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There's an election coming..

Am beginning to think this brexit thing is a blessing in disguise,today at brexit rally in chelsea and kensington crowd booing and heckling johnsons name hilarious hope he gets voted in now, looks like the old fogeys don't want him splits everywhere...:thumbsup:
The right love to dismiss these things,no such thing as poverty in britain they say but still lets push ahead with brexit what coud possibly go wrong?,after all brexit mep said it may take 30 years to see any benefits of brexit if any but its worth the pain and suffering despite the fact that most of those that vote brexit will be dead in 30 years,bit of a sick joke..
Hilarious the old blue rinse farage brigade there...perhaps they might put a few old fogeys on with milk shakes on them just to complete the full agenda..

The Brexit Broadcasting Company managed to find a remainer who votrd for the Brexit party,:lol::lol::lol: this is as comical as the two russians visiting sailsbury to look at the spire ffs its just unreal,got some of my friends round tonight to watch it with me it's so comical now they must do it for comedy effect..We couldn't stop laughing,but half the brits are so thick they probably believe it, that's the real sad reality and the BBC know it as well had some middle class woman satying she didn't like farage then when she got ttook apart she started having a rant about poor tommy robinson :lol::lol::lol: beautifully exposed middle class racism the BBC slippped on that one..:lol::lol:

Miatta fanbulleh,the left wing economist one of the best pannelists for ages,won over the pro brexit crowd several times,i predict a big future for this young woman and she wouldn't be shut or shouted down,beautifullly debated..

Up in the air now leaving no deal taken 5/1,because that will be the agenda they have to follow...
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With theresa May's announcement today, I am reminded of clivex's pronouncement a few days after her ascension to PM, where he stated that she looked like she was born for the job.

I don't think very many people would agree with that now.
With theresa May's announcement today, I am reminded of clivex's pronouncement a few days after her ascension to PM, where he stated that she looked like she was born for the job.

I don't think very many people would agree with that now.

That's made my day Simmo!
With theresa May's announcement today, I am reminded of clivex's pronouncement a few days after her ascension to PM, where he stated that she looked like she was born for the job.

He might have been right - a grey face in a grey suit.
These are worrying times indeed. Boris Johnson odds on, Gove 3rd Fav. Where's the shudder emoticon.

That's what happens when you have only 125,000 members/old foegeys determining things..!!Party of the past..
All Cameron's fault, of course.

When a PM resigns it should be an automatic general election. Would stop all the internal party shenanigans.
Can`t agree it`s "all" Cameron`s fault. IMHO, Cameron merely gave the country an opportunity to express it`s view. Democracy at it`s, err, best. We are getting what the country want`s and, perhaps, deserves.
The bottom line to all this is that New Labour lost its mandate to govern in 2010. Cameron, like a political vulture, picked the bones off them. This is all of New Labours own making.

Blair will go down as a one man band that helped bury his own party for ten years. He did do a lot for Ireland and managed Diana's death well. I give him that.

Ironically it's people like Jeremy Corbyn, the people he should have listened to when it mattered all those years ago, that are now picking up the pieces and putting Labour in a position where it can win another election.

Politics has come full circle.

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He had his own long standing angst with the British Empire though.

Do you seriously think that he should have fought Churchill's war?

Winston was courting Adolf Hitler before Hitler went into Poland.

If you seriously think, that once Winston and Adolf couldn't agree, De Valera should have gone to bed with Winston Churchill, you are either wrong or foolish.

He abstained. He didn't support any side.

He was absolutely correct in terms of protecting The Republic of Ireland's interests, which was his first duty.

No one questions Muhammed Ali for not fighting in Vietnam.

With the benefit of hindsight, De Valera is worth a lot more respect than historians give him credit for.

He did the right thing for his country.

End of.
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ONS migration stats out today:
258,000 net migration to UK in 2018
of which
232,000 net non-EU migrant

Don't see nige discussing these figures i wonder why...another small city but not from the EU..:lol::lol:

David Cameron

Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband:
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He had his own long standing angst with the British Empire though.

Do you seriously think that he should have fought Churchill's war?

Winston was courting Adolf Hitler before Hitler went into Poland.

If you seriously think, that once Winston and Adolf couldn't agree, De Valera should have gone to bed with Winston Churchill, you are either wrong or foolish.

He abstained. He didn't support any side.

He was absolutely correct in terms of protecting The Republic of Ireland's interests, which was his first duty.

No one questions Muhammed Ali for not fighting in Vietnam.

With the benefit of hindsight, De Valera is worth a lot more respect than historians give him credit for.

He did the right thing for his country.

End of.

None of which explains either a) why you've brought him up in the context of Brexit or b) how sending his country's condolences on Hitler's passing was doing the best by his country.

As I said, you need to expand on what point you are attempting to make.
None of which explains either a) why you've brought him up in the context of Brexit or b) how sending his country's condolences on Hitler's passing was doing the best by his country.

As I said, you need to expand on what point you are attempting to make.

Talk and token gestures mean little, actions have always spoken more than words. He abstained from World War Two. He was a neutral. That was the smart move.

I am guessing Hitler's dream of the Aryan Race was the very last thing on De Valera's mind when he told the British to go it alone. :)
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Talk and token gestures mean little, actions have always spoken more than words. He abstained from World War Two. He was a neutral. That was the smart move.

I am guessing Hitler's dream of the Aryan Race was the very last thing on De Valera's mind when he told the British to go it alone. :)

You still haven't explained what this has to do with Brexit.

For the record, I don't see anything wrong with remaining neutral in ww2, I do see something wrong with sending condolences on Hitler's death given what was then known about the regime. It is unforgivable. But has **** all relevance to Brexit!!