The UK Political Landscape

It's one of 249 different events/discussions being held at the Tory conference today.

Good luck with getting it onto the News At Ten.
I don't need it on the News At Ten!

Anyone who wants to make weed a class A drug, let alone police and crime commissioners, needs to be on the next comedy show from The Apollo.

It's a disastrous policy idea which really shows up these police and crime commisioners for what they are.

Now I will let you get back to the stuff you find interesting.
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So, the rationale for allowing 200000 party members the privilege of choosing our Prime minister would appear to be that we vote for a party not an individual. Does that not mean that the incoming PM is committed to the manifesto and not allowed to make it up on the hoof?

This, incidentally, is a non-partisan comment because both major parties give their members the final say. It's completely nuts given that any new PM is wholly reliant on their MPs to pass any significant legislation. This is the first time that a new PM was not the preferred option of a majority of his/her MPs and the sound you can hear is stool pigeons coming home to roost.
Whats odds Boris is prime minister before the next election?

Its not something I want but my imagination has starting seeing this.

If the next year is anything like the first three weeks of her premiership has been I reckon Boris makes a return to the stage.
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The people who preferred Truss to Sunak are very likely to be aging golf club members who can remember the school atlas with half the World coloured red.

Make of that what you will; I know what I think!
I think this is all part of Operation Save Big Dog. Truss being used to save Johnson as being the worst PM in this countries history. And yes, I do think he’s planning a comeback.His resignation ( ie Johnson’s greatest achievements ) speech eluded to it. To be fair to the people in this government they do tend to warn people of their plans but the electorate still vote for them.
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My political views are pretty simple although I admit that for one very brief period I foolishly thought the Angry Brigade, if properly led, could be an agent for change. Basically I ignore what's good for me and mine and vote for what would be best for those most disadvantaged and for the country as a whole. Early life was living in 2 rooms with 3 sisters and my parents, sharing toilet with neighbours in a block adjacent to huge derelict bombed biscuit factory. Dad worked 7 days a week and mum cleaned offices in the evenings when possible. With their support and the assistance and advice of a small number of exceptional people I ended up in being in the position to commit 100's of £millions for a major bank.
As a result I have met many high level individuals in both business and political circles. My experience is that there are many incompetent and corrupt individuals in both public and private sectors but there also many more individuals that are good at what they do and do it for the right reason. I definitely got it wrong with Blair and who really expected Johnson to be good for the country.

Sitting here now I cannot identify any on either side of the political divide who I believe can put together a workable solution to the problems the country faces. The Tories are focussed on retaining power and not exploring ways to get the workforce onside. As for Labour and the unions Starmer is better than Corbyn but hasn't got the capability to lead the party to consider what must necessarily be some clever compromise that can see that trying to catch up 12 years of sub-inflation in one go can only lead in us becoming another Greece or Italy. It is that serious!

We need positive leadership not point scoring because it's really scary situation we are all in. Stop the fighting and posturing and start working together or we are ****ed!
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And it's all down to part politics.
What a way to run a country, setting people in opposing camps - so they work at opposing, rather than doing what's good for the country they're paid to make better.
I heard one report that young people won't even associate with or conversate with people they suspect have different political opinions these days.

Sad if true I thought to myself.

I am all for trying to find common ground among people where there is any.

The one thing everyone I speak to at the moment agree on is the Tory's time is up and there will be change at the next election.

For a very brief passage of time Boris was talking about levelling up places in the North and some people up here, (not me) were buying into it.

It's clear now the Tory's have no feesible strategy to level up the economy. They are looking at a total wipe out at the next election. From London to Liverpool. Newham to Newcastle.

If I was a betting man I'd be looking at betting opportunities on the size of the Labour majority come the next election!!

I can't see any odds quoted on total seats yet though.
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I heard one report that young people won't even associate with or conversate with people they suspect have different political opinions these days.

Sad if true I thought to myself.

It probably is true.

Some topics lend themselves so strongly to polarisation of opinion that it's easier to avoid having the discussion because if you feel passionate about a topic then having to defend it in the face of hostile counter-opinion can be very stressful.

Politics is one of those topics.
It probably is true.

Some topics lend themselves so strongly to polarisation of opinion that it's easier to avoid having the discussion because if you feel passionate about a topic then having to defend it in the face of hostile counter-opinion can be very stressful.

Politics is one of those topics.

Good point, DO.

Slightly on a tangent but I do feel sometimes people have judged me or guessed about what I felt about an issue based on stereotyping me.

I would much rather someone asked my opinion and heard me out than just guessed what I think based on how I look, how I speak or what social class I come from. Or even what skin colour I am or what age I am. Or where I live or where I did live. Or even my occupation and hobbies, etc. Or whether I believe in god or not.

Judge people on what they say and do or don't judge them at all I say and treat them how you want to be treat. Thats how I try to live life but I am aware other people have their own ways and methods.
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I would much rather someone asked my opinion and heard me out than just guessed what I think based on how I look, how I speak or what social class I come from. Or even what skin colour I am or what age I am. Or where I live or where I did live. Or even my occupation and hobbies, etc. Or whether I believe in god or not.

Chr1st... I don't need to go beyond my own family to have to put up with all that kind of shite :lol:
My political views are pretty simple although I admit that for one very brief period I foolishly thought the Angry Brigade, if properly led, could be an agent for change. Basically I ignore what's good for me and mine and vote for what would be best for those most disadvantaged and for the country as a whole. Early life was living in 2 rooms with 3 sisters and my parents, sharing toilet with neighbours in a block adjacent to huge derelict bombed biscuit factory. Dad worked 7 days a week and mum cleaned offices in the evenings when possible. With their support and the assistance and advice of a small number of exceptional people I ended up in being in the position to commit 100's of £millions for a major bank.
As a result I have met many high level individuals in both business and political circles. My experience is that there are many incompetent and corrupt individuals in both public and private sectors but there also many more individuals that are good at what they do and do it for the right reason. I definitely got it wrong with Blair and who really expected Johnson to be good for the country.

Sitting here now I cannot identify any on either side of the political divide who I believe can put together a workable solution to the problems the country faces. The Tories are focussed on retaining power and not exploring ways to get the workforce onside. As for Labour and the unions Starmer is better than Corbyn but hasn't got the capability to lead the party to consider what must necessarily be some clever compromise that can see that trying to catch up 12 years of sub-inflation in one go can only lead in us becoming another Greece or Italy. It is that serious!

We need positive leadership not point scoring because it's really scary situation we are all in. Stop the fighting and posturing and start working together or we are ****ed!

I retain some degree of scepticism about Starmer, Laurence - principally when it comes to his stated stance on Brexit - however, I think it's unwise to question his "capability". They way he has turned Labour around from electoral annihilation in 2019, to a no-offers-shot to lead the Govt after the next GE, betrays a dexterity that is missing in the vast majority of our politicians. Granted, the avarice and incompetence of the Tories have made his life much easier, but he has played his part in their downfall, and I think it is somewhat unfair to dismiss him so blithely. His scholarly approach may not be to everyone's taste, but he was DPP for a reason, and he is a figure that it would be somewhat foolish (imo) to under-estimate.

He has brought his party back into the mainstream, and with the sort of majority he will command after the next GE, any compromises he needs to make should in any case be reasonably straightforward.

My scepticism is countered by a hope (verging on belief) that he can and will correct the country's course, without consigning us to the bargain basement you suggest. :thumbsup:
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Kwasi Kwarteng sacked - Liz throwing the token black under the bus

I really can't see any suitable end to this current situation other than a snap general election.

Obviously the Tories will do no such thing of course.
It's the obvious move, but she is so tied-up in the entire chaos politically, she will fall soon enough. She just doesn't have the chops to talk her way out of this, and Kwarteng doesn't seem the type to take it lying down either.

The only hope is that sufficient Tory MPs have now seen enough, and are prepared to support a No Confidence motion, to force a GE. I'm not entirely certain the numbers are there, but anecdotally, there are now tens and tens of Tory MPs ranged against her - it's just a matter of whether they'll finally put the country before their own survival (probably not a single-figure price).
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What a country we’ve become :D A PM who scared and lied us out of one of the biggest trading blocs in the world and who lied at every opportunity since, replaced by one so weak and politically naive, who thinks that 2+2=6, who then sacks her Chancellor for trying to fulfil her own madcap ideas. And why? Because of the dear old Tory party members, that’s why and I’ll bet that’s the very last time they will have any say in the matter.
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I think there's been serious interference from very high-ranking members and supporters who, in addition to the action the BoE has been forced to take, are telling her in no uncertain terms she is getting things badly wrong.

This goes back to before Cameron. This string of tory governments have indulged in suck-it-and-see politics and policies since the start of the financial crisis 15 years ago.

But people keep buying the Sun and the Mail and are told everything's fine so they keep voting for these clowns and we're made to suffer as a consequence.
He won't last either. This Govt is completely on its arse, and anyone associated with it is going to go down.
Am on Sunalk at 8s to take over,gutted i couldv'e got 16s,although Mordaunt could take over..
I remarked to the Mrs during this afternoon press conference that Liz looked like a person who had been roughly shafted up the arse with no lube .

It was in the eyes. There's no way back for this government.