The Next President?

Looks like the polls are finally starting to tighten a touch. Rasmussen has it at 50-47 to Obama, which is the first time in over a month that McCain has got out of a spread of 44-46 (Obama's been 50-52 for the same period).
I fear that Obama's blanket advertising might damage his chances by stirring up his opponents. Could it be that people who definitely weren't going to vote for him, and probably weren't going to vote at all, will be prodded by all the reminders into voting for McCain, whereas his own supporters already have their minds made up?

I hope I'm wrong. If the US electorate screw this up I will not forgive them easily. This election is a lot more important to many people around the world than any election in their own country could ever be.
If the US electorate screw this up I will not forgive them easily

Im sure they are really losing sleep over that!

But any idea that the world is suddenly become a sandal wearing, hand holding, happy clappy shangrila beacuse saint Obama takes over whereas it will be world war three under Mccain is naive in extreme

There will be a change of emphasis but there are far bigger issues to worry about

Apart from the (rather naive) timetable for troop withdrawl the difference between the two camps is not that pronounced. Maybe taxes too. But In fact it is difficult to understand the differences about what they can do or would do about much else

Obama is a pragmatist, not a revolutionary. Witness his (very impressive) pro Israel speech a few months back (which would have had the anti semitic terrorist supporting far left here screaming)

The choice in america is,as ever, between right wing and slightly less right wing
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Im sure they are really losing sleep over that!


You lack imagination, however, if you can't see the difference this election could make. It is the difference between a US which would prefer to take on the rest of the world, assisted by the UK and one or two others, and a US prepared to engage with the rest of the world.
Complete rubbish!

America is hardly at war with the "rest of the world". It hasnt cut off diplomatic relations with China and France

But you think Obama is going to kow tow to Putin, the EU or Chavez? Not a chance

Any suggestion that Mccain is an isolantionist doesnt bare scrutiny. Hes far from being an idealogue and has long experience

And ask your self this ...which candidate said they would unilaterally bomb Pakistan and which one repudiated that (daft) suggestion?

...well you know the answer now :)
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And ask your self this ...which candidate said they would unilaterally bomb Pakistan and which one repudiated that (daft) suggestion?

That's a complete distortion of what was actually said, Clive, and I suspect you know it!

Anyway, just bomb, bomb, bomb Iran... :cool:
Well..he isnt going to nuke Islamabaad...but you know what he said too Trackside....not a good moment was it???

No need to bomb Iran. I reckon the vile leadership there will be out on their ear next year. They have made a right mess of that countries economy for a start and surely even the most out of touch iranian must wionder where all the anti semitic rhetoric (incredible really taht his blatant race hate still gets a forum....) and threats has achieved for that country
Rocky Suhayda, Chairman of the American Nazi Party:

"White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I’d prefer the negro."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
It is the difference between a US which would prefer to take on the rest of the world, assisted by the UK and one or two others, and a US prepared to engage with the rest of the world.

The argument between isolationism and internationalism is an old one, and I don't see this election as a landmark in this direction. Pragmatically, little will alter in this regard. Bush was widely regarded as being from Isloationist Taft traidtion but ultimately found himself being dragged on to the international stage. I wonder if he knows who the President of Pakistan is now? The closer paralells in the current climate probably revolve around Hoover and his pursuit of protectionist trade policies int eh wake of 1929 that sent us into the so-called "great depression" (an oxymoron if ever there was one?). Neither candidate is likely to repeat that, even if I think the ingredients are there for an economic collapse on a not dissimilar scale.

Incidentally, have we got the Flynn state by state predictor in yet. I'm sure the BBC had a link in 2004 that enabled us to do something similar by way of a game. I'll see if I can't dig one out
Isolationism is a non starter in this world. Simple as that. When there has been a drift towards it in previous times, America was largely self sufficient for most of its requirements. Certainly not the case now.
Incidentally, have we got the Flynn state by state predictor in yet. I'm sure the BBC had a link in 2004 that enabled us to do something similar by way of a game. I'll see if I can't dig one out is pretty cool for playing around with the electoral map.

I'm not predicting anything till Tuesday morning :)
Quick Q then;

Is there anyway we can rig some TH predictor up by way of hi-jacking someone elses?

Or does any one fancy half running a Quick compo?

I'll give it a wee bit of thought but perhaps it might need a sepearte thread. Spreads would seem a logical way to go, although I personally like the idea for giving points to a correct state prediction, although that needs to be kept proportional, i.e. predicting Alaska shouldn't score the same as Florida etc I'll go for Dems in DC mind you:)
The choice in america is,as ever, between right wing and slightly less right wing

Thats what should be and the reason they have been doing so well for long time but I am not so sure Obama is "less right wing", I think he looks a genuine left wing man and thats bad news for USA and the rest of the world.

About tuesday I think common sense will prevail the grandaddy will win the election.
I'll give it a wee bit of thought but perhaps it might need a sepearte thread. Spreads would seem a logical way to go, although I personally like the idea for giving points to a correct state prediction, although that needs to be kept proportional, i.e. predicting Alaska shouldn't score the same as Florida etc I'll go for Dems in DC mind you:)

I'm up for that sort of thing anyway, Warbs.
Obama is too inexperienced, all his speeches empty,
many people undecided will vote McCain.

Obama tax up is too dangerous for the economy, Bradely effect also counts,

I think it is much tighter than the polls.
The undecided vote may go to McCain, granted, however the Bradley effect - as much as people love to talk about it like they're experts - doesn't actually exist. Even the guys who ran the Bradley campaign say so. The reason it's been hyped up is partly down the the Republicans, who - in the event of McCain defying the polls - are preparing to use it as their number one excuse and shift focus away from their voter-suppression efforts.
Yeah, and I am far from Palin's biggest fan but I have sympathy for her on this one and given the questions from the prankster, she did not actually do to bad.
She did well. It was a shitty thing to do, designed to embarass her.

Of course we are back to judgement calls and why did she think that the President of France would want to talk to her.
She did well. It was a shitty thing to do, designed to embarass her.

Of course we are back to judgement calls and why did she think that the President of France would want to talk to her.

I think it's plausible. A phonecall to her and McCain and than Obama and Biden. Getting in there early and showing your 'support'. Although I don't really think the French would care too much for arse lickin'.