There's an election coming..


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
This year,the torys best opportunity with labour struggling corbyns popularity on the wane the young disinterested at this moment in time and corbyns stance on Brexit/Peoples vote,question time stunk last night with the constituency of Derby with an audience of 90% pro brexit and anti labour all out assault on labour from the establishment incoming again...(nap).
Bruce was quoting falsely opinion polls having labour behind backing up brexiteer Isabel oakshott,ermm conplete and utter lies 5 recent polls with labour ahead in four of them,the whole show was blatantly aimed at mocking abbottt and the labour party it absolutely stunk from the off...How did they manage to pick a 90% pro brexit/antu labour audience in a constituency where labour did well in elections the whole thing was a stitch up..
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Someone (anyone?) with a little more competence than Abbott would have shot down Oakeshott's guff and Bruce's ill-considered tacit agreement with a bit more rigour than a mumbling 'we're kind of level pegging'. Quite why she's a regular on QT is beyond me as she's a very poor communicator, and what she does spout is the tired old same ol' same ol'. I see she's played the race card again; and while there may be a grain of truth in that, her ridiculing is largely down to her being next to useless, in public anyway

The Labour Party are now the party of middle-class metropolitans and university graduates, not the working-class; so the more 'blue collar' the venue for QT is, the harder a time the Labour panelist is likely to be given. Derby was 57-43 Leave in the referendum: Derby South (Margaret Beckett) is solidly Labour and Derby North a marginal currently held by one of Momentum's more extreme members, Chris Williamson

I'd agree that May would be well advised to call an election: 4/5 Conservative 11/10 Labour is my laying book. And please, please for the sake of sanity and public order, that rather than a second referendum
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Sky News were in Derby the other day and the standard of debate was exceptional; even the brexiteers [boo hiss] came up with strong arguments. So where the BBC find these people for QT is beyond me. No one I know could get a ticket. Diane Abbott is, I'm afraid, a total embarrassment [as is Corbyn imo]. She used to be good on The Week in Politics but isn't up to being back in front bench politics these days. Too slow; too inarticulate.
Goes without saying Dianne abbott is a waste of time,but the whole programme was pathetic with its agenda,lovely demograhic in the audience never realized the average age was 60-70 white and fat with 90% brexit and anti labour views,sort of reminded me of the 80s the whole show was a set up..A sign of things to come no doubt..
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There was just a couple of sensible people; the elderly lady in the audience being one of them. She must surely be a member of one of the many groups I belong to; I'd love to speak to her to find out just what kicks off at QT.
Owen jones on next week,will the BBC be ramping up another anti labour programme/audience even more :whistle: can't stand the bloke to be honest but he didn't have much problem winding andrew neil up the other week with no effort,be interesing to see if bruce trys to play games with him as he will make mincemeat of her..This fiona bruce just seems a but thick in all ionesty,why was she making jokes about diane abbottt and her realtionship with corbyn in the warm up to programme being aired,apparently the joke being she was in the cabinet only because of her relationship with corbyn...And this all handed to a group of brexiteers and non labour voting audience before going on air,if it's true its a disgrace not heard anyone denying it either..confirmed by a couple of people in audience..and makes bruce a rancid individual with blatent non impartiality.
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All orchestrated and encouraged,how do they get away with it and as for bruce her husband just happens to be the ceo of an advertising company,Carat global management which has been given 3.9 million by the government,unbelievable typical gravy train torys like bruce overpaid and no self awareness of bias or any self awareness through pure arrogance,she never even applied for the job offered it!!So reminds me of the 80s when thatcher was around and the huge bias throfgh the media,thankfully we have social media now that sees through all this bullshit,i don't use social media much but having seen that puerile piece of **** last week think i might be using it a lot more.
I loved Maggie... could do with her now.. with all these tossers in Parliament... she set me up .. i bought 3 right to buy properties in London :cool::cool:::cool:
Gender fluid in all probability a complete twat ,who will be in the audience this week tommy robinson and his clown followers,from what i've read the editor of the programme had been trying to get right wing groups on the programme what a surprise..
Presumably 'wee fud' is Scottish for 'little whiny wanker' - spot on

QT is in Winchester this week, which demographically is light-years from Derby and voted 59/41 Remain in the referendum, so Owen Jones might get an easyish ride from the audience, though the Winchester Constituency is something of a Conservative/Liberal marginal with Labour hardly figuring, so his sixth-form polemic might not go down too well

I suspect that Fiona Bruce has had her knuckles rapped and will act more like the chairman she's supposed to be from now on, rather than the sixth member of the panel she nearly morphed into last week
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I will go 1.01 he brings up bruces shortcomings from previous week,surely they must know he will do that he will have a right go at her and then some more coersion with the audience pre planned bigger viewing figures this week to see some more farcical antics must be a cert..
thay wont allow Robinson to say his piece on these debates cos they know he will ruin any of these prats sticking up for the FILTH
the filth pakistani grooming peado rape gangs... 3 more sentenced to life in Oxford today... taking the **** all over the uk
And you think some of our politicians support their obscene views then do you? Which ones from the Qt panel being discussed are you accusing?
The lady mp thrown out the Labour party for saying there is a problem with the gangs... and that mp shah saying the victims of abuse in Rotherham should shut up for the good of diversity was not thrown out.... that shows you the Labour party is turning a blind eye.. so is as much FILTH as the gangs are ... if Robinson was given the chance in a fair debate he would slaughter them .
Here's a rather good article on the Abbott fracas

Most of the correspondents on Spiked Online are staunchly for Brexit but it's a welcome antidote to mainstream received wisdom, particularly that of The Guardian

I find myself siding increasingly with Spiked's output; which might be worrying, I'm really not sure :confused:
Given the BBC has been seen as the pro ethnic diversity, pro multicultural, anti-racist public broadcasting channel for so long, there's definitely some irony in this story. Dianne Abbot has been character assassinated, rightly or wrongly, which is obviously par for the course in politics. This article is a good reminder to Labour MPs' to take nothing for granted, including their electorate. The left, is and always was more than just about promoting multiculturalism and fighting racism. I've been saying this for a while.
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Here's a rather good article on the Abbott fracas

Most of the correspondents on Spiked Online are staunchly for Brexit but it's a welcome antidote to mainstream received wisdom, particularly that of The Guardian

I find myself siding increasingly with Spiked's output; which might be worrying, I'm really not sure :confused:

It's even more worrying to find yourself at least partially agreeing with Ozgood about the labour party.
Given the BBC has been seen as the pro ethnic diversity, pro multicultural, anti-racist public broadcasting channel for so long, there's definitely some irony in this story. Dianne Abbot has been character assassinated, rightly or wrongly, which is obviously par for the course in politics. This article is a good reminder to Labour MPs' to take nothing for granted, including their electorate. The left, is and always was more than just about promoting multiculturalism and fighting racism. I've been saying this for a while.

Don't forget their rabid refusal to hand any new presenting jobs to men. Hard to believe that they have suddenly swung to the other side of the pendulum so quickly.
It's even more worrying to find yourself at least partially agreeing with Ozgood about the labour party.

ha ha ha ha.... BBC FILTH ... Advertise jobs for Blacks -Asians only ... imagine the reverse job advert ....:mad: