The UK Political Landscape

It’s not just how others see us - it’s how most of us see us atm. What a horror show.
It’s not just how others see us - it’s how most of us see us atm. What a horror show.

Going by the vox-pop interviews I've seen on TV, the British people seem to be just shrugging their shoulders and saying "it is what it is", with no sense of what has caused it.
Going by the vox-pop interviews I've seen on TV, the British people seem to be just shrugging their shoulders and saying "it is what it is", with no sense of what has caused it.

The polls are giving Labour 33 point lead which is pretty unheard of, so I think the shrugging shoulders are maybe in despair :D
Arrogance and incompetence is probably more to blame than a wish to enrich the party's supporters. Truss made sure party members would vote for her. Appalling for someone now our Prime Minister.

What makes it worse is that there are numerous external global factors that will ensure a torrid time for several years at least, whilst at home there is about to be a return of of inflation that could make the turmoil of the 70's seem a minor disturbance. Perhaps a decade, maybe longer, of underfunding or just simply ignoring public and other vital services, means that there is a need to address huge demands for wage increases at the same time as investing massive amounts of capital to restore the basic fabric of the country
It is reasonable for workers in many sectors to seek pay rises to restore their basic standard of living but then the rising inflation that would generate would mean a massive amount of Government borrowing and as the last week has shown that would not come cheaply, or in the worst case, be possible.
We have seen enough self serving politicians, of all hues, that are capable of leading people to the barricades against the other side. What we need and lack are leaders that are truly committed to taking the country forward as a whole. A problem solver not a prima donna!
Don't forget the reversal of the NI increase and, more importantly, the reversal of the lower threshold. My household is currently on £22k and this gave us a much needed £50 a month in the pay packet - truss taking this back and giving to the better off.


That's not going to make a difference when inflation out of control. Any small gain for lower paid has been well and truly wiped out by inflation and cost of living rises. No relief on petrol prices when set to start soaring again. Basic foods out of control price wise but I do wonder how much of the increases are pure profiteering by the big companies while they can get away with it under guise of rampant inflation. The collapse of the markets and the £ says it all really. Clueless.
Why not cut VAT either? You want people to have more to spend. Surely a 5p ish cut in that would have been less costly than the 'tax cuts', which we have to wait another 6 months for so what do they expect ordinary people to do in the meantime? I'm planning to live on crisp sandwiches this winter as can't afford to use the cooker too often, and as for the heating.... not happening. My landlord owns at leat 25 properties he rents out, looking for anyone to move out so he can sell.
For the vast majority of the population, all of the trivial 'cuts' being introduced by this Govt (around NI, bottom-rate tax, and Energy - a loan to be repaid), will be dwarfed by the increase to mortgage interest rates.

Anyone with a mortgage that is on a variable rate, or those who are fixed for less than (say) 2 years, is fu*cked on the back of this budget. Add that to inflation, and half the country is going to be pulled into poverty.....which means mortgage defaults, and a housing crash. And now we have £18Bn in cuts to public services announced.

All of this prompted by idealogical fanatics, with a killer combination of hubris and rank fu*cking ineptitude. The PM and Chancellor are not capable, and need removed immediately.
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Absolutely, grassy, but how? Look how long it took for them to pluck up enough steel to get rid of Boris even though they all knew he just wasn’t up to the job. I fear they’ll just charge on like the doomed cavalry of the Light Brigade. This is but the latest seed of destruction planted by a succession of inept politicians that have caused severe wounds to our country. I fear for my grandchildren.
As if it can't get any worse, we now have Tory Police Commissioners asking for cannabis to be made a class A drug.

The criminalisation of people who take cannabis is a Class A political issue that's for sure but not in a million years should it be a class A drug.

Imagine how many people would be criminalised under such a law, let alone banged up for lengthy jail sentences.

There's internet search engines full of links to studies and articles on the benefits and potential side effects of the drug.

Alcohol can send some people over the edge. Ciggies are a killer. Whatever one's view on cannabis, making it a class A drug is insanity.

Its always seemed to me that regulating and taxing it is the way to go. I feel they will never want it legal over here because if they did they might have to backdate compensation for those who were prosecuted for crimes involving cannabis.

Again, how anyone can want to make it a class A drug is beyond me.
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Absolutely, grassy, but how? Look how long it took for them to pluck up enough steel to get rid of Boris even though they all knew he just wasn’t up to the job. I fear they’ll just charge on like the doomed cavalry of the Light Brigade. This is but the latest seed of destruction planted by a succession of inept politicians that have caused severe wounds to our country. I fear for my grandchildren.

For me, it goes one of two ways, barjon.

1. The Govt limps along until the next GE, but gets none of its fiscal legislation through, because there are now too many enemies within Tory ranks. Truss does not command the confidence of Tory MPs, and I reckon they'll vote down anything that's remotely contentious, or that adds any more peril to their futures as MPs.

2. The Govt falls quickly i.e. inside next 6 months, due to their inherent fu*cking uselessness causing MSM to turn hard against them, in there same way that the public has.

Either way, I don't think she can get much - if any - of her mini-budget passed in the Commons, which means she's a lame-duck at best.

I should add that a lot of damage has already been done, and is irreversible. £65Bn we've spunked on their hubris, to save people's pensions. In another age, Truss, Kwarteng and a few RW think-tank lobbyists would have their heads on spikes along Westminster Bridge - something I'd be moderately happy to see, to be quite honest with you (it would be a good deterrent).
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As if it can't get any worse, we now have Tory Police Commissioners asking for cannabis to be made a class A drug.

The criminalisation of people who take cannabis is a Class A political issue that's for sure but not in a million years should it be a class A drug.

Imagine how many people would be criminalised under such a law, let alone banged up for lengthy jail sentences.

There's internet search engines full of links to studies and articles on the benefits and potential side effects of the drug.

Alcohol can send some people over the edge. Ciggies are a killer. Whatever one's view on cannabis, making it a class A drug is insanity.

Its always seemed to me that regulating and taxing it is the way to go. I feel they will never want it legal over here because if they did they might have to backdate compensation for those who were prosecuted for crimes involving cannabis.

Again, how anyone can want to make it a class A drug is beyond me.

This doesn't even qualify as trivial, in the current landscape.
It qualifies as political insanity. I thought that was the theme on here recently.
Nobody gives a toss about it. They're too busy wondering how to put food on their table, and keep a roof over their heads.
Nobody gives a toss about it. They're too busy wondering how to put food on their table, and keep a roof over their heads.

Here he goes. Telling people what he thinks they should or shouldn't say.

Do you own this place?
I am sorry you don't give a toss.

I heartily recommend you don't engage me, if you're going to ladder your tights when I respond.

In the current environment, nobody (except possibly you) gives a wet wank about the reclassification of marijuana. It's a story that will have zero impact on how this Government is viewed.
The fact these useless police and crime commissioners actually believe this nonsense about making weed a class A drug sybolises all that is wrong with this war on drugs. Kids especially in inner cities are losing their lives and degenerate drug taking is going up not down.

It would mean more prisons, more custodial sentences, none of which is in this countries or its tax payers interest.

I heartily recommend you be prepared to debate the issues that are being debated on a public forum, instead of taking the mickey about why someone brought the issue up in the first place.

It would make more sense to me if you did that anyway.

But afterall, who cares what I tyink!
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You are free to bring up whatever subject you please.

I did not "take the mickey" - I merely pointed-out the obvious i.e. that it was trivial in comparison to everything else that is going on at present.

The story has zero traction. Prove me wrong.
I think the three or so twats standing up at Tory Party conference prepared to spout this shite will prove you wrong, yes.

I will have to find out when they are speaking just so I can revel in what a pile of shite they're talking.
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