The Random Rant Thread 2010

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My cousin bought me a Nordic-style hat with furry earflaps, which has proved a boon for my job in exile at Plumpton, even if I do look like Big Mac in it. I don't care - once the cold's removed the tips of your ears, you'll put anything on, no matter how much of a donkey you look!
Men who refer to any form of machinery as a 'She'.........

"Ah she (tractor) drove well today"
"She (chainsaw) was slow and lugging today"
"She (trailer) will need a wee touch of welding"

It drives me insane!
Richard Hammond: his haircut, his 'matey' presenting style, the company he keeps, his pets, his family, his neighbours, anyone who has ever had any contact with him, anyone who has the same star-sign as him and anyone who thinks he is not a complete and utter wanker.
Blue Peter" - style voice-overs and presenting on supposedly 'adult' television programmes

On like Television X you mean Colin?

Hadnt noticed that...

Suppose it works for some. "now viewers, heres how to put some sticky back plastic..."
'Padding' in documentaries - ie repeating every 15minutes after each ad break what the fecking programme's about, adding in lots of pretty film and/or muzac but not actually giving you any facts. Together with the four five minutes commercial breaks and you're lucky if you get 15 minutes of actual documentary these days..
People who use 'children's' words - such as 'Do you want a biccy?', 'Is it time for din dins?', 'Do you want a blanky?'.

'Children's words isn't really the best description as it's not something all children do and I was never allowed to do so!
Julia Bradbury.

When she talks. On TV. And we're watching. Countryfile is ok otherwise. Except for that plant-medicine youngster. And not too keen on Katie, either. The others are fine.
People who dawdle.

People with mobile phones on trains who can't seem to realise that because the train is moving, the signal to the phone may be interrupted or the line not so clear, but persist with inane conversations, repeating the same thing over and over again, punctuated by 'heellooooo, can you hear me' every 30 seconds.
Richard Hammond: his haircut, his 'matey' presenting style, the company he keeps, his pets, his family, his neighbours, anyone who has ever had any contact with him, anyone who has the same star-sign as him and anyone who thinks he is not a complete and utter wanker.

Top Gear.


People who rev cars when they are driving 100 yards to a red light they can see is red before they begin revving.
Julia Bradbury.

When she talks. On TV. And we're watching. Countryfile is ok otherwise. Except for that plant-medicine youngster. And not too keen on Katie, either. The others are fine.

John Craven's a prat. Of the highest order. And he definitely wouldn't get within a hundred metres of my tits.
Oh Songsheet dearest you have gone metric on us. Id rather you said 100 yards of your tits.