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There's an election coming..

It's even more worrying to find yourself at least partially agreeing with Ozgood about the labour party.

Concerning yes, but Ozgood must be aghast to learn that he liked an article from on-line successor to the dead-tree Living Marxism

Like all of the more interesting people/groups/rags, Spiked's political leanings are hard to pin down, but it self-identifies as 'Libertarian-Left'
Concerning yes, but Ozgood must be aghast to learn that he liked an article from on-line successor to the dead-tree Living Marxism

Like all of the more interesting people/groups/rags, Spiked's political leanings are hard to pin down, but it self-identifies as 'Libertarian-Left'

This has cheered me up. :lol:
Another awful question time this bruce letting tory mp go on,stopping others from making a point and the constituency 60% remain audience huge 90% brexiteers again just blatant its ridiculous fiona bruce absolutely abysmal you may as well call it the conservative weekly..Nick ferrari a true gammon that's my representation of one,obnoxious pompous bloated..Even managed to get a 14 yrold brexiteer on the programme unreal this ****..:lol::lol: my daughter was laughiong her head off,this surely has to be a wind up..They have to get someone else to chair this programme fiona bruce is totally hopeless..
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hows it feel.... when Farage was in ukip .. this was normal behaviour on most debates... not letting him finishing his point of view and the audiences shouting him down .. i dont watch em unless i hear something that interests me.... hardly ever...im very confused now...more than usual :lol: so maybe this bruce bird is changing things for the best for my kind of divs:cool:
marxism .. liberalists ffs .. im from the cheapest properties on the monopoly board .. born between a vinegar factory and a gin distillery :lol:
Question time is finished under Fiona bruce,may as well have let the old tory fart Andrew neil take over at least he would scrutinise things,first time i've ever stopped watching it last night was absolutely pathetic this editor seems to be handpicking the audience as well,will give bruce 12 months she will be gone/.Stick to what she's good at,talking to people from her class that have been privileged enough to own antiques and portraits as hand me downs:thumbsdown:
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.Stick to what she's good at,talking to people from her class that have been privileged enough to own antiques and portraits as hand me downs:thumbsdown:

100% spot on. Mrs and I know her as 'Ms BBC Middle Class Sunday Night' for years. Ever hear her break into fluent Italian and French for no reason other than to show the proles that she can?
Another awful question time

Where was Owen Jones? Perhaps they're saving him for Lincoln next week which will certainly be a tough brexity gig

Didn't think it was too bad a programme, though as we live in such angry polarized times any prog that permits vox pop is going to be unruly. Ferrari is a blow-hard rabble-rouser, best ignored

What seems to be emanating from this series of QT so far is the public's dismay - across the Remain-Leave divide - at the prospect of a second referendum; a sentiment I largely share
Think the programmes a joke,i delivered 800 pamphlets for the peoples vote in my local area a brexiteer consituency a strong one,probably spoke to 40 locals and everyone agreed it was a good idea to have a peoples vote,question time editor has managed to to find/handpick an audience that seems last week 90% leave audience in a labour constituency and again this week 85% leave audience in a 60% remain area just stinks to me..I cannot watch the programme anylonger with Bruce chairing it,complete waste of time..
There's not going to be a second referendum now though anywy,i just don't want people to be whineing on about it when it all goes tits up,just make sure they blame the tories as they should..
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I thought it couldn't get any worse and surprise surprIse it did,after watching question time last night i never realized that scotland was such a strong unionist,anti europe brexiteer country,nice to see man in red track suit shouty unionist getting backed by 80% of the hand picked audience already made at least three appearences previoualy..,did he and michael forsyth check each others lines beoire the programme started.. ?They managed to by chance pick an audience that seemed to be conservative voters in what is a hugely anti conservatuve area,it absoutely stinks the whole programme,if its going to be like that at Motherwell its going to be even worse at any other constituency,RIP question time...

Have just read the loud mouth who got all the backing of the crowd,coincidentally you couldn't miss him man in red track suit is a failed UKIP candidate also has been on beoire in a similarly orange track suit,coincidentally given air time...How have the torys got a grip on a programme like this,it's a complete tory rag with huge bias,the very first episode bruce introduced was highy suspicious and now its been confirmed,what the hell is going on how are they getting away with it and not even trying to hide it..Infact its almost as though they are making it openly obvious,this editor and bruce need sacking,the agendas been set and just expect same more of the same..

Another thing venezeula is this whats going to be rammed into the electorate,nothing to do with us who gives a flying fcuk about it keep our noses out leave it to the US to interfere with,again getting this stuff rammed day after day about Corbyn turning us into venezeula and a communist state :lol: did they not learn the last time around...

Most rigged QT ever its been declared by the people of Motherwell,rancid bbc plants and has been every week i brought it up the very first week bruce hosted the programmeglad its not going unnoticed,althouigh i see in english press not a word about it unbelievable..
No wonder more people are becoming more left wing ffs,this is an absolute disgrace can't ever remenmber seeing stuff like this since the rancid 80s..
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Been renamed Torytime,i have every faith it will be massively biased again, infact i expect it to be even more so tomorrow no doubt crowd full of loud mouthed brexiteers getting all the airtime,1.01...
Should get some words of wisdom on QT tomorrow as Jacob is on :whistle:

The most interesting words of wisdom he could give us, as he doesn't ride the Irish horses for Mounir and Suede, is whether Ruby rides Footpad in the Champion Chase or the Ryanair. Get more jockeys on and it would be the best Question Time ever! :lol:
The most interesting words of wisdom he could give us, as he doesn't ride the Irish horses for Mounir and Suede, is whether Ruby rides Footpad in the Champion Chase or the Ryanair. Get more jockeys on and it would be the best Question Time ever! :lol:

Jacob says Min goes Champion Chase if that helps :lol:
Been revealed last week the bbc edited out the snp replys to that horrible unionist plant,this editor fueller seems to be a supporter of the right as well,dearie me it just gets worse..
So transparent,i said after very first episode bruce hosted something was going on,then today we get the leading question again chuchill hero or villiain really is so puerile although tonights programme was hardly going to be controversial with lisa nandy in a leave constituency,another east ride fior government,expect more of the same forever...:whistle:
What an awful coward that chuka umunna is,resigning alongside another few self serving labour mps with smirks all over his face who won't stand in by elections what a waste of space those lot are,in all probability handing the torys another 5 years in power dearie me,pathetic.I wonder how big this movement will be,be forgotten about in 6 months time awful people.Good luck trying to get elected :lol:
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