The Next President?

This Prof from the Univ of Virginia on the BBC coverage has mentioned that 97% of black Americans will vote for Obama. How many of them vote, 10 Million?
I'm sticking with CNN. Can't be doing with the British networks all trying to regurgitate what's being said on the US networks instead of just simulcasting them like they used to.
All over.

President Obama

Pennsylvania has done for McCain, got the western states to come
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Yep, liking CNN's big touch screen. I know far more about the geography of Indiana than I ever thought I would (Obama winning in Switzerland!).
CNN just called Pennsylvania. New Hampshire as well. Looks like the Kerry states are safe. Amazed they haven't called Texas for McCain straight away.
Having called everything pretty well wrong throughout this campaign, I'm staging a late rally.:D I think I've got every state right so far.

Georgia just gone Rep
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Yep, Fox and MSNBC have called it and sounds like CNN are about to.

As I wrote what feels like years ago now: Kerry States + Ohio = win.
California, Washinton and hawaii are gimme's, it's all over

CA is missing my vote of course
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And Oregon. And in all likelihood Iowa. Indiana's a squeaker - 20,000 votes in it (McCain leading) with plenty to come Obama's way from Indianapolis and Gary.