's a phoney..................a half-wit masquerading as an 'intellectual' to the bewliderment of almost everyone on the planet, other than - apparently - yourself, and the rest of the Mail and Express readerships.
Would YOU make the same apologies for a politicain who had been with a white seperatist church for 20 years?

You already do - your recent espousing of Mitt Romney ignores that he was a Mormon for a long time before they removed their racist rules.

And whos leader believes that blacks deliberately spread aids amongst whites, say?

Actually, I believe Wright was blaming that particular one on the US Government. Which is crazy, but not racist.

As ever, you have said nothing of value

Only that which serves to reinforce your narrow beliefs has any value to you, so I'm glad you think so.
On June 8th, 1978, the 130 year "priesthood-ban" was lifted, and, since then, Black Mormons have had all the rights and opportunities in the Church as all others. Since June 8th, 1978, black Mormon membership has skyrocketed from less than a thousands to over 400,000.

The mormon church is not a church i respect in any way but how old was Romney in 1978? 30 years ago isnt it?Wrights church is to this day stuck on black seperatist rubbish. how many white members are there of wrights church today?

Romney's bid possibly failed because of his faith, which would be ironic given that his church is far less controvertial than Wrights
Clivex, as far as the Wright "saga" is concerned, you have failed to address the fundamental question, which is:

Who gives a fuck what his looney-tunes pastor says?

The answer would appear to be: Your good self, Melanie 'Cerebral Ring-piece' Philips, and a handful of Karl Rove wannabes in the GOP. No-one else gives two shits, and no-one else thinks it shows flawed judgement on Obama's part either.

You keep coming back to this whole Wright thing, and emphasise it as if it is something of import.

It isn't.

Wright is a barking old coot - a relic of the past, and the child of an age when racism was not only real, but often legislated, in the US. Obama represents that other United States - the new improved version that looks beyond skin colour, and is post-racial. There are still problems with race in the US, for sure, but they are confined to the fringes in both the black and white communities - where the nutters live.

To suggest, as Melanie Philips does, that Obama is some kind of black supremacist, merely by dint of his 20-year association with Rev. Wright's church, is contemptible bilge of the highest order.
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I find it remarkable that somebody picks on the Wright issue to dismiss a candidate in favour of one who believes the angel Mornony gave tablets of gold to a serial masturbator called Joseph Smith all those years ago.

Give me the Rev Wright any day.
So you would support a racist over and above someone who believes in a daft but harmless cult

Who gives a fuck what his looney-tunes pastor says?

Obama clearly did...for twenty years. Hardly dismissed him as barking until it became necessary to do so did he? Very strange that he supposedly disagrees with his worldview but kept turning up for more over and over again

So ...and the pathetic left never seem to be able to answer this...would be the reaction to a white candidate who was a member of an aryan church say that espoused the following

1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the White Community
3. Commitment to the white Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the white Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting white Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all white leadership who espouse and embrace the white Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the white Value System.
An unabashed crie de coeur from Philips which amounts to nothing more than an empty request to the US never to elect a black man. Any black man.

Absolute crap

Pretty disgusting innuendo

Other black politicians (Powell, Rice) are not deeply entwined in seperatist churches

You may as well state that an attack on a white politican who flirted with the BNP is an attack on all white politicians

The racism on view here is the assumption that all blacks share the same "values" as Obama and his pastor
The racism on view here is the assumption that Obama shares precisely the same "values" as his former pastor.
dont be so naive and ridiclulous. What sane person would associate themselves so deeply with a churhc that was so embeded in that world view when disagreeing with such a fundamental part of their constitution (or whatever its called) Its fucking written down. It was a CHOICE

out of your depth again

To suggest, as Melanie Philips does, that Obama is some kind of black supremacist, merely by dint of his 20-year association with Rev. Wright's church, is contemptible bilge of the highest order.

Of coure. he just happened to be there every week for twenty years and didnt really follow what was being preached. Or proclaimed it "wasnt for him" but "ill be back next week for more". Idiot

As for supremacist, not once did she use that word. Its seperatist

Theres nothing more to be said in the continuing and lauaghable inability of the pathetic left to answer what their opinion would be of a white church with the same values and a candidate that had a very close twenty year association with the same

Say nothing until you can answer that

Unlike Philips i dont believe that he is a subsriber to these views in totem now, but has had sympathy in the past for sure. his views have altered to fit the present circumstances perhaps but even with the benefit of the doubt it was extraordinary bad judgement and he has escpaed extremely lightly.... so far

As for romney being my choice, again the usual troll on here is quoting selectively and tiresomely having to drag out corrections. I said he should have been the GOp candidate especially given the present economic situation

My overall choice would probably have been Clinton
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Very strange that he supposedly disagrees with his worldview but kept turning up for more over and over again

This argument is simplistic to the point of being stupid.

Answer me this, clivex. A 'Yes' or a 'No' will do please:

Do you believe that Barak Obama supports black seperatism as it is commonly understood, and as espoused by his one-time pastor Reverend Wright? dicking about with "Well, he went to that church for 20 years blah blah blah" waffle. Just tell it like you see it - is Obama a believer in black seperatism - yes or no.
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I attend a Catholic Church....but I do not believe there is anything wrong with being gay or divorce as the Church teachings tell us there is.

Obama went to a Church were the pastor held his main beliefs but the "extreme beliefs" were and are not it really that hard to believe? I have gone to church for 26 years...and in none of those years have I been disguisted or seen the sin in what gay people do or have I looked down on my neighbours who divorced.
No Grasshopper i do not believe he publicly holds those views now. Did he in the past? Well, what was he doing there if he didnt? Arent there other churches available?

Yet again, i ask what your opinion would be of a white candidate who hitched himself to a church with such views

Now answer that question...which i know you wont and cant

Galileo thats your chice. i find it bizarre. A church should be chosen which is surely close to your worldview? There are differing strands within most religions which are liberla/conservative etc. How can anyone go to worship at a place where they disagree with the prejudices against gays/women/races/sexual standards which are such a core element