The Random Rant Thread 2010

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Kri, as an auburn-haired person, do you find that you need a bit more anaesthetic than "normal" people? I have had terrible times at the dentists until some enlightened soul in Canada published his findings that red- and auburn-haired people need up to 50% more anaesthetic.

Just to be awkward, we also bleed more freely when cut (surgeons' nightmare) but are really difficult to extract blood from with a needle.

Dessie, you're a redhead too, have you experienced such problems?
Marathon Man popped into my head reading this page. ;)

My latest grumble...people who use the word 'lend' when they mean 'borrow'.
Arty-farty bloomin' camera work for cooking programmes - latest one is the Raymond Blanc one. FFS I am getting sea-sick watching the zoom-in, zoom-out. Pan out and lets watch the whole dish being constructed.
Red: well, I don't know if I need more anaesthetic - I'm usually frozen like a rabbit in the headlights when that damn great horse needle approaches, that I'd prefer to be gassed, as when I was a kid, than injected! But on the issue of giving blood - no problem! My right arm has a super vein right at the elbow and it went like the gusher in 'Giant' (sadly, no admiring James Dean-type with it) whenever the blood service vampirized it. Unfortunately, since getting rhinits (and a post-nasal drip) they won't take it - they say it shows I've 'got an infection' although anti-biotics didn't kill anything off. I miss giving blood as I was always rather smug about the 'good vein'!

I don't know if any of us have had a really good bellow - because that's what you'd need - about the level of 'accompanying' music to almost any programme these days? I was so keen to watch one on art a few weeks ago and truly couldn't hear the presenter for the bloody music score blaring all over the commentary. It's not as if pictures NEED music - they are in themselves supposed to be worth a thousand words (try telling that to some of the windbag presenters!), and the last thing one needs is to admire some painting or sculpture and have some dreadful Muzak slopping all over it, but at SHOUTING LEVELS!! You wouldn't be able to bring a blaring radio into an art gallery or museum, deafening the tour guides, so why on earth do programme makers think we need this incessant intrusion? We are not that thick that we can't appreciate 'the Arts' without crap music all over everything.
Agree about the muzak, Kri. Watched most of The Hurt Locker the other evening and was struck by how there was very little - you just didn't need it to create tension - it was already there which just goes to show you that the human mind is well up to winding itself up without any help. Unfortunately the DVD machine decided to break down just as we got to the most important bit. Good film though - will get again when purchsed new machine.
:mad: Damn machines! I haven't used mine at all - do you want it? I could leave it at Lingfield for you or Brighton if someone can pick it up. Or Cheshirrrrre... ?
:mad: Damn machines! I haven't used mine at all - do you want it? I could leave it at Lingfield for you or Brighton if someone can pick it up. Or Cheshirrrrre... ?

Would love it if you're offering! Sure we can manage a transfer somewhere even if its one at 85mph out of the new car across the central reservation as you head oop north!
£6.50 a day (up a pound in one rise) to put the car on a piece of very uneven tarmac, where there are no cameras, no security personnel and signs everywhere saying 'park at your own risk'. Yes it is near a town centre but there are carparks nearer to the shops. The machine which takes debit/credit cards has never worked, which the station workers say is nothing to do with them, but means that one has to have the exact change every day if one wants to park there, and the machine cannot cope with £2 or 5 pence coins.
Women at ATM's.

If a bloke goes to an ATM, he sticks his card in, punches-up his pin, then it's straight to Cash Withdrawal, draw as much as he needs (plus another score for luck), gimme the card, gimme the cash and stick yer receipt up your hole. Scrunch both cash and card-up into your pocket, and Cheerio.

But if a woman goes to the cash machine.................they have to read the instructions on........every.....f*cking......panel........eventually selecting the bastard's option of a "Balance Enquiry".................which they scrutinise for an eternity after its printed....................before putting the same card back into the ATM, and making a cash withdrawl.......of a tenner......because that's all they need. They then put the same f*cking card back into the machine, to get ANOTHER f*cking balance receipt, to make sure the right amount has been deducted from their account, which they then transfer into the otherwise 100% redundant inside-back page of their cheque-book!

If you're standing behind them in the queue, you're likely to die of old-age, by the time the entire routine has been played out again with the Savings Account card.
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Hate to tell you, but the last person to do that in front of me was an old geezer. Anyone who dithers and slows all the traffic down while they peer at road signs, trying to see if it says '30' or '40', while they potter at 24.3mph. That sort of crap's transgender, I've found. Usually inflicted on the rest of us by drivers of toy cars.
Get real, guys! Most women know exactly how much they have in their account before they go to any ATM, so I theeenk there's a leedle bit of sexist over-exaggeration here...
In my experience when you are trying to merge with a line of traffic a woman will never let you in no matter how slow you they are travelling. They'd rather come to a standstill in front of you than let you in. Women also love to skip ques. I think the two are related. There's something about women and ques.

It's just an observation. I love women. Especially with sauce and a bottle of Chianti :blink:
Men who can't spell. That's most men. Especially those who can't spell words like 'queues', Sheikh! :lol:

You're really, really wrong about letting people in - I am forever going 'after you' to any amount of male and female drivers. What I DO object to is those I let into traffic streams not bothering to acknowledge it. No excuse for no thanks. Bus drivers are best with a thumbs-up.

We've ranted about these numpties before, but I still hate the bastids: middle-laners doing 65-70 mph. It's for overtaking the left lane, you twonks! And tailgaters. Hate them with a passion. If I could get over, you numb-nuts, I would. Preferably after I'd machine-gunned your ratty little car.
Rude routine letters from government departments. I contribute towards your wages, you morons, so at least if you have to write to me, be polite!

I quote from the EC Feed Hygiene Regulation 183/2005 & the Feed (Hygiene & Enforcement)(England) Regulation 2005

Dear Mrs Turner

It is a legal requirement that farms that keep livestock and/or produce crops or feed are compliant with the above legislation. I will need to check for compliance by carrying out an inspection on Thursday March 18th 2010 at 2.30pm.

An inspection takes approximately 45 minutes and involves the inspection of feed storage areas, feed machinery and equipment and records such as agronomist/spray records, feeding stuffs labels and delivery notes.

Please prepare your records for inspection.

Yours sincerely

Caroloine Dorrell
Authorised Officer
Animal Health & Welfare Somerset Trading Standards

No: 'I would like to carry out an inspection at.......'
No: 'If this is inconvenient for you, please contact me on ........'

I find that just plain rude and then these inspectors wonder why they are not held in high regard....! We know it's a legal requirement, we do keep the necessary records (along with at least five other different records such as movement records for stock, veterinary records (for medicines used, batch numbers, amount used, who administered, when, how long, withdrawal period of medicine re slaughter of animal for human consumption), plusspraying/fertilizer records per field etc etc, IACs records, Cross Compliance records, bTB tests, both annual and pre-movement - it's fecking endless and it's just another sneaky method of keeping the unemployment figures down.
Get real, guys! Most women know exactly how much they have in their account before they go to any ATM, so I theeenk there's a leedle bit of sexist over-exaggeration here...

That's kind of the point, Songsheet.

Most women probably do know exactly who much they have in their bank account at any one time......and yet they still need a balance slip to confirm it beforehand, and they still do go through the entire fecking rigmarole at the ATM.

It is only women who do this. It is not sexist - it if undeniable fact. :cool:
Never ask for a balance, never ask for a receipt but always do key in 'other amount' as never take out any of the standard amounts as can then prove fraud should it happen!!
A couple of weeks ago, got an appointment to see the dermatologist at the local hospital, re a warty thing on my face. (It complements the chin hairs and age spots very nicely.) Realised the date would be after I'd left Brighton for Cheshire, so wanted to call and cancel it. Found I couldn't call and cancel it without quoting a password 'given to you by your GP'. GP hadn't given me a secret code, so took letter to GP's surgery, whereupon the nice receptionist efficiently called the hospital and cancelled the appointment.

Got a letter yesterday from the hospital informing me that they hadn't had a confirmation of my appointment yet... and we wonder why the NHS makes a stonking great loss?