The Random Rant Thread 2010

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Ok - lets play the choices game...

Songy - John Craven or Bruce Forsyth...

(ducks and runs,hoping to avoid the pitchfork that will be heading towards her at speed....)
Countless news items mentioning the shortage of salt and grit.

BBC Wales News seems obsessed with reports from gritting centres "showing" the lack of grit supplies.
On the Antiques Roadshow: what's with the filthy, ragged, and overgrown fingernails of many of the presenters? Not Fiona Bruce, who just wanders around looking lost, but some of the 'experts' - ecch! Maybe the Beeb's budget could stretch to buying them a nailbrush and clippers - PLEASE!
Watching Antiques Roadshow is one thing but watching it closely enough to observe their nails is disturbing. I recommend you watch Sky Sports when Jamie Redknapp is on the panel and ask yourself - Could BSKYB not stretch to buy him suitable pants.
You can't help but see their hands, my little one, because they're about 4 x normal size on your screen. Well, on my screen, anyway. I may well wish to see 'ow much for a late Delft pottery jug, but what I don't want to see is how much black detritus the expert has scraped up into his nails, how chewed his little stumps are, or how much cuticle has overgrown their bases. When you've got something like a 15" claw on screen, and it's mucky, it's distinctly offputting.

As for Jamie Redknapp - is he in tight pants? Really, really revealing? Are we talking a hugely bulging lunchbox here? If not, then the answer must be to get him some.
Richard Hammond: his haircut, his 'matey' presenting style, the company he keeps, his pets, his family, his neighbours, anyone who has ever had any contact with him, anyone who has the same star-sign as him and anyone who thinks he is not a complete and utter wanker.

I nearly bought his flat in Cheltenham a few years back - pleeeeeeeease don't include me!

(I can exonerate myself by saying that I told his agent that the flat was badly converted and grossly over-priced. :D)

Current gripe is why, oh why, when jobs are advertised in the paper or at the Jobcentre they state that application can only be made online then, when you access the relevant website there is no sign of the bloody post? :mad:

Redhead II is job-hunting and we have spent a whole morning trying to apply for jobs that don't actually seem to exist on varying websites.

The hair may be red, but the air round here is blue.
I didn't know it was going to be orphaned, did I? I hate endless cut-and-pastes, which just take up huge amounts of space. Your 't' from can't has been orphaned, too. Please try to reunite it with its parents.
The MacDonald's ad is irritating - since when was £1 a "bob"? that's old money for a shilling, surely?