The Road to the 2019 Cheltenham Gold Cup

In terms of race planning, Bellshill will probably take in the Lexus for as don't see an immediate prep race for him.

Now that Djack is gone interesting to see what WPM sends to the John Durkan
Last year it was Native River my ass :lol:

I backed Native River for previous GC, and considered him the only potential threat to the Biter after his light campaign. Weather got the Biter beaten.....not trip.....not class.....and he certainly won’t be beaten by a carnival-act like Bellshill in any race at Cheltenham - he’ll have his arse handed to him on a plate again.

Feel free to quote me on all of the above next March.
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Fill your boots with Bellshill if you so wish, Archie. I don’t reckon he can lay a glove on Might Bite, who is in a different league altogether, imnsho. :thumbsup:
I backed Native River for previous GC, and considered him the only potential threat to the Biter after his light campaign. Weather got the Biter beaten.....not trip.....not class.....and he certainly won’t be beaten by a carnival-act like Bellshill in any race at Cheltenham - he’ll have his arse handed to him on a plate again.

Feel free to quote me on all of the above next March.

It wasn't rocket science to work out that Native River had not been campaigned to win the 2017 Gold Cup.his target was the WGN.

Colin Tizzard immediately made his mind up he would not be seen before Xmas a totally different campaign.

So in one post you admit you were wrong twice. At least you're consistent so much so you added a 3rd debatable point I can't agree with.

Native River never outstayed Might Bite he's just a faster horse. He jumped quicker than Might Bight and got away from every fence that 1/2 stride quicker

Might Bight stayed every yard and if you think he did not why on earth are you touting him for this years race, He has won loads of races with soft in the description
so if you think he doesn't act on it why even think about backing him again?

Nico was sitting motionless looking like he had loads of horse under him but that's just him. Like Ruby you can never be 100% sure

He was hoping he could out speed Native River up the hill but 5 strides after the last native River did what he almost always does he quickened yet again
Nico did mention the ground didn't help his cause but he traveled like a dream in it all the way round plus the margin was so decisive it was more than that.

Having never ran in a Gold Cup before it's hard to say how much was the ground and how much was yer not good enough?

We could throw away those rose tinted glasses and look at the evidence we saw at Kempton which to me indicated, as I said at the time, he doesn't find what you expect.

The media and die hard's called it idling rather than admitting off the bridle he finds very little. You could say it was the ground which was soft but according to you it wasn't the ground he was idling

Look back at Newbury in the Denman every time RJ gave Native River a tap he quickened something AP McCoy attested to saying you couldn't help but admire they way he just kept quickening every time Johnson asked

I just can't see Might Bite ever beating Native River in a Gold Cup but Bellshill would be my outsider to do so. He has that bit of extra speed Gold Cup winners need and no worries with stamina.

At the top of his game he's a real player and discarding him as lightly as you have is Coockoo...but then you always were half daft:lol:
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No debate just a smart ass ******* wanker blowing hot air

"I squeezed him down off the bend and, to be honest, he picked up better than I thought" Richard Johnson

" He just kept Quickening all the way up the straight" AP mCCoy

But hey what would they know?
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No debate just a smart ass ******* wanker blowing hot air

"I squeezed him down off the bend and, to be honest, he picked up better than I thought" Richard Johnson

" He just kept Quickening all the way up the straight" AP mCCoy

But hey what would they know?

There is a possibility that Native River might miss the Gold Cup and run in the Champion Chase due to the speed he has developed since his Welsh National slog.
Tanlic, Native River is a dour stayer, who would be PU’d before 4-out in a King George, because he couldn’t go the gallop.

Faster horse, my rear-end.
All this time and you still don't get it. The pebbles are an illusion Grasshopper..don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory and the pebbles that are not there:cool:
It's a no brainer if Altior got the trip and a no brainer if he didn't.

Very interest comment from Nicky Henderson re Biter..."I wouldn't say the ground beat him I'd say a better horse beat him in that ground" Not the trip! not the ground! a better horse