This and That...

I know that people can be barred from posting in certain sections but not the whole of the forum, unless they are banned of course. Get in touch with them if you really want to post on their forum and they should sort it out for you, but I dare say you're not too bothered.
This may soon get a bit too complicated for you, Nathan, you might have to start using your toes :lol:
Come on son, the pigeons are all cooped up and at your mercy... put the cat in! I would if I could, but I can't. You owe me a favour as you cost me a ton the first time we met and I didn't even whinge about it.

Martin Hill has retired now btw. I was at the retirement bash as I'm friends with his farrier.
Cat amongst the pigeons is a fairly well known phrase, but it doesn't matter mate. You've got better things to do with your time, bringing up your lad and holding down a job must be tough for starters, seems like you're doing well enough on that score though.

Might catch you at the races again sometime. Best wishes and please say hello to deaf Jon for me, he's a good man.

Is all this banter you bredrins way of saying you actually find each other attractive? As how many people viewing this know the flying-feckery of what you are both jousting about? Maybe this is all part of the wider wonderment eh.
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I find Wolf unattractive personally Marble
but don't see any problem if it were not so
I believe Drone and a few others may have an idea of some of the posts although a lot of the posts are to do about nothing really
possibly more people get the jousting between us more than any VDW racing system
Whilst you are here Marble
what were the reason you left TRF...??
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No particular reason, Nathan. I don't hate the old gaffer Cormack. In fact we are friends on faceache. I just found it was easier to spout shite on here. :)
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I believe Drone and a few others may have an idea of some of the posts although a lot of the posts are to do about nothing really

Much ado about nothing indeed: this and that, that and nowt. A surrogate thread from the tormented wolf loosely derived from bantering bollox on TRF when the world was young and life was simple prior to ~2015

Snaith is Ricky Lake, another lost soul doomed to suffer eternal damnation in that Hadean repository for bruised-arse TRFers known to some as the Betfair Forum

Snaith is a rather dreary little town to the west of Hull. Perhaps Ricky once enjoyed a wet weekend there, and the memory of that short manumission from his very dreary large hometown of Luton remains vivid
A bit of bollox from the ever grumpy Drone above - Snaith is Nathan. Ricky chose to call him that, so Nathan decided to use it as his Betfair moniker.
Bit of a three-pipe problem this Miss Marple

If Nath is Snath who is Ricky Lake?

I'm never grumpy, just continually dazed and confused
You should give a bit more back, his posts on betfair and still all there in the search box ;-)

Don't waste your gift of being able to post on there - waste your life away instead :)