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There's an election coming..

That lovely woman that wants less regulation on fracking on national parks is on,the one that describes people of a light tinge and the one that told people to vote for her because corbyn couldn't win the last election when she was knocking doors..Who needs enemys with friends like that,absolutely vile woman,the latter bit i bet she made up as well to fit in with new partys agenda,why was she ever in the labour party the politics of the centre,good luck with that...i expect the programme to be even more biased tonight as i said frim very dfirst episode bruce presented no doubt the editors been busy again:lol::lol::lol:

And have even managed to get probably the only black person that agreed with Liam neesons outburst John barnes ffs this is just a joke,plus i'm pretty sure if i recollect rightly a tory voter as well...:lol: just says it all...A slightly darker tinge for the fracker tonight..

They took off angela smith as well unbelievable..
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Giving Liam neeson far to much credibility on the intelligent stakes,i said i wasn't going to watch it again absoluteky abysmal with bruce presenting it,i definitely won't watch it next week :lol::lol: See this centre party weren'too popular tonight although i'm sure the middle classes will love them yawn till they realize what a complete and utter waste of time they are.
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I don't recollect Barnes saying what Neesom said was 'intelligent' but I take it you are being sarcastic... He (Barnes) has his own reasoning as to why Neesom did it. For what it's worth, I always admire that simple phrase, actions speak louder than words. Thenceforth, I personally believe, if Neesom had wanted revenge that much, he would have committed the act, as opposed to just 'thought or pondered' the act. Are you Black Gigolo? As if you're not, your opinion on Neesom would always sit slightly below someone like John Barnes, in terms of the weight it carries, in my view, at least.
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although i'm sure the middle classes will love them yawn till they realize what a complete and utter waste of time they are.

Winning the middle class vote wins elections in the UK - why do you think the Tories were so quick to try and move into the centre when Corbyn was made leader? (They've since been hijacked by Brexiteers)
I see that our friend, Grasshopper, is being tempted by the promises of Ms. Sturgeon!

What next? - an announcement that The Fly wasn't the best hoss to ever put its nose through a bridle - or even worse - he's saving for a ticket for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.
Less the promises of Ms Sturgeon, Col bach......more despair at what the UK has become.

Only a toothless fishwife would deny the unparalleled greatness of The Fly.

I would rather work as an intern for the Brexit Party, than attend the top-hatted wankfest that is the Royal Meeting. Service is as normal as it can be, in these discombobulating times. :thumbsup:
Tried to watch QT again last night but it did actually make me feel physically sick. From what I saw John Barnes was great. Why is it ok for May to backtrack on her pro EU beliefs but traitor like of Chris Leslie to stick by the principles that he has always held?
Winning the middle class vote wins elections in the UK - why do you think the Tories were so quick to try and move into the centre when Corbyn was made leader? (They've since been hijacked by Brexiteers)

I don;t believe middle ground partys can win anymore,torys have done nothing lots oif things to be fixed and corbyn got 40% of the vote on left wing policy some of whch are blatently obviously good and the future,unfortunately he is totally useless and uncompromising with anyone he's blown it for 5 years till someone else leads the party..For me that means the politics will be to the right and worse than before,these defectors are a complete waste of space,the tory defectors will be back in the tory part at some point ultimate gravy trainers thats a 1.01 and the labour defectors just don't look like or sound like left of centre labour mps..No doubt they will be very popular for awhile,then all will come crashing down popular enough to destroy the labour vote get the tiorys in then shortly after disintegrate, everyone saying what a waste of time they were,yawn so predictable..The british are so predictable,then the whining will start abiut the torys again,another hard lesson learnt(nap)
All my life i have heard the phrase ''better the devil you know'':lol::lol: always tiory voters at least you have the SNP think i might have to move to scotland,Aberdeeb=n was 18 degres yesterday as well..:cool:
I don't mind some mps being moderate like dan jarvis for example but at least he is a real person and shows he does things in everyday life and has experienced life even thoigh he is obviously not a fan of corbyn either..a decent principled person...

The whole aim of this centreist part is solely to destroy corbyn long term will be disastrous for this motley crew,its so contrived its just ridiculous joan ryan falsely accusing another party member of antesemitism just made up lies, i said 5 weeks ago the BBC were setting the agenda just get ready for more of the same from all directions..
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Never thought i would sat this in theory the liberals have a good opportunity to be the party of the left for a couple of years,did i really just say that :lol::lol: hope they have more principles now and don't join that tory lite group anyway..havn;'t looked at their policys lately so have no idea what they are..
Surely they couldn't be that stupid again :lol::lol::lol:
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I didn't say a centre party would win. But any party to the right or left needs the centre vote for a majority.

The country is becoming more left than right,it's a natural progression with changes in society especially from the young,that's what will count over the next decade unfortunately not at next election because of corbyn...he's naieve and gullible and sh1te at playing the game..The SNP have already proved this to be the case left of centre,miles more popular than any other major party.

Ruth smeeth heroine.:) the others :surrender:
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Scotland isn't a good example to use to prove that thought - the SNP are just replacing labours long time majority.

Scotland havn't had any really good decent scots mps for years and not mant decent scots mps in the labour part in recent times,even back in the blair years there were some good scots mps,plus niocola sturgeon is strongh good leader corbyns never going to win many seats there again in future..I wouldn't be voting labour in sciotland either i'd be on the independence boat.:cool:

Have taken the 4/5 torys to get most seats as well,can't believe the pruces labour trailing by 8 points now,its not beyond possibility corbyn resigning pressure being put on by unions now ti have a second referedum,antesemetism crushed compleyely by sadiq khan corbyns under some pressure now..:surrender:
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You love it:lol::lol: don't worry i'm going to start one on that zionist tommy robinson soon that will cheer you up..:lol::lol:
This seems to be common place on forums, stuff like this,an absolute gem almost partridgesque incredivble

twizzle22 28 Feb 19 08:53
My MP is a BREXIT supporter, but also failed to vote to dump May in the recent vote. Here is my latest letter, no doubt to be ignored like all the rest. I am sure I must have forgotten something .....

Dear Mr MacKinlay

I am white, British, born in Britain, 71 and have been a middle-class professional teacher for 50 years. I am NOT as leftards would describe me "far-right". I am actually a fanatical defender of democracy and self-determination. However, I am now almost at the point where I would favour a military takeover of this country. YES, THINGS ARE THAT BAD.

The House of Commons (INCLUDING your party) is beyond contempt in failing the nation:

- you (collectively) have allowed mass immigration that NOBODY VOTED FOR

- we have a horrific ISLAM presence with all that goes with it (Have you even READ the KORAN and the cv of Muhammed?)

- you have for decades connived in the COVERING UP of Muslim crimes against our children

- you have WELCOMED BACK and given huge benefits to hundreds of traitorous Muslim Jihadis who fought for the barbaric ISIS

- you have COVERED UP sexual abuse by politicians and others in the Establishment

- you have SYSTEMATICALLY broken your promises on both immigration and LEAVING THE EU

- you elected to guide us OUT of the quasi-fascist and ruinous EU a leader who campaigned to REMAIN - are you INSANE?

- you have allowed housing, education and the NHS to be swamped and overloaded thanks to your policies

- you have allowed housing, education and the NHS to be swamped and overloaded thanks to your policies

- the education system is corrupt; full of leftard teachers:lol:, including in universities, where students are now being suspended for defending UKIP

- you have allowed the police to become the tool of the corrupt Establishment and degraded their ability to actually fight real crim

- you tolerate a justice system where courts give out ludicrously-soft sentences, where criminals are free to repeat offend over and over again, where prison warders are often afraid of the inmates, where Muslim fanatics radicalise OTHER Muslim prisoners, where drugs and mobile phones are rife - THIS IS ALL QUITE INCOMPREHENSIBLE

- you have enabled the horrific rise in gang-warfare and ensuing knife and other attacks (even UNBELIEVABLY, ACID attacks), especially in our once-great capital city

- you are engaged in the systematic suppression of free speech (britain first/Tommy robinson

- the BBC is biased and corrupt and is NO LONGER the mouthpiece of the people, but the puppet of the Establishment

- you have allowed the police to become the tool of the corrupt Establishment and degraded their ability to actually fight real crim

- you are encouraging and tolerating a lunatic PC attitude, but the PC is insane and/or fascist

- you send MILLIONS in aid to hideous regimes, including PAKISTAN (a country with nuclear weapons, a space programme and whose citizens come to Britain and gang-rape our girls) and CHINA, the world's second largest economy and which will certainly start the next World War over Taiwan and the South China Sea - THIS AID NONSENSE IS TOTALLY INSANE, and NO VOTER SANCTIONED IT

- you tolerate our MILITARY VETERANS sleeping rough in their thousands and getting little help with PTSD and joblessness

- you have destroyed British decency and commonsense in public life and lowered the reputation of Palace of Westminster to UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS of contempt

- you do NOTHING about the HIDEOUSLY UNDEMOCRATIC LUNACY of the House of Lords, or the obscene misuse of the MPs' and Lords' expenses system


You need to:

1) GET RID of May - unbelievably, NONE of you voted to remove her in the recent confidence vote; what a craven, party-first disgrace THAT was

2) Elect a patriot with some balls, to be frank.

3) you send MILLIONS in aid to hideous regimes, including PAKISTAN (a country with nuclear weapons, a space programme and whose citizens come to Britain and gang-rape our girls) and CHINA, the world's second largest economy and which will certainly start the next World War over Taiwan and the South China Sea - THIS AID NONSENSE IS TOTALLY INSANE, and NO VOTER SANCTIONED IT.

4) ABOLISH the BBC NOW - it has become a hideous cancer in our public life.:lol:

5) GET OUT OF THE EU NOW; the EU will NEVER give us anything like a favourable deal, a fact that is bleedin' obvious to everyone except half the HOC, who thereby confirm their moron status.

6) BRING BACK TRADITIONAL BRITISH VALUES AND COMMONSENSE - banning HALAL would be a good start; how the HELL can you tolerate this barbaric cruelty.

However, I am not holding my breath. As I said, I am starting to feel that only the military can save Britain, and I NEVER thought I would have to say that. I am copying my letter to Facebook and half expect to be arrested for some kind of "hate-crime". THIS IS NOT THE BRITAIN I WANT. I have little time left myself, but I WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE SOMETHING DECENT FOR MY CHILDREN.

Yours sincerely

:lol::lol::lol: What a lovely country we're living in at the moment,full of right wing loons and they think it's normal..
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- you have enabled the horrific rise in gang-warfare and ensuing knife and other attacks (even UNBELIEVABLY, ACID attacks), especially in our once-great capital city

Way too much in there for my brain to process and comment on effectively, however, this one jumped out at me.

Books from the late Victorian era describe acid attacks as being relatively prevalent (specifically Vitriol which was available from the chemists). So I'm not sure which period the English capital city was great in.
A 71 year old teacher thats had all the benefits of being a baby boomer moaning about everything in society today because it doesn't suit him,what a selfish bigoted/ wanker,unfortunately there seems to be a lot of them about..i think the letter will be binned immediately although you never know with tory mps probably agree with most of it..
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Well that was another 3/4 of question time spent on antisemitism,who'd have thought it the agenda goes on and on,while the torys unquestioned and let off the hook at every opportunity unbelievable..Same anti labour/brexit rhetoric from some vile journalist and amazingly another anti labour audience sigh as predicted..Nice dig at sadiq khan from some tory boy at the end just too top it off ffs this priogrammes a ******* joke..

The best bit was when fiona bruce said raise your hand if you agree with barry that stunk as soon as she said it,i thought he made some great points out of a few hundred barely 5 people raised their hands,you could pick any random 200 people and at least a third wouldv'e agreed with him,then he turned to her and said i realize its an entertainment show..This programme absolutely stinks,or is it now everyones to the rught and i'm the odd one out :lol::lol: That chukka ummuna what a thouroughly dislikeable person he's become smirking and smug,talking of new progressuive politucs have never heard such utter shite i hope they get annihilated..
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You could be on to something :whistle: :ninja:

Oh really another rightwinger,well i'd never have guessed by your previous posts of saying nothing with remarks about our jacob sigh,so predictable again..am sure you are loving the anti labour rhetoric/bias everyday,strange how on the right everyone was saying the BBC were biased towards the left previously...:whistle: Worst government and pm in history and everything is swept away,yes im sure that audience was a great representation of the british public,not..Difd you enjoy the bigoted letter i posted on here,showing whats really going on towards the right...
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