The Random Rant Thread 2010

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cyclists in Brighton (esspecially pedestrian areas) please whatever you do do not let me get hold you, because I am prepared to do get nicked if I catch you and why is it they cannot recognised RED or know what it means at traffic lights!
Good job I have decided at this stage that I don't need a push bike since moving down that way.
Don't want to feel the pain of Bob's car up my backside!
Bob's right - they're the most arrogant bastids ever. I was behind the first one yesterday who gave excellent hand signals, wore reflective clothing and a crashie, and had good lights fore and aft. I was so stunned for a moment, I thought aliens had landed. The rest of the buggers, male and female, go through reds all the time, never signal, and exceed the 20 mph limit in North Laine when they go hurtling down North Road like escaping bank robbers. But I suppose if I punt one of them off, I'll be 100% to blame.
They're even better when they rush up the backside of horses on bridlepaths (clue as to whose right of way it is!!!) and start ringing their bloody bells to try and get you out of the way! I've had many a shouting match with such idiots and find it especially amusing when on a skittish horse who kicks out at the idiots whilst they're ringing their bells and charging past.

But as you say Krizon, if they get kicked, who do you think will get the blame??
It's a good job for the swearing bandwidth of this forum that the Brit Awards were on at the same time as a big United match.
Shadz, I'd honestly hope that the horse riders would come off best, since they can at least argue that a cyclist is supposed to be minimally more intelligent than an animal! But we poor old car drivers are supposed to look out for the loony driver who stops dead, wondering it that's 'his' turning, the crazy cyclists, and the kamikaze pedestrians who jaywalk all over the roads with complete impunity. Well... almost. Now and again, a crazed bus driver squishes one, and then we have tasteless plastic flowers tied to the lights they've unsuccessfully tried to outrun. I'm more inclined to want to rip them down and stick up a sign saying 'Idiot Killed Here' instead. They don't even think about the distress they cause other people when they hurl themselves in front of moving vehicles. It's like those patooties who make a run for it across level crossings, just as the 3.45 to Paddington's hurtling through... no, no sympathy at all!
Lazy drivers who don't brake, just take their foot off the gas to slow down. Surely that's the whole point of having lights wired to the brakes, so that the "brake lights" tell the driver behind that you are slowing/stopping?
Lazy drivers who don't brake, just take their foot off the gas to slow down. Surely that's the whole point of having lights wired to the brakes, so that the "brake lights" tell the driver behind that you are slowing/stopping?

Yes but slowing down just by taking your foot off the gas is much more gradual and safe. Anyone paying attention to their driving will notice if the car in front is getting closer. Brake lights serve as a warning for when the process is much quicker.

A number of years ago I noticed I was following a near-neighbour on the way home for the last four or five miles of the journey. His brake lights never came on at any time other than when he stopped to park. I called out to him that I'd been behind him and thought he might have a problem with his brake lights. He called back "I don't use my brakes. I just use the gears."

Made me give him plenty of room on the road, I can tell you.
Yes, I'm just saying he literally only used the brakes when he stopped the car completely to park. Beyond that, I found I had to anticipate when he was slowing down. I'd no idea if his brake lights - and therefore his brakes - were actually working.
It's called deceleration, as against acceleration, and it's fine. I can't stand to see people braking the crap out of their cars round bends, towards roundabouts or even lights, when all that's required is to let the car naturally drop back in speed, approaching the object at a lessening speed, then braking only to stop or avoid hitting something. If the numpty behind is too busy yattering or combing their hair, that's their problem. Braking is for drivers who can't figure out stopping distances.
Creme eggs that leak, meaning that the foil wrapper sticks to them and doesn't peel off properly. Arrrghhhhh!!
Companies who send emails with the author set as "donotreply" or similar. Timeform: I'm looking at you!
Cream eggs don't last long enough to even start the 'arrrghhh' with me, Trips! I found one in the fridge last night, when in choco-mood, which I'd forgotten. Bliss!
Oooh, yessss! That is SO horrible! You feel like you've had a little electric shock and the tooth feels all zizzy for ages. The other awful thing is the realisation that what you thought was an 'easy' toffee has stuck fast, and you know the only way it's leaving is by taking the filling or crown with it. I managed to remove two fillings and a substantial crown over the past two or three years, eating offered toffees which I thought were softies, but were stickers.

And on the subject - I've tried Werther's new chocolates with the 'swirl' of the Werther's toffee flavour tonight. Girls, they are scrumptious! Soft and with a lovely toffee flavour - combining all the best in yumminess!
That's true! I've invariably got a couple of Sainsbury's carriers in my back pockets, in case I spot a road kill!
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