The 'Will Win' Thread (Copy)

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Strange how reading the post above from FTBM it sounds like it is from someone who is of a certain age in describing how times 'av changed', and yet it is written like someone who has never taken an English exam in their life...
u lot are mental, benter? all i see is this slim kid telling you to eff off every couple of posts and u just lap it up.

times av changed, not sure what is classed as banter these days, certinaly wouldnt av gone down well back in my day, must be a new youth thing.

You're an absolute banter panter...

Now get the **** off my thread...
u lot are mental, benter? all i see is this slim kid telling you to eff off every couple of posts and u just lap it up.

times av changed, not sure what is classed as banter these days, certinaly wouldnt av gone down well back in my day, must be a new youth thing.

I might be wrong but i take a lot of those "Sweary, you lot are all inferior" posts off slim a bit tongue in cheek. I think he's entertaining and good crack. The people on here aren't stupid and if they didn't like what he wrote they wouldn't reply or read his posts. The proof is in the pudding. Simple as that.
As there is no Irish flat racing proper until next Friday I will be taking this time to answer any questions you leeches have on the dark shady corners of the ins and outs of inside information.
Hi Slim, thanks for taking time to have a chat…

No problem, happy to be here answering a few questions, just glad someone realises how clever I am.

How long have you been wheeling and dealing in inside information or as you often refer to it "some guess, others know"

Great question. I started off like most of the clueless on this forum, I knew nothing, knew no one and merely had a passion for racing, betting and increasing my stack without doing any work.

My first gig was a deal I struck in 2006 with a wiliey old character who made himself infamous by selling disgarded factory boxes. He paid me €50 per winner. I managed to put him into more winners than losers, luckily the bit of info I was getting was on a hot streak. We took it a step further when he figured out the bar he was drinking in was accepting late bets on non-attheraces tracks. I provided him with the SIS commentary and he placed late bets on the winner. We did very little straight together and we always had an angle wether it was flogging free passes to the races or backing winners we always made money. He taught me a valuable lesson that when someone was no use to you drop them straight away.

Where did you work / what did you do beforehand?

I was a barman. My skill for acquiring extra cash in tips was second to no one and a woman who worked with me once fainted when the most miserable man in North Cork who was affectionately known as 'Peter the Pig' tipped me €20 one Xmas. Of course what they didn't know was his round always came to €10.20 but I always took €10 for cash and made up the 20c off a tourist. The level of service in bookmakers and pubs shocks me lately. Sometimes the value of something simple like 20c is a lot more than 20c to the customer, it's the fact that you show savy or that you care about their custom. That point is lost on most people that serve me these days, bookmakers in particular disgust me when you bet above the mug level, you get treated like a criminal.

For many people there is a stigma attached to gambling. How do they react when you tell them you’re a punter?

I don't tell them because the layman only wants to believe the common beliefs held on gambling. There is a glass celling to what ordinary people want out of life. People who bet succesfully think bigger and achieve bigger than the sucker who works 9-5 and is content, albeit if its only for a while. I'm a firm believer that the stupider you are the easier it is to be happy and in life.

Do you still get a buzz from nailing a Winner?

I get an absolute cocaine like kick out of placing bets where I know my edge is massive or where I know something the market in general doesn't. Backing winners per se does not give me a kick. You won't find me backing a 6/4 shot because its the best horse in the race, I'll be on the 14/1 shot that's gone off 6/1 and finished second last but I'll get a bigger buzz than the guy who backed the 6/4 winner.

Which sports / markets do you specialise in and why?

Irish flat maidens are the focus of my betting as they're the races bookmakers will never be able to price efficiently. I don't even look at the handicaps on the card. If someone asks me if a horse I might know about is fancied in a handicap or if its my money moving the market my eyes roll to the heavens. I've not had a cut off a horse in an Irish handicap ever except maybe a well bred one that was nailed to the floor on its first three runs.

What’s a typical day for you? How many hours a day do you work?

If I'm not in work at 8.30 it's likely I'm in bed all day. I don't believe in hard work. I get emails and texts off various people and I filter out the useless information. Sometimes you can get carried away looking for a bet or creating an angle but its best to wait until the day someone rings you and tells you something about a race that excites you or when you see something in a market that you know is significant that others won't. You can then cross reference that with the right people and if the feedback is positive you've figured out a bet that few will. In general though I don't do much in the line of work, that was done over a number of years of getting to know the right people and putting something on the table that they needed so your association with them is mutually beneficial. In general most people are leeches and will offer you nothing in return for what you know. I drop these people very quickly and very easily. The emotional distress these people cause you when you put them into a loser is never balanced out with something positive. Anything that causes you net negative emotion is of no benefit to you financially or emotionally.

Whats your purpose for posting on the will win thread

I started the thread because the first horse I put up was so overpriced that the 'what are you backing today thread' would have done it no justice. I wanted to hammer home the point to the forum and catch their attention hence the title 'will win'

How long do you see the thread lasting

It can't possibly last. At the moment I see myself as a Robin Hood character who is both brilliantly skilful and noble in his pursuit of putting the common guesser into horses that they can't possibly find in the formbook. I've been accused of bravado on the thread but I merely see it as an extension of my offline personality. Anyway the idiots deserve no reverence from me.

Next question from the floor please
why do you need inside info? when there are so many winners to be found in the formbook :)

Because it means I find bets that the market won't. You formbook students have my upmost respect but frankly in the racing world you merely need to make sweeping statements to get by. Also you're all more or less coming up with the same selections and fighting over the same value prices, just look how quickly the overnight prices on the form picks are collapsing. The morale of the story is that you're hourly rate for your form study is probably under the national minimum wage of every country in the first world. I on the other hand lie in bed all day and knock winners out of the park. It's the same as the boys following the machine, you may be having bets that give the perception of value but if the horse is dead so is your money.

thats not true, my best bets dont get backed in the market, dont have to worry about the prices so much, they are not the same bets everyone else is finding, and i know that, gigilo has totally different way of finding winners to me. everyone reads the formbook in there own way, i read with LETHAL FORCE :)
thats not true, my best bets dont get backed in the market, dont have to worry about the prices so much, they are not the same bets everyone else is finding, and i know that, gigilo has totally different way of finding winners to me. everyone reads the formbook in there own way, i read with LETHAL FORCE :)

Start you're own thread if you want to talk about you.
Because it means I find bets that the market won't. You formbook students have my upmost respect but frankly in the racing world you merely need to make sweeping statements to get by. Also you're all more or less coming up with the same selections and fighting over the same value prices, just look how quickly the overnight prices on the form picks are collapsing. The morale of the story is that you're hourly rate for your form study is probably under the national minimum wage of every country in the first. I on the other hand lie in bed all day and knock winners out of the park. It's the same as the boys following the machine, you may be having bets that give the perception of value but if the horse is dead so is you're money.

genuine :lol:
What would you are the hardest things about dealing in inside information

Great question. It's an absolute thankless job. If you read my posts closely on here you can see how edgy I am. The buzz is putting them up and nearly always getting the price right but as soon as the stalls open up you're in the laps of the variance Gods. I would have no doubt my selections are +Ev against the Betfair SP, that being the closest metric to evaluating the true price of your selection but I've never actually put that to the test.

At the end of the day though the losers will impact your emotion to a greater degree than the winners. This is interesting because you're certain to back more losers than winners so you're emotionally a net loser even if you're a financial winner. Not enough punters realise this simple but important notion. The way to address this is to seriously go over the top in your celebrations of a big win because even then it won't make up for the losers but at least you'll have a good ******* time every now and again.

You do become more resilient over time though. It probably takes me ten minutes to recover from a big reversal but the flip side is the kick from a winner lasts even shorter! You just kick on there is always another project, just stay in the game and don't go broke.

It takes me about five minutes of wailing to recover.

Weirdly I had my worse Ascot ever, not a single winner, but I feel really positive coming out of that meeting because my "wheelhouse bets" that is bets in Group races on horses between 7/2 and 7/1 - Toronado, Shikapour and Ektihaam - all could easily have won under different circumstances.
When does the game stop?

Another good insightful question! Ok so in 2006 you sit down a 22 year old Slim Chance and tell him he's going to be where he is now at 29 he'd not have believed you, he'd have been amazed that he had landed his 'dream job'. Fast forward to 2013 and the same guy would merely reflect on his situation as average and probably lies awake at night wondering at what cost did he get here. Getting to the next level takes even more sacrifice and if I don't finish the job than ultimately I'll have failed.
Jesus Slim thats a bit deep don't you think?

No not at all it's an honest reflection. In the age where glorification for ones gambling actions are now gauged by how many followers you have on Twitter (as you make your latest sweeping statement that is retweeted by the lemmings) it does occur to me that gratification from others is actually a useless commodity that adds no actual value to either your bank or emotional balance. I could put up 10/20 winners on here and it would be of no use to me. It's been a good reminder to me that educating others for the purpose of your ego is negative equity. The lads with real genius tell no one ******* anything.

Does this mean the thread is finished?

I hear there's a good one entered next Friday...