The UK Political Landscape

I read that Dorries had refused to continue as culture secretary? Probably because she’s expecting to be in the Lords soon.
Walpole. Pitt. Palmerstown. Gladstone. Balfour. Baldwin. Churchill. Atlee.


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So Russia is arranging a vote whereby, (when they get the result they want), they can claim they have been invaded and then launch a nuclear attack.

Are we at the fag end of the 21st century?

Where are all the Basir Al Assad supporters that were on here a few years ago telling us Russia was doing nothing wrong then?

Have opinions changed at all?
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I'm not so sure that he is same enough to not use nuclear weapons. Especially if he's losing.

I presume you're talking about Putin?

Utter fvckin lunatic. He will use nuclear weapons. But against whom? We can only hope someone within his own circles can take him out before he presses the button.
For all we know those in his inner circle are similar to or worse than Putin.

If Putin falls, his inner-circle almost certainly falls with him......possibly not immediately, but soon enough - unless the replacement(s) adopt a radically different approach to Ukraine and the West.

That seems unlikely at face-value, but the kleptomaniacs who have have enriched themselves in service to Putin, might care a little bit more about losing everything in a nuclear fireball, than Putin seemingly does.
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I thought we'd struggle to get a worse government than the bluffing "if we build it they will come, just ignore any criticism" type of style that Boris had.

Our current Fuhrer and her stormtroopers are easily surpassing the uselessness score of their predecessors.

It's as if they are deliberately trying to destroy the country.
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I was feeling quite relieved that, although I only have a small pension I do live quite frugally and would be able to help my children and grandchildren if they struggled this winter, only to read today that had the bank not intervened our pensions would be under threat. So there’s no one, apart from the very rich, that aren’t being affected by this budget. The latest Rory Stewart/ Alastair Campbell podcast is very interesting in that it explains the mindset of both Truss and Kwarteng.
This budget has been (predictably) a disaster, and yesterday's BoE intervention to shore-up Pension Funds is going to cost tax-payers another £65Bn - and even that is only capable of staunching the wound short-term. It does not fix the fundamental problem, which is that everyone on the planet - with the exception of the Cabinet and their handlers in the right-wing libertarian think-tanks - can see this economic 'plan' for what it is; the intentional flying of a country into a mountainside.

Our Media continue to let us down.

Execrable cretins like John Redwood and Andrew Bridgen are invited onto mainstream news channels to spout ill-informed and idiotic word-salads, Government ministers like Phelps go largely unchallenged when they say they must stay on this suicidal path, and they still ask the actual architects of this clusterf*ck i.e. the Tufton Street whackos, to offer 'soothing' words. Communally, MSM is guilty of ongoing failure to properly inform the public, and challenge assertions which are clearly either misleading or basically a continuation of the wilful ignorance/blind-eye they turned, when it came to lies before, during and after the EU Referendum campaign.

What happens next?

To be honest, I'd like it to get worse. A deepening of this crisis is the only possible way to force an early GE and vote these incompetent, destructive, goons out of office. The alternative is that they get two more years to rob the country blind, dismantle or sell-off the Welfare State/NHS, and leave Labour with nothing but a smouldering pile of rubble to contend with, when they inevitably win the next GE.
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To be honest, I'd like it to get worse. A deepening of this crisis is the only possible way to force an early GE and vote these incompetent, destructive, goons out of office. The alternative is that they get two more years to rob the country blind, dismantle or sell-off the Welfare State/NHS, and leave Labour with nothing but a smouldering pile of rubble to contend with, when they inevitably win the next GE.

It will get worse.

And I think you are correct. This is all deliberate because these people making these decisions are also making millions and millions in personal wealth from it. In that sense they are not incompetent nor are they goons but they are hugely destructive because they know they will leave with huge personal fortunes to live off, probably in a tax-free non-dom haven.

Kwarteng made millions from the Brexit vote and more millions from last week's hit on the pound.

This stuff is evil. If you offered it to a publisher as a storyline they'd say it went too far beyond credibility yet it is happening to us right here right now.
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It will get worse.

And I think you are correct. This is all deliberate because these people making these decisions are also making millions and millions in personal wealth from it. In that sense they are not incompetent nor are they goons but they are hugely destructive because they know they will leave with huge personal fortunes to live off, probably in a tax-free non-dom haven.

Kwarteng made millions from the Brexit vote and more millions from last week's hit on the pound.

This stuff is evil. If you offered it to a publisher as a storyline they'd say it went too far beyond credibility yet it is happening to us right here right now.

Extraordinary claims -can you back any of it up.
26p in most Pounds for the already doing nicely thank you, a Penny for the majority of the workforce says it all. People thought couldn't be worse than Boris....Truss looks like a rabbit caught in the spotlight. On subject of Boris and I've only seen clips but how good is Sir Ken?? Wow.
Don't forget the reversal of the NI increase and, more importantly, the reversal of the lower threshold. My household is currently on £22k and this gave us a much needed £50 a month in the pay packet - truss taking this back and giving to the better off.

All this doubling down when things are going badly has Johnson's thumbprint all over it. He's obviously dictating matters from behind the scenes ahead of an intended comeback, acting the cavalry coming to 'the rescue'.