The Pope Out!!

I should qualify my previos remarks by stating my opinion is solely related to yer mans geographical position as an Argie c*nt, and it's nothing to do with his (or your) choice of religion. :cool:
Whoever said the man has no convictions is probably wrong, he's likely to have some very strong and uncompromising ones.
What have TV presenters from the 1980s and the Catholic Church got in common?

Jim Bowen?

Whoever said the man has no convictions is probably wrong, he's likely to have some very strong and uncompromising ones.

It seems that the new Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City and Servant of the Servants of God was rather too close for comfort to the military regime of General Galtieri, for whom the Falklands war was a relative side show compared to the dirty war against their own citizens which saw 30,000 killed.
Tonight, I will say a small prayer for the dearly departed Benedict XVI; the Vatican insider handicap certainty, who galloped all over our boy Maradiaga, so many years ago. The passage of time has only somewhat dulled the pain.