Whippersnappers 13..................The 'fighting' Zimmerframers 9
Irish Stamp..............................The unstoppable Toobe
Cantoris.................................. Captain Pricewise
Triptych*...................................Jinny the judge J
Simon*......................................The Fantastic Euronymous
Steve T*...................................The Mighty Melendez
Gareth.....................................EC1 (the worlds deadliest postcode)
Hamm......................................Warbler (although rumours reach me that a last minute replacement is being lined up to bolster our ranks, if however the cavalry doesn't arrive in time I'll swap positions with Trudi
Imagine*...................................Coiln (win machine) Phillips
Flame......................................Diamond (blood & guts) Geezer*
Jair du Cochet Fan.....................The Incredible Arkwright
Bar The Bull..............................Valkyrie Trood
* denotes entry recieved by PM
Apologies for giving the zimmers some 'super-hero' names but I thought we needed something more dynamic to try and scare these whippersnappers, stiffen our sinews, and project an aura of intimidating invincibility (especially as it will be past their bed-time when they read it) - in fact Simon doesn't appear to have got out of his all day. Alright I'm clutching at straws but we'll see if it can change our luck
Now we have also had apologies from Bar the Bull for letting his comrades down and in view of that, it is sadly beholden of me to post a loyal, visible, and high profile appeal to any aspiring whippersnappers below;
anyone fancy a game?
Right now I've got that little bit of admin out the way, on with the battle and may the 2 points that the zimmers have been gifted so far through absent players continue tomorrow