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There's an election coming..

Tories have already been found to be in contempt this parliamentary session, wonder when the next time will be..crazy the BBC and media don't say anything and portraying it as acceptable have never seen anything like it in my life,the agenda goes on..
QT time again. Julia Hartley-Brewer on the panel. Worth a watch :whistle:

For years she'd be riling against Islam, but I remember her being on the panel in the wake of the cartoons story and admitting she was too frightened to publish them or do anything to cause offence (quite happy to advocate that others run that risk for her though).

What was even more amusing is that the Daily Mail also turned out to be too frightened as well, whilst the wishy washy Liberal leaning Guardian did reproduce the cartoon (as did the BBC - eventually). The big brave foaming right wing media to a publication were too scared though, every single one of them
See the BBC did it again in Belfast the othernight the very first question asked was by Aaron rankin chairman of the belfast conservative association:lol::lol:,turned intc a craxking thread exposing question time every single week since dimbleby left unbelievable...
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Yes the Brexit Broadcasting Company with yet another pro brexit audience, leave means leave lets just leave lol,same old biased agenda and the rancid kate andres from the IEA lol
another lovely corporate think tank person sigh it really is so monotonus,if only some of these people in the audience just eductared themselves a little..
A cursory reading of the comments (by Lab & Con politicians) on the outcome of the elections in E&W tells its own story of how pathetically out of touch the 'big two' parties are.

On a day when the LDs make huge gains on the back of a 'revoke Brexit' agenda, the two parties are still talking about negotiating leaving.

Yesterday's voters are clearly saying they want Brexit cancelled altogether but the two big losers are clearly refusing to acknowledge it.
Good to see the Greens and Independents doing well, particularly the latter as I've long believed that local government shouldn't be run on tired old, divisive party political lines

As for the Conservatives and Labour: a hearty two-fingered salute to the pair of them
A cursory reading of the comments (by Lab & Con politicians) on the outcome of the elections in E&W tells its own story of how pathetically out of touch the 'big two' parties are.

On a day when the LDs make huge gains on the back of a 'revoke Brexit' agenda, the two parties are still talking about negotiating leaving.

Yesterday's voters are clearly saying they want Brexit cancelled altogether but the two big losers are clearly refusing to acknowledge it.

The euro elections are going to be a landslide for farage,because all the remain parties are split plus corbyn doesn't care;ess although this could be the end of him or at leasr fence sitting as its losing deives of votes,but still wouldn't sirprise me if they did nothing to hardly campaign on euors..They ghave certaibly not listened to peter kellner they willose 1.6 million votes if thedon't back a peoples vote,they then become unable to win and if thet back a tory bteexit then they automatically lose..
I've noted before that politicians begin their slide into ignominious defeat when they start believing their own propaganda

Quite what planet Theresa May is living on, heaven only knows. All of three main Brexit parties suffered loses (Conservatives, Labour and UKIP) the two Remain parties (Libs and Greens) made gains. Only Theresa May could interpret this as evidence that the people want to leave. Even Corbyn, who must be guilty of one of the worst political miscalculations in history, seemed to concede that he'd lost votes because Labour's remain supporters had gone to the Liberals.

Corbyn probably has an understanding of the Labour movement, he has much more exposure to it, but I'm far from convinced he has any grasp of the mood in the Labour voting coalition. For the most part the latter aren't political active, but they're the sorts of voters that Labour needs every five years, and they're nothing like as dogmatic as the activists who Corbyn tends to see more of and hear more from. He's made the fatal error of mistaken the loudest noise for the mood of his vote. The time was Christmas 2017 or Jan/ Feb 2018 to alter course and have it confirmed at the party conference in the autumn. If he'd done that, he'd be about 15pts clear now

The real tragedy for Labour is that this was so foreseeable. You honestly didn't need to be a political guru to spot this opportunity. It had flashing red lights and a siren on it. The daft thing of course is that Corbyn still seems to think he's the solution and the only thing that can save the country is him being PM. He hasn't worked out that he could only form a coalition government dependent on SNP and Liberal support, and they'd make revoking A50 conditional. It's really, really bad politics on Corbyn's part
I've noted before that politicians begin their slide into ignominious defeat when they start believing their own propaganda

Quite what planet Theresa May is living on, heaven only knows. All of three main Brexit parties suffered loses (Conservatives, Labour and UKIP) the two Remain parties (Libs and Greens) made gains. Only Theresa May could interpret this as evidence that the people want to leave. Even Corbyn, who must be guilty of one of the worst political miscalculations in history, seemed to concede that he'd lost votes because Labour's remain supporters had gone to the Liberals.

Corbyn probably has an understanding of the Labour movement, he has much more exposure to it, but I'm far from convinced he has any grasp of the mood in the Labour voting coalition. For the most part the latter aren't political active, but they're the sorts of voters that Labour needs every five years, and they're nothing like as dogmatic as the activists who Corbyn tends to see more of and hear more from. He's made the fatal error of mistaken the loudest noise for the mood of his vote. The time was Christmas 2017 or Jan/ Feb 2018 to alter course and have it confirmed at the party conference in the autumn. If he'd done that, he'd be about 15pts clear now

The real tragedy for Labour is that this was so foreseeable. You honestly didn't need to be a political guru to spot this opportunity. It had flashing red lights and a siren on it. The daft thing of course is that Corbyn still seems to think he's the solution and the only thing that can save the country is him being PM. He hasn't worked out that he could only form a coalition government dependent on SNP and Liberal support, and they'd make revoking A50 conditional. It's really, really bad politics on Corbyn's part

I don't know how many times i have told people,if they backed a peoples vote they wouldv'e won all those local electionseats and the euros,it's just getting so pathetic it must surely be deliberate,peter kellner advises them and for months has told them a pro remain stance is worth 1.6 million votes what are they doing just totally ignoring him...Not only has he lost the the local elections but the euros as well,i await the masterplan lol..absolutely useless..Every wing of the party seems to realize this bar corbyn and the frontbench...:ninja:
Two headlines from you will never guess who :lol::lol::lol:

Tories wins and losses on local election night..

Labour lose dozens of seats

That's right the BBC!!!

Tommy robertson was an anti muslim activist the other week :lol::lol:
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Soubry on the panel tomorrow on QT. We also have Nige on aswell. Should be a lively debate. :whistle:
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LOL i'm sure this will be a very impartial show :lol::lol::lol::lol: a 90% pro brexit audience cheering on farage while soubry gets booed,intermittent leave means leave shouting people planted in the audience plus more :lol::lol::lol::lol: the Brexit Broadcasting company will do themselves proud:lol::lol: tomorrow!!
So predictable Quesyion time from Northampton 60% leave:lol::lol: and they have a lexiteerr on labour businessman :lol::lol::lol: Alison fueller pedley has excelled herself tonight,another drive by the BBC to brainwash people into thinking the majority want brexit deary me,how do they get away with it!!:lol::lol:
Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 30% (-3)
CON: 25% (-1)
BXP: 17% (=)
LDM: 11% (+5)
GRN: 5% (+1)
UKIP: 4% (=)
CHUK: 2% (-2) Things going badly,friends of israel send more money..:rolleyes:

Via @OpiniumResearch, 3-7 May.
Changes w/ 21-23 Apr
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As predicted the brexit broacasting company tried to do a job again lol audience chokka full of old brexiteers,a man in audience destroys farage as well looked like he was going to cry...:lol:
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They're at it again pulled HIGNFY some bullshit about heidi allen being on the show,how corrupt are they, the Brexit broadcasting Corporation this is just getting stupid farage had his own show last night and heidi allen appearence gets pulled farage appearing on everything a party with no elected members or policys gets more airtime ffs...RIP the BBC..
Meanwhile farages car crashes into someone driven by his chauffeur and he casually gets his bag and walks off even though both taken to hospital,man of the people ffs this man is utter prick,plus on other unbiased new you see the BBC agai using think tank IEA for billionaires to criticize labours plans on 16-17 yr olds getting inimum wage..God forbid we should pay someone working a decent wage,the agenda driven BBC just goes on and on we can't have these billionaires shelling out a couple of pind extra an hour...this IEA they are on the BBC more than farage!!!:rolleyes:
Unbelievable he's even on the Andrew marr show tomorrow this is just invcrediblw more coverage yet heidi allen couldn't go on HIGNFY,perhaps Marr can ask him about the accident he just walked away from:lol::lol: after all there's no policies to talk about..
Brexit broadcasyting company have made sure of a big win as well...just keeo spamming farage..
BREX: 34% (+6)
LAB: 21% (-7)
LDEM: 12% (+5)
CON: 11% (-3)
GRN: 8% (+2)
UKIP: 4% (+1)
CHUK: 3% (-4)

via @OpiniumResearch, 08 May
Chgs. w/ 23 Apr