This forum not as popular?

Luke, pick six sticky threadsters and their respective threads and we could give it a try. Democracy could rule thereafter as views and replies could be used to see who is "cold" etc. We do need a calendar of events and a weekend nap competition or some such like.
:D oh Grey - if only you knew.... ;)

I dont think theres a whole lot to worry too much about to be honest - its summer, and as others have rightly said,theres a fairly heavy bias to the jumps on here.(which is one of the reasons you cant get rid of me - that and I adore the Irish guys!!)

and the banter on here is brilliant. theres the odd snipey comment about this and that,but any grown up can ignore those easily enough - and theres the odd flare up - but they dont really get in the way either. (or maybe Im just hardened to them from days of old !!!) Im not a big betting person (as anyone who knows my "tipping" will testify!!!) I get too ruled by my heart rather than my head - but I find reading all you lots threads about the various big races really interesting.
I must say the whole Today's Fancy and what are you backing threads has made the forum more confusing. It's definitely something we need to look at.

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I must say the whole Today's Fancy and what are you backing threads has made the forum more confusing. It's definitely something we need to look at.

In not sure what you mean by that?The TF thread is pretty much the most viewed on here at the moment
I tried TRF but frankly there's just too much sniping and in-your-faceness - well, that's my experience.
This place is more 'normal' ... in the right sense.
i been looking at the stats for a long time..TRF has been a lot lower than it used to be for a good while

I'm just having a look at the moment to see if we are quiet compared to our nearest 'rival' - not really rivals as such but couldn't think of a better word, but we both were set up around the same time, and they always seemed busier than here, so thought it easy to use them to compare too

stats just now

Currently Active Users: 45 (24 members and 21 guests)

TRF : In total there are 19 users online :: 16 registered, 2 hidden and 1 guest

Don't think we do too badly TBH, considering the money TRF throwes at itself, whereas I pay for the hosting and thats it.

Why have TRF been losing numbers, they tended to have more people online than us (although threads and posts were similar) a couple of years back.

Must admit I hate going there to put my 4PP on, for some reason it rarely keeps me logged in and I get a stupid massive pop up telling me to login or register which is annoying as hell.
I'm just having a look at the moment to see if we are quiet compared to our nearest 'rival' - not really rivals as such but couldn't think of a better word, but we both were set up around the same time, and they always seemed busier than here, so thought it easy to use them to compare too

stats just now

Currently Active Users: 45 (24 members and 21 guests)

TRF : In total there are 19 users online :: 16 registered, 2 hidden and 1 guest

Don't think we do too badly TBH, considering the money TRF throwes at itself, whereas I pay for the hosting and thats it.

Why have TRF been losing numbers, they tended to have more people online than us (although threads and posts were similar) a couple of years back.

Must admit I hate going there to put my 4PP on, for some reason it rarely keeps me logged in and I get a stupid massive pop up telling me to login or register which is annoying as hell.

I might be wrong..but a few years ago..there were many many more reading TRF..i'm sure it was 150 or so on a day like this..probably more

TH seemed to get far less than TRF in those days

that is a very low figure for a high profile board like TRF
Yes, thats what i thought, there were always many more people viewing over there than here, just wondered if something had happened (big bust up or something) to cause the numbers to drop - I was pretty surprised to see them so low
The Racing Forum went all commercial and forgot what a forum is all about. I'd say they're more affected by Twitter than us.
Looks like a bit of an own goal with that topic, Col - even their own people don't want to vote on it! I don't think there can be a 'best' forum - there can be some which serve one's interests better than others, but what's 'best' for me mightn't suit another person at all. I think TH is pretty okay - I think that we sometimes don't reply enough to newbies' posts and encourage them, and sometimes I feel there's quite a bit of in-talking between members who know each other, which might put off new members as cliqueish. But if one persists, then it can be interesting and informative.

It has an Irish tilt, a strong NH preference, and a liking for discussing the 5,927 ways in which to analyse races in order to make a profit, which can be fascinating for four or five members, and deadly dull for others. But as long as there are 5,927 other things to kick around, there really should be a topic or two to suit everyone.
I think that we sometimes don't reply enough to newbies' posts and encourage them, and sometimes I feel there's quite a bit of in-talking between members who know each other, which might put off new members as cliqueish. But if one persists, then it can be interesting and informative.

It's no different that drinking in a pub for the first time. In my current local I was ignored for at least 6 months. It killed me to persist but I battle on through the cider :D

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When I first joined I was ignored by everyone except Ardross and An Capall.

I then proceeded to bring a storm of fury down on my head by making the outrageous statement that Denman would beat Kauto in that year's Gold Cup and was challenged to vindicate my statement, which I did at some length iirc (Gareth was kind enough to dignify it as a "pace analysis").

(Not so outrageous now, though:whistle::lol:)
Sorry for duplication of above, trying to edit but bloody filter keeps interfering.

When I first joined I was ignored by everyone except Ardross and An Capall. I then got bitten by Shadow (scary, until you get to "know" her better) and retreated for a week.

I then proceeded to bring a storm of fury down on my head by making the outrageous statement that Denman would beat Kauto in that year's Gold Cup and was challenged to vindicate my statement, which I did at some length iirc (Gareth was kind enough to dignify it as a "pace analysis"). (Not so outrageous now, though:lol:)

The answer is just to keep chipping away. One of us will respond at some point. As you spend more time reading everyone's views, you will find that you have a natural affinity with some members and will gravitate towards their "company", gradually gaining acceptance.

If you really want to be noticed, don flak jacket and tin hat and make an outrageous statement!!

By the way, welcome, Tryfflich.
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pmsl - just had a look over there - in the lounge is a lovely topic about which is the worst racing forum, with a whole 7 votes in the near 3 weeks its been up. Oh and TRF is winning the worst so far with us in second with 3 votes.

Normally I wouldn't slag another forum off but if they are happy to leave shit like that on there then I'll respond.

i pressed that link at 5.00 and it still ain't loaded ;)

its a bit naughty having that topic..any negative about TRF has always been frowned upon on here..rightly so..even though i been main one doin it:lol: