The Next President?

Obama's campaign have just announced that they raised $150 million in September alone.

Consider that by taking the public money option, McCain is limited to spending $84m on his whole campaign.

No wonder Obama can afford to buy a full half hour of prime time on three of the major US networks during the last week of the campaign.
The ony way a black man is not going to be the next leader of the free world is,
if someone shoots him before he takes the oath
Looks like McCain is going to base the rest of his campaign around making a comeback in Pennsylvania and trying to gain some momentum elsewhere off the back of that.

If he were to win PA, he would be able to afford to lose 37 electoral votes worth of States that Bush won in '04, e.g. Iowa (7), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Virginia (13).

The snag?
The snag begins with the letter F.

If he's taking Florida for granted then he's taking one hell of a chance (which in fairness he probably has to do now). Any gain in PA would be more than wiped out in FA. In addition to that, I'm not sure Americans like to ally with losing causes or underdogs and pyschologically prefer the association with success (although I'm largely drawing on sporting paralells for that observation). I'm half wondering how Palin might play out in Florida, but after her initial honeymoon she's starting to look like a serious liability by the day, with ever more senior Republicans denouncing her.
He has to take Ohio and Florida for granted to an extent, Warbs- he can't win through those two alone. It seems as if it's an internal polling-driven strategy shift to Pennsylvania from the likes of Virginia and Colorado.

Given the state of the economy and it's potential effect on the blue-collar areas of Pennsylvania it's a huge risk no doubt, but he's essentially banking on the Bradley effect- and it's not out of the question given how the Democratic primary turned out..
Consider that by taking the public money option, McCain is limited to spending $84m on his whole campaign.

And it would appear most of that's gone on Sarah's outfits!!! But don't worry, the 4 eyed moose shooter just to show she's in touch with recession hit America has said that she hasn't worn most of them. This election is all over but bar the shouting. It's going to have to take something of truly mamoth proportions to reverse the outcome
How about a McCain campaigner in Pittsburgh being mugged by a big nasty black man who, upon realising her political affiliation, decided to "teach her a lesson" by carving a 'B' into her face (for Barack, presumably).

Oh, hang on, turns out she made it all up:

Still, at least she got a call from McCain and Palin before she was outed as a fraud.

Couldn't make it up...
Not sure when this actually happened, but:

ATF disrupts skinhead plot to assassinate Obama

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree.

In court records unsealed Monday, agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads.

In other news, the Republican Senator for Alaska just got found guilty on corruption charges, and a Republican-supporting third-party group have started running a Jeremiah Wright ad in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania. Oh, and McCain's current (final?) attempt at winning is to paint Obama as the reincarnation of Karl Marx. Never a dull moment...
Barack, Carter and JFK look your cup of tea.....:)

If you threw in Judge Balthasar Garcon, Che Guevara, Warbler, Chavez, James Connolly, Jim Larkin and Leon Trotsky, we could have a whole tea party.
If you threw in Judge Balthasar Garcon, Che Guevara, Warbler, Chavez, James Connolly, Jim Larkin and Leon Trotsky, we could have a whole tea party.

I miss Zapatero, Mao ,Stalin, Evo, Ho Chi Min and Castro for that party.

George Clooney and Madonna could be 2 good aditions too.