The Next President?

I would imagine she was handed the phone, told the French President was on the line and that was it. If her advisers handed her the phone telling her the FP was wanting to speak to her and she with little/no time to question them- I do not see what more she could have done.
Amazing achievement it will be by Obama. The first time you have managed anything in your life and its the USA

Palin already has half an eye on the next nomination. Shes far too rough and ready at the moment (but more experienced administrator than saint obama of course) but four years under her belt? A bit of makeover to bridge the gap between the nut right constituency and the middle (sh) ground? What she does have is a genuine charisma (not just the looks) and i wouldnt underestmate her at all

Shes fiercely ambitious.. Very confident and as that first speech showed (which was a suiperb performance) very able to capture the imagination

Obama has a very tough four years ahead. He has the brains to carry this off but we will really have to see if he has the nerve. Could be very vulnerable in 2012
If the Democrats get in this time, they will be extremely difficult to remove if Obama lives up to his billing. That is why the Republicans are so desperate for him not to win. This is more than just a 1 or 2 term election.
4 years is a lifetime. Clinton won well in '92 yet just two years later Gingrich had swept in to control Congress during the midterms.
This is more than just a 1 or 2 term election.

The constitution doesn't allow him a third term. I tend to think that he will struggle and it will be a one term office as everything is lined up against him. I suppose there are historical paralells with Roosevelt mind you who was re-elected in the depression so its not an automatic gimme that the dire economic circumstances will sink him
The other way of looking at it is that whoever wins can't help but make progress!

However, if Obama wins and the Republicans suffer a continuation of the hammering they got in the '06 midterms in the Senate and House races, then it could leave them in a very bad place indeed; not unlike the Tories post-'97.
I am not referring to Obama going on further than a 2 term presidancy. If Obama brings in and delivers on the "new politics" he has promised, it will be hard for a Republican to get back in office any time soon.
If Hillary's going to struggle to make gains in the South, then Obama's got no chance. Shifting demographics have also ensured that the composition of the college is changing, and this is making the Southern states even more critical.

I did speak to my man at the UN recently about Obama and the feeling is that he lacks experience at this stage. America will elect a female before it elects a black I'm afraid, and with the demographics shifting as they are, I'm not sure I can ever see it happening.

An inspired piece of politcal punditry:D
If Obama brings in and delivers on the "new politics" he has promised

Oh lord.... And whats that supposed to be then? "yes we can" drivel no doubt

If there was ever a term that required practical no frills management, its this one.
The republicans biggest issue is internal rather than anything Obama might acheive. The split between the christian right and the pragmatists (with also the ultra free market freaks in the mix)

Like the tories in 1997 over europe perhaps.
Oh lord.... And whats that supposed to be then? "yes we can" drivel no doubt

If there was ever a term that required practical no frills management, its this one.

Clive I very much get the impression you want him to fail. I was a Clinton supporter in the primaries that has moved on to the next best, you clearly have not.

Yes the "new politics" is vague...but if he can turn America off the course it is on right now on the international stage, if he can (and he has a clear vested interest) make America a more equal society as it was back in the Clinton era etc then its all the better. He is far more likely to attempt in than say McCain who will be driven by the more extreme elements in his party.
make America a more equal society as it was back in the Clinton era etc

I think you will find that by most indices there was very little difference between then and now and by the standards of europe "equality" in the Clinton era was nothing to shout about

The americans are not voting for socialist redistributive policies.

As for wanting him to fail, where have i said that? That would be no good for any of us. I certainly want to see Americas strenght increase rather than diminish. Although many on he european left have this weird and seemingly perverse desire to see China, india and russia dominate, basic American values trump anything those states have to offer

What i will say is that he has been extremely fortunate to get to this position given his woeful lack of experience, his laughable past assocations and his general vagueness on any given issue. Think of how dukakis and (to and extent) Kerry were slaughtered on tiny flaws and its been a very easy ride for him
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I'm going on an American election pub crawl tommorrow night. Should be a great laugh, or so I'm told anyway!

Is it prediction time yet BTW?
If Obama brings in and delivers on the "new politics" he has promised, it will be hard for a Republican to get back in office any time soon.

If he applies the rise in taxes and most of the healhty system, the economy will crash and will be kicked in his a* to go out of the white house.
McCain at 13.5 on Betfair for anyone who thinks he might pull it off, or just wants a mental health cushion...
My electoral map, FWIW:

Edit: never mind, doesn't show my view!


Obama wins Virginia, North Carolina (early voting critical, vibes really good tonight), Colorado and New Mexico as well as holding Pennsylvania.

McCain takes Ohio and Florida as well as Indiana, Nevada and Missouri. Not nearly enough.

I've had a small tickle on McCain winning Missouri at evens last night BTW.

The real story of tommorrow night could be whether the Democrats reach 60 in the Senate, giving them a filibuster-prove majority and a mandate of monumental proportions.
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