This and That...

Wolfie; are you still awake? I've just had a phone call to say I have a much longed for grandaughter... I don't usually drink but I was so worried tonight that I knocked back copious amounts of whisky. I'm soooo happy!!!!!
Congratulations, Mo.

I do like that word Mr Wolfie, I had to look it up and it's just about right.......:lol:
Ricky is missing you, he's bloody obsessed.
He needs that bookie board stapled to his heed 'Ricky no mates'.
Deaf Jon popped in yesterday and has invited me to his 80th birthday in April. I could of swore he is 77...:confused:
Many congratulations Moe! Knew it was around this time that the baby was due and was going to PM for news.
Congratulations, Mo.

I do like that word Mr Wolfie, I had to look it up and it's just about right.......:lol:
Ricky is missing you, he's bloody obsessed.
He needs that bookie board stapled to his heed 'Ricky no mates'.
Deaf Jon popped in yesterday and has invited me to his 80th birthday in April. I could of swore he is 77...:confused:

Ricky is a strange one, very strange indeed. Give my regards to Jon, he looks good for his age if he's that old. Hope to see you both again this year. Cheers.
Little lady was 2 weeks late, hence me being a wreck; can now concentrate on Cheltenham!
When the boys were born I said that, at least they wouldn't want ponies [the thought of more years of poo picking was a bit daunting]; at least when little lady wants one I'll be too bloomin' old to even think about it.
That's lovely news Moe, many congrats to all.

We are doing ok thankyou, Sophie's birthday present to me was to sleep through for the first time, she's managed it three times now - im not expecting it to last but yay!! ( not that she was bad before - she only ever woke twice overnight at the absolute most!) and tho it's hard work, it's good. :)
Moe, just tried to message you but you need to dump some old messages. Had no idea you were so popular on here :p

It's about our old friend Nathan. I've got an Email addy for you somewhere, but buggered if I can find it.

Cheers mate :)
Have not received PM. think I may well give up on the interweb and go back to writing letters :D
Nathan seems to have vanished from TRF, unless he is posting under an admin banner? Don't think anything too bad could have happened to him or there would have been mention of it over there. Just seems a bit odd and a bit of a worry because of his past health problems. Please let me know if you hear anything, Moe. Cheers and goodnight.
He was going to do Cheltenham photos and it hasn't happened; that's why I was worried. If you're still around I'll put up my email address on here and then delete it.
I'm away for the next week with no internet connection. Going to kelso on Saturday....look out for me in my Newcastle United hat on the telly!
So relieved to hear that, Nat. We were getting quite worried about you. Especially as we have the 2,000 gns to sort out soon.