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There's an election coming..

What an awful coward that chuka umunna is,resigning alongside another few self serving labour mps with smirks all over his face who won't stand in by elections what a waste of space those lot are,in all probability handing the torys another 5 years in power dearie me,pathetic.I wonder how big this movement will be,be forgotten about in 6 months time awful people.Good luck trying to get elected :lol:
Reading the above just about summarises why so many life-long Labour voters, like myself, despair of the current state of the party. Show any dissent to the leadership and you are just abused... words like "coward", "self-serving","smirks", "waste of space", and "pathetic."
FWIW, I like many of Corbyn`s policies but as a leader and potential PM...no thanks. He, unfortunately, not the resigning MP`s, is the reason the Tories are likely to win any General Election. And they are, by a country mile, the worst government in living memory and, probably of all time. In normal times they would be polling on a par with The Monster Raving Loony Party. Yet they are ahead of Labour in the polls and favourites with the bookies. Why? Incidentally, I would be grateful if any responses would go easy on the abuse!
Not even a corbyn supporter he's useless,chuka ummuna had the chance to stand as party leader and bottled it really is pathetic he couldn't stop smirking today was loving it mainly for the fact he couldn't get the peoples vote through which i probably did more footwork than him.I'm not really interested in corbyn or mcdonnell they are irrelevant both 70 and won't be around much longer,policies are the main thing and getting in,these mainly blairites just put another spanner in the works instead of trying to do something constructive,absolutely pointless and won't even stand in by ekections either,just a joke..

The alternative is don't vote labour in and keep the tories in with Johnson,Gove,Javid etc who will be even worse and aroubd for a lot longer leading the country no thanks i'd rather take corbyn for two years then someone else take over..
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See this Angela smiths already having a complete nightmare referring to coloured people as being of a funny tinge you couldn't make this **** up,apologizing on socail media :lol::lol: another bunch of misfits,see she also opposes any more greater regulation on fracking in national parks as well what a lovey person..definitely in the wro.ng party to start with.What a **** show.
This could be the shortest party in history,no doubt a few sly tories have talked chuka into believing they would join up,doesn't he know you can never trust a tory..:whistle:

Am already on Tory majority at 9/4 you could be looking at 3s on by the end of the year..obvioisly don't want it to happen so at least make a few quid if it does the agenda now looks set thiugh through the media etc..
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I like many of Corbyn`s policies but as a leader and potential PM...no thanks.

I know many Labour supporters who are the opposite though, Dan. Thirsty... after years of austerity, to see their party back in power.
We've had salesman and spin doctors running the country for a long time now, Jeremy Corbyn is the antithesis to this.
He was one of a select few who was against the worst foreign policy decision of all time, to invade Iraq in 2003.

I wonder how many of our current parliamentarians can say that? They're a dying breed.

What would Robin Cook think of all this were he still alive...? For our younger members, Robin Cook was the bloke who told Tony Blair not to invade Iraq, but instead got the sack for watching the 2000 guineas in The Foreign Office (probably while Tony Blair was out in Camp David meeting George W Bush), and died shortly afterwards. :(

The Labour Party made its choice to go back to an old-left party when they put Jeremy Corbyn in, (thanks in part to how far Tony Blair was to the right), now it's time they seen it through.

To hell with the dissenters I say.
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Surely all​ Labour supporters want the party back in power. But the point is that the majority of the electorate see Corbyn`s leadership as a liability and I suspect the majority of Labour supporters, however loyal, feel the same.
With Britain as it currently stands I can't see Corbyn ever getting sufficient popular vote to win an election. Not enough people in the country want to go back in time to the 1970's.
That's all fine and well, Sim.

But again, I say, with Trump ,Brexit, etc, uncertainty reigns and anything is possible.

The idea he personally can control every Labour supporters view on Isreal, like some sort of version of Chairman Mao is a bit far fetched isn't it?

How many racists and islamophobes in the Tory Party don't utter their misgivings just because Theresa May or Tory Central Office tells them to stop?
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The man is talking about wealth redistribution - something that hasn't been in the Labour manifesto since the 80's and for good reason.

I support the SNP's brand of socialism up here as it is far more realistic - for instance I applauded the decision to only increase council tax for the top 4/5 bandings in order to create more money but not have the poorest shouldering the burden - my council tax was oone of those that was increased as a result - but that's what socialism should be about for me - those with more paying in a reasonable amount more.

Corbyn wants the lot and he can **** right off.
If corbyn doesn't react then i can see another twenty going,they will give him a couple of weeks if he's complicit with brexit you may see even more, balls in his court now has he ever compromised on anything,you wouldn'tb expect him too...The election will be imminent if he does nothing and a landslide..
Sometimes in politics, you have to play the long game, and this means adopting positions that are unpopular in their moment in the expectation that the mood will swing behind you over the longer temporal horizon and you'll benefit from it. Ironically Corbyn of all people, should know this. He's adopted plenty of unpopular positions and campaigns which history has largely vindicated him on. Brexit was crying out for exactly the same treatment, and since 63% of Labour voters, supported remain, he didn't have to perform somersaults to justify a position

When May screwed up the 2017 election (calling it was the right thing to do, calling a 7 week campaign was insane), but when she lost her majority the position we are in today was foreseeable. In fact it was very foreseeable. Corbyn should have announced a policy review in the summer of 2017 (not exactly unheard of in the wake of an election) and subtly shifted Labour onto a platform of a second referendum. He could have had this in place 12 months ago. He might have faced some criticism for being cynical and opportunistic for shifting onto a position of expedience, but he'd be in an incredibly strong position today had he done so

Even by as late as October last year he'd still have a stronger hand when the party conference adopted a very weak motion to keep the option on the table.

He's pretty much blown it now.

It probably ranks alongside Gordon Brown's decision not to call an early election in 2009 for political miscalculation.

Whereas Brown was playing with economic factors and greater uncertainty, Corbyn has failed to read a situation which was infinitely easier to work out, and which had a road map and timeline to help him navigate a path to victory. The reason he blew it of course is because his unofficial policy is to support Brexit but blame the Tories for the mess. He's calculated (incorrectly in my opinion) that he'll inherit from the fall-out. He won't. He'll be held to have been culpable

2017 was peak Corbyn. He did actually have a chance to advance beyond this highwater mark, but he's blown it
Another Blairite leaves,sigh back to some centreist party that no one wants and handed the torys another 10 years of ruining the country of course corbyns useless but they are equally as bad if not worse,chuka ummuna may as well join te torys just another Nick clegg,didn't stand for labour leader because of privacy but instead comes out and starts a new party:lol: and deliberately out to stop labour winning an election..You can't get much lower than that,what a vile individual and all because he couldn't push through the peoples vote,something i campaigned for what a lowlife character,thing with people like him history will just be repeated like clegg too cowardly to stay in the party and try and do somethnig about changing things... These lot are so deluded,torys must be laughing at them i bet they got a load of false promises off a few to join up as well what a load of mugs they are..sitting with the DUP today as well jesus unbelievable.

Have also taken 5/4 Labour to win Streatham from Chukka...:ninja:
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Think we've seen enough centreists partys for the last 40 years it makes no sense,just more of the same garbage think the times of some bland tory lite party has gone for middle class people to appease themselves has gone,this little motley crewe won;t last long what will probably happen is once corbyn leaves they will go back to the labour party once they have been shown up.
I want to see something like a nationalised railway again,one simple policy like this will a centre ground party do this nope,just say too costly invest in more housing will a centre part to that nope,also tuition fees something has to be done about that will a centre party do something nope whats the point in having a party not doing things that are helpful to ordinary people..Those were good labour policys that peoplr voted for,to go back on those promises and end up back like they eere in the blair years just taking a step backwards again,its old backward politcs..
But never mind lets vote tory again run by the right and getting even more rightwing we are even getting to the position where scum like Tommy robinson is in coherts with UKIP this is what we are heading for, people actually taking him seriously...Don't know why there is sio muxh focus on corbyn he's just an old man,he will only be around another couple of years same as that Mcdonnell to me they are completely irrelevant just as any prospective tory leaders they look equally as bad if not worse..
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Allen, Soubry and Wollaston have joined the Independent Group

That makes a 'party' of eleven MPs; all of whom I've actually got some time for: wonders will never cease
Allen, Soubry and Wollaston have joined the Independent Group

That makes a 'party' of eleven MPs; all of whom I've actually got some time for: wonders will never cease

Will be nearer 20 when its finished and then they will go slinking back to party somewhere down the line for sure/good to see they used the phrase going to the right...Puts brexit back on the agenda again as well great stuff :thumbsup:
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All we need now is for Sinn Fein to decide to take up their seats and wrest the balance of power thus reversing Brexit! :lol:
Soubry - I say!

She has been doing a lot of ranting for a while now so no surprise I suppose.
Is she bringing someone in from the cold? I mean, did you see Justine Greening scowling her way up Downing Street with a face like thunder?

Only because Soubry named checked her yesterday as someone who Theresa May had been cold shouldering for months was she finally given an audience

Doubtless she can be mollified. Theresa will work her charm and magnetic charisma on her